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Presentation EMAL Equipment Status Dashboard. 1.User has to type HOURS UNPLANNED DOWNTIME and the %OA as per the formula agreed (next slide). The spreadsheet.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation EMAL Equipment Status Dashboard. 1.User has to type HOURS UNPLANNED DOWNTIME and the %OA as per the formula agreed (next slide). The spreadsheet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation EMAL Equipment Status Dashboard

2 1.User has to type HOURS UNPLANNED DOWNTIME and the %OA as per the formula agreed (next slide). The spreadsheet will show the colors 2.Any PM postponed from previous week or brought forward from the next week will impact OA. PMs must be planned ahead of activity (not planned today to execute today) 3.Any unplanned breakdown, regardless it impacts overall functionality of the system, will count as less OA 4.Some systems listed here can be broken down into similar systems but not in subsystems (eg. Casting units broken into IC1, IC2,… but not into pumps, valves,...) 5.* All the OA data is reported as cut off time of 23:00 in CH, RED and CLP and 0:00 in POWER of the previous day. The snapshot status is reported as per 23:00 hours everyday OVERALL RULES OF THE DASHBOARD

3 List of Equipment as provided by Lenders 1. Equipment

4 Type the number of pending notifications and classify them in warranty/others. WARRANTY: = ZERO GREEN >ZERO RED M1 (Breakdown): = ZERO GREEN >ZERO RED M2 (any other): No color coding 2. Outstanding Notifications (Warranty/M1/M2)

5 Hours of Unscheduled downtime not including warranty pending notifications 3. Unscheduled Downtime (hrs) UNSCHEDULED OPERATIONS DOWNTIME: BREAKDOWN. Any breakdown (PM01) in any of the subsystems of the main system makes the equipment unavailable till is fixed, therefore, impacts in unscheduled downtime. EXTENDED PM. The hours of any planned notification postponed due to any reason makes the plan invalid and impacts in a lower availability in the week is performed. OTHER REASON. Any pending unplanned notification, not warranty related, makes the equipment or the system not to perform as originally designed and therefore impacts in hours not available. Any planned notification pre-poned due to any reason makes the plan invalid and impacts in a lower availability in the same number of hours. Production stoppage due to any unplanned reason will impact OA e.g. any unplanned audit, absenteeism, no more space to stock the production, etc BUT if production planning is asking to stop the production it will be treated as planned activity and it will not impact OA and this time has to be deducted from Planned Production Time e.g. production stopped because targets are met, etc Planned Production Time is Available Time minus Planned Time

6 % OA to be reported by area (not counting the pending warranty notifications) based on the time per day the equipment is schedule to run and the actual time is running as per design and average last 30 days : =85 GREEN <85% RED 4. OA%

7 Fill this cell with Y or N and the color will change automatically to GREEN or RED. This cell is used to show at a given time if the equipment are available or not (zero defects) to potentially start the test YES=GREEN NO=RED 5. Snapshot (status y/n)

8 RULES OF ENGAGEMENT FOR ESD (EQUIPMENT STATUS DASHBOARD) The following shall be INCLUDED in ESD – 1.SAP data only. All open notifications against the functional locations shall be included. 2.Any notification raised against CMS which requires CMS to come over to your area to perform any (corrective) work is to be included. 3.Please ensure the notifications include the time of failure. Time of failure is the point at which your OA becomes affected until the maintenance job is complete. 4. The OA shall be reduced if any (upstream) equipment or systems affect the operation of your critical equipment, even if the number of outstanding notifications against the affected critical equipment is zero.

9 RULES OF ENGAGEMENT FOR ESD (EQUIPMENT STATUS DASHBOARD) The following are exceptions and can be EXCLUDED – 1.Any notification included in the monthly plan that was submitted to BS before the start of that month. Please note that this means that if i.e. 5 pieces of critical equipment have been included in your monthly plan, only 5 line items in your ESD can be reduced. 2.Any notification raised against CMS for replacement parts that were sent to CMS for repair. The part is changed for another one functioning and the old part is sent to CMS for refurbishment under PM11. 3.Any notification related to outstanding warranty claims shall be deducted and logged separately.

10 RULES OF ENGAGEMENT FOR ESD (EQUIPMENT STATUS DASHBOARD) Notes: 1. Booking for spare parts in advance should not be done through Notification but with Work Orders 2. For notification raised against CMS, we will continue keeping separate notification outside PM activity (as areas are doing). When planning software will be implemented, we will club all these notifications (like scaffolding) into PM activity umbrella to have whole picture. 3. For the notifications included in the monthly plan: - If executed on schedule: They will be closed and disappear from the system - If executed out of schedule: they will be closed and disappear, but the day executed will impact as lower OA or downtime - If not executed, will come back to the ESD system. 4. Any changes/revisions in ESD will be through Business Systems Department. 5. ESD to be populated within 72 hours, for weekends only as planning staff not present during weekends. On weekdays, it has to be on daily basis.

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