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Innovative uses of ICTs in fighting HIV/AIDS Romania.

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1 Innovative uses of ICTs in fighting HIV/AIDS Romania

2 ICT-enabled interventions to fight HIV/AIDS All about HIV/AIDS – Multimedia IEC Campaign in schools – supports Romania’s National Programme for Health Education – facilitated curricula development for Reproductive Health and Substance Abuse – produced and disseminated a multi-media kit to be used by teachers in health education classes in schools and high-schools across the country; Distance learning for healthcare workers – produced Continuous Medical Education (CME) learning modules on HIV/AIDS, accessible to healthcare workers either on-line, on CD-ROM or in printed form – includes testing and certification, awards credits recognized by MoH under the national CME plan – main target: general and family practitioners UNDP leads the UN efforts in support of Romania’s response to HIV/AIDS Romania

3 NGO executed (SECS) Target group: 15-25 y.o., urban and rural Co financed by: –UNDP –UK Embassy –USAID (parallel) Content: information and counseling on: –HIV/AIDS –STIs –unwanted pregnancy Outreach activities (SEXDEX Caravan): visits in high- schools, summer camps, AIDS Day campaign, local radio and TV shows Romania

4 Launched on 21 st March 2001 Total number of questions: ~7,800; Chat sessions ~ 2,000 in 31 months SEXDEX Caravan - 32 cities, open sessions to 2,000 teenagers Visitors by quarters 2001 2002 2003 2004 Romania Visitors by age (continued)

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