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Misuse Cases: Use Cases with Hostile Intent Presented by: Frank Xu Gannon University.

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Presentation on theme: "Misuse Cases: Use Cases with Hostile Intent Presented by: Frank Xu Gannon University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Misuse Cases: Use Cases with Hostile Intent Presented by: Frank Xu Gannon University

2 Objectives Understand what misuse cases are Understand applications of misuse cases ▫eliciting requirements ▫eliciting exceptions ▫developing test cases

3 Use Cases Individual use case describes ▫how a particular actor(agent) interacts with the system to achieve a result of value to the specific actor. The set of all use cases together describes ▫the complete behavior of the system. A use-case model ▫provide graphical overview of actors, use cases, and their dependency.

4 Drive the car Park the car Lock the car

5 Misuse Cases The scenarios in which such 'negative' agents attempt to defeat the system under design

6 Misuse Case Misuse cases are negative use cases Actor is a hostile agent

7 Applications of Misuse Cases Eliciting functional requirements Eliciting nonfunctional requirements Eliciting exceptions Developing test cases

8 Eliciting Functional requirements


10 Eliciting Functional Requirements


12 Eliciting Non-functional Requirements “The car shall be constructed to the intrusion resistance defined in STD-123-456.”

13 Eliciting Safety Requirements Misuse Cases are not limited to eliciting Security Requirements, or threats from human agents. A negative agent such as bad weather can be represented as a misuse case  Drivers may lose control of their cars if the road is covered in ice or wet leaves  The weather as an agent 'intending' to make the car skid.

14 Eliciting Safety Requirements

15 Eliciting “-ility” Requirements Nonfunctional Requirements Negative agents ReliabilityHuman error, storms, design errors, interference on telecommunication links Maintainability and PortabilityInflexible design, incompatible platform UsabilityPoorly designed the user interface

16 Eliciting Exceptions An exception is an undesired event that could cause a system to fail. ▫“What could they do to make this go wrong?” ▫Divided by 0 Handling such exception lead to resumption of normal operations, or lead to a safe shutdown. ▫GE locomotive – satellite signal transmitting vs. weather

17 Eliciting Test Cases

18 Products of use/misuse-case analysis that can contribute to effective test planning include ▫ Specific failure modes (for real-time, embedded, and safety related systems) ▫ Security threats model (for distributed commercial and government systems) ▫Exception-handling scenarios (always useful, often directly translating to test scripts)

19 Key points Misuse Case models are a promising approach for ▫Eliciting functional requirements ▫Eliciting various non-functional requirements, such as for security, safety, etc ▫Identifying threats to system operation ▫Identifying ways of neutralizing those threats

20 Reference I. Alexander, "Misuse Cases: Use Cases with Hostile Intent," IEEE Software, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 58-66, Jan/Feb, 2003.

21 Questions?

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