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CLICdp in the Context of the European Strategy for Particle Physics 1 Eur. Strategy follow-up, CLICdp IB Febr 5th 2014 2013 statement “d”:

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Presentation on theme: "CLICdp in the Context of the European Strategy for Particle Physics 1 Eur. Strategy follow-up, CLICdp IB Febr 5th 2014 2013 statement “d”:"— Presentation transcript:

1 CLICdp in the Context of the European Strategy for Particle Physics 1 Eur. Strategy follow-up, CLICdp IB Febr 5th 2014 2013 statement “d”:

2 FCC and CLIC at energy frontier Eur. Strategy follow-up, CLICdp IB Febr 5th 2014 2 FCC CLIC ~2018 2014 pp and ee design studies at high-energy frontier CDR PIP Progress tracking: CERN “MAC” machine advisory committee + Common pp/ee physics studies at energy frontier (follow-up by SPC or ECFA or ???) under/for discussion ! (PIP = Project Implementation Plan) next European strategy update

3 Eur. Strategy follow-up, CLICdp IB Febr 5th 2014 3 back-up slides

4 LCC, LCB and PAC Eur. Strategy follow-up, CLICdp IB Febr 5th 2014 4 Next LCB meeting: February 20+21 2014 at DESY PAC

5 PAC review of LCC Eur. Strategy follow-up, CLICdp IB Febr 5th 2014 5 From slides Sachio Komamiya LCWS13:

6 LCC physics/detector review Eur. Strategy follow-up, CLICdp IB Febr 5th 2014 6 From slides Hitoshi Yamamoto LCWS13:

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