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EDAX on the XL-30 Tutorial #3 Introduction to Using the X-ray Analysis Program.

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Presentation on theme: "EDAX on the XL-30 Tutorial #3 Introduction to Using the X-ray Analysis Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDAX on the XL-30 Tutorial #3 Introduction to Using the X-ray Analysis Program

2 Remember Purpose Purpose of these tutorials is to enable the user to understand the basics of OPERATING the XL-30 to obtain Secondary Electron and Back Scattered Electron Images, and to obtain an Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrum. Very little theory is given. If the user’s requirements demand further instruction, he or she should seek further formal instruction.

3 Assumptions This tutorial assumes that you have reviewed the previous tutorials; That you are familiar with and competent to use the XL-30 SEM; You have a sample loaded in the SEM chamber; You have the SEM operational.

4 Working Distance for EDS The optimum analytical working distance is 10 mm. This means that you sample should be in focus at a 10 mm working distance.

5 Start the EDS (DX) program Always start the XL-30 microscope control program before the EDS program

6 eDX Opening Screen

7 Collect a spectrum Place the beam where you want to collect of spectrum. – If it is from a spot you will need to use spot mode in the Microscope Control. I find it easier to control the beam using the XL-30 microscope control program than to try to control the beam from the eDX program. – If you want to scan an area to collect a spectrum, scan on the area you wish to collect from.

8 Start the Collection

9 Stop the Collection

10 Identifying the Peaks

11 Quantify Results

12 Menus and Buttons The next slides will give a quick overview of the menus and buttons on the graphic interface. REMEMBER – IF YOU NEED MORE INFORMATION START WITH THE HELP FILES.

13 File Menu

14 Edit Menu

15 View Menu No. 1

16 View Menu No. 2

17 Qual Menu

18 Quant Menu

19 Proc Menu

20 Auto Menu

21 Setup Menu

22 Options, Window, and Help Menus There is only one option – SEM Windows menu is self explanetory. Help Menu – see this for more information.

23 Window Menu

24 Help Menu

25 Icons

26 Peak ID Page

27 Quantify Page

28 Microscope Control Page

29 That’s all You are less likely to use the other pages, but feel free to explore. To start, I suggest that you analyze some samples that you know the composition. That way you can tell if you have a problem or not.

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