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AGATA: Status of the Implementation and Performance A. Gadea (IFIC, CSIC-Univ. Valencia) for the AGATA collaboration.

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Presentation on theme: "AGATA: Status of the Implementation and Performance A. Gadea (IFIC, CSIC-Univ. Valencia) for the AGATA collaboration."— Presentation transcript:

1 AGATA: Status of the Implementation and Performance A. Gadea (IFIC, CSIC-Univ. Valencia) for the AGATA collaboration

2 Tracking Arrays based on Position Sensitive Ge Detectors Large  Arrays based on Compton Suppressed Spectrometers   10 — 5 % ( M  =1  M  =30) EUROBALL EXOGAMMINIBALL Compact  Arrays optimized Doppler correction, low M  AGATA   20 % M  =1   40 — 20 % ( M  =1  M  =30)

3 Advantages of  -ray tracking Efficiency – Proper reconstruction of scattered gamma rays, no solid angle used for Anti-Compton shield Peak-to-background – Reject Partially absorved events Doppler correction - Position of first interaction determined Polarization – Angular distribution of the scattering sequence Counting rate – high segmentation and digital pile-up treatment Compton Suppresion Gamma Tracking

4 Concept of  -Tracking Pulse Shape Analysis to de-convolute the recorded waves DAQ PSA - FARM Highly segmented HPGe detectors NOVEL PRE-AMPS Identified interaction points (x,y,z,E,t) i Reconstruction of interaction tracks (tracking algorithms on interaction points) DAQ TRACKING-FARM Synchronized digital electronics record and process the segment signals DIGITIZERS + PRE-PROCESSING On-line reconstruction of  -rays         

5 6660 high-resolution digital electronics channels High throughput DAQ Pulse Shape Analysis  position sensitive operation mode  -ray tracking algorithms to achieve maximum efficiency Coupling to complementary detectors for added selectivity 180 hexagonal crystals3 shapes 60 triple-clusters all equal Inner radius (Ge) 23.5 cm Amount of germanium 362 kg Solid angle coverage 82 % 36-fold segmentation 6480 segments Singles rate ~50 kHz Efficiency: 43% (M  =1) 28% (M  =30) Peak/Total:58% (M  =1) 49% (M  =30) AGATA AGATA (Advanced GAmma Tracking Array) Encapsulation

6 AGATA 180 E. Farnea, et al. doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2010.04.043.

7 AGATA + Inner Complementary Instrument Reaction chamber made with aluminium 2mm thick Shell of silicon 1mm thick and a shell of CsI 5mm thick AGATA – Complementary Detectors W.G. (E.Farnea M.Palacz) PSA + TRACKING EUCLIDES 1mm SiDIAMANT 5mm CsI

8 Sensibility as fraction of reaction channel Spin ħ

9 Pulse Shape Simulations Th. Kröll, A. Görgen A.Wiens et al. NIMA 618 (2010) 223 E.Farnea et al. NIMA 621 (2010)331 Segmentation of the AGATA detector Implementation in GEANT4

10 Asymmetric AGATA Triple Cryostat Challenges: - mechanical precision - heat development, LN2 consumption - microphonics - noise, high frequencies - integration of 111 high resolution spectroscopy channels - cold FET technology for all signals

11 Experimental Campaign at Legnaro

12 Current planning

13 Simulations for the GSI set-up += AGATA S2 Geometry 10 ATC + 5 double Cluster

14 Detectors 3 symmetric detector delivered early R&D phase 15 asymmetric capsules ordered R&D phase 17 asymmetric capsules ordered present phase 14 operational More orders (France and Italy soon) 9 triple cryostats ordered 4(5) operational + 5 B and C capsules from the GSI phase 5 test cryostats available (scanning, CAT tests, electronics tests.) Double cryostats for the GSI phase

15 Data Flow in AGATA Rates @ 50 kHz singles 100 B/ev 5 MB/s 200 MB/s 1.5 ··· 7.5 kB/ev ~ 100 MB/s 36+1  7.5 kB/event 380 MB/s ~ 200 B/segment ~ 10 MB/s 100 Ms/s 14 bits Pulse Shape Analysis Event Builder  -ray Tracking HL-Trigger, Storage On Line Analysis < 100 MB/s SEGMENT GLOBAL Energy & Classification 5*n  max. 900 MB/s save 1600 ns of pulse E, t, x, y, z,... DETECTOR LL-Trigger Suppression / Compression ADC Preprocessing +-+- GL-Trigger GLobal-Trigger to reduce event rate to what PSA is able to manage

16 Structure of Electronics and DAQ TRACKING Control, Storage… EVENT BUILDER PSA FARM Core + 36 seg. GL Trigger Clock 100 MHz T-Stamp Other detectors Fast 1 st Level Trigger interface to GTS, merge time-stamped data into event builder, prompt local trigger from digitisers Detector Level Other Detectors Diff. Fast-reset-TOT 75.5db SNR 12.2 ENOB GTS DIGITIZER PREAMPL. ATCA Carrier GTS Global Level DAQ-NARVAL RUN- & SLOW-Control HIGH THROUGHTPUT PRE-PROCESSING CARRIER / MEZZANINES Other detectors INFN-MI/GANIL/KÖLNIPHC/Liverpool/ STFC IPNO/CSNSM/INFN-Pd IPNO/CSNSM/ LNL/GANIL/IFJ-PAN INFN-Pd Digital preamplifier concept 200MB/s/ segment 100MB/s/ detector

17 Electronics and Data Acquistion Preamplifiers Digitizers Pre-processing Trigger NARVAL DAQ (tracking, storage, GUI) Ready for 5 x Triple Clusters and 5 x Duoble Clusters by the end of 2011

18 The AGATA Trigger System Tree Structure Based on the GTS Mezzanines Trigger Logic Build in the Global Trigger Processor Possibility to Define Partitions for Different Detectors or Groups of Detectors The logic: Multiplicity conditions within each partition Prompt or Delay Logical Conditions Involving more partitions

19 M. Bellato, L. Berti, J. Chavas, INFN-Pd and LNL Global Processor: Sequential Batcher Sorting + Multiplicity Processing

20 Partitions Coincidence Prompt and delayed Case study: –M(Ge) >= N and M(Other Detector) >= K before/after deltaT M. Bellato, L. Berti, J. Chavas, INFN-Pd and LNL

21 AGATA and the Complementary Instrumentation

22 Analogue vs Digital Electronics Detector (Germanium) Detector (Germanium) Shaping Amplifier CFD DAQ E t FADC MWD DCFD Filters DAQ E t ADC TDC PSA Tracking E t x,y,z E t Standard Arrays AGATA SegmentDetectorArray Detector (Germanium) Detector (Germanium)

23 AGATA and Other Detectors (standard electronics) Other VME GTS supervisor Event Builder PSA Pre-processing Other Readout Digitizer Tracking Online analysis Storage GTS local Other Analogue prompt trigger REQ VAL REQ VAL Ancillary Merge Pre-processing Trigger AGAVA IFJ-PAN NARVAL DAQ IPN-Orsay, CSNSM-Orsay INFN-LNL,GANIL, IFJ-PAN-Crakow Advanced Data Flow system developed in ADA

24 AGAVA VME card GTS transceiver FPGA VIRTEX 2 VME backplane connector Optolink to GTS Ethernet IFJ-PAN, Kraków & INFN-Milano

25 Agava Interface Front Panel contains: Inputs: Trigger request (“external”) (NIM standard) Back pressure (NIM standard) Outputs: Busy (NIM standard) Local Trigger (NIM standard) Rejection Trigger (NIM standard) Validation Trigger (NIM standard) Timeout (NIM standard) Inspection_1 (NIM standard)  Data ready comes in Inspection lines Inspection_2 (NIM standard) Inspection_3 (NIM standard) Inspection_4 (NIM standard) Clock 100 MHz (LVDS) Metronome and Shark link connectors Ethernet and Optical Fiber Clock Access to the GTS Mezzanine card.


27 Implemented Firmware 12a Not Implemented

28 AGATA-Demonstrator PRISMA DAQ cycle (PRELIMINARY)

29 AGATA DAQ: NARVAL IPN-Orsay, CSNSM-Orsay INFN-LNL,GANIL, IFJ-PAN-Crakow, IPN-Lyon Advanced Data Flow system developed in ADA Root GUI for analysis NARVAL Producer Front End Electronics NARVAL Producer Front End Electronics Pre Processing Pulse Shape Analysis Event Building Tracking Consumer AGATA Crystal NARVAL Producer Complementary detectors NARVAL Producer Complementary detectors RUN GUI

30 AGATA and the complementary Detectors AGATA has provided a way to intruduce complementary detectors in the Trigger and synchronization tree. The data are merged through the clock Tag or event number Tag. Nevertheless fully Digital electronics is fundamental to gain from the full capabilities of the AGATA system regarding the almost full pipelined Electronics and DAQ and the high rate capabilities.

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