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DEPARTMENT Department of Botany has started during June 1991 as a subsidiary subject Dept. has started career oriented course in Plant tissue culture technology.

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Presentation on theme: "DEPARTMENT Department of Botany has started during June 1991 as a subsidiary subject Dept. has started career oriented course in Plant tissue culture technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEPARTMENT Department of Botany has started during June 1991 as a subsidiary subject Dept. has started career oriented course in Plant tissue culture technology from 2012-13.

2 EXISTING STAFF Name Qualificati on DesignationSpecialization No. of Years of Experienc e Dr. Barshile J.D.M.Sc.,Ph.D.Associate professor Cytogenetics and plant breeding 21 Mr. Tonde R.D.M. Sc.Assistant professor Applied mycology 19 Mr.Ghodake Y.M.B.Sc.Lab. Assistant Chemistry21 Mr. Sharma S.S.S.S.C., ITILab. Attendant --21

3 PROJECTS COMPLETED Name of the Faculty Funding agencyProject titleTotal grant received Dr. J.D. BarshileMinistry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Ex- situ conservation of rare, endemic and endangered and medicinal plants ”. 4,00000/- UGC(WRO),PuneInduction of genetic variability in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) 60,000/- B.C.U.D., University of Pune Genetic Improvement of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) for yield contributing traits and suppressed antinutritional factors 1,00,000/- Mr. R.D. TondeB.C.U.D., University of Pune Phytochemical Analysisand Antimicrobial Potential of four Common weeds against fruit spoiling microbes 1,00,000/- Total grant received6,60,500/-

4 NameTitleAgencyAmount sanctioned Dr. J.D. Barshile Genetic improvement of “ Plectranthus barbatus syn. Coleus barbatus) for high yield of Coleonol ” UGC(WRO)RS. 115000/- Ongoing Project

5 Career oriented course in plant tissue culture

6 Publication Sr.No.YearNumber of publication 12005 4 220062 320072 420081 520092 620122 710131+1 Total14+1=15 Citation Index : 8 h-index : 2

7 Department of Botany-publications YearDetails of publication 20051.Apparao, B.J., S.C. Dalave, S.G. Auti and J. D. Barshile. (2005). Study of induced mutagenic variability in yield component of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L) employing SA. EMS, and Gamma rays. In: Proceedings of National conference in Plant Sciences, Pravaranagar. (Eds) S.D. Pingle and B.J. Apparao 1: 204-208. 2.Auti, S.G., J.D. Barshile and Apparao, B.J. (2005). Induced chlorophyll mutations in mungbean. In: Proceedings of National conference in Plant Sciences, Pravaranagar. (Eds) S.D. Pingle and B.J. Apparao 1: 72-75. 3.Barshile, J,D, S.G. Auti. S.C. Dalave. and Apparao, B.J. (2005). Study of spectrum and frequency of induced viable mutations in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L) employing SA. EMS, and Gamma rays. In: Proceedings of National conference in Plant Sciences, Pravaranagar. (Eds) S.D. Pingle and B.J. Apparao 1: 238-243. 4.Barshile, J,D, S.G. Auti. S.C. Dalave. and Apparao, B.J. (2005). Estimation of frequency and spectrum of chlorophyll in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L). In: Proceedings of National conference in Plant diversity and Biotechnology, Dhule, India. 10-11 December 2004: 219-223. continue………

8 Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty Dr. J.D. Barshile : Ph. D. in the Botany is awarded by University of Pune, dated on 27th July 2006 Dr. Ambedkar fellowship Award-2007, on 10th Dec. 2007 Recognized as a P.G. teacher since from 07.07.2008 to 06.07.2013 with letter reference number BUTR/Sci/2219-101 dated 29.08.2008

9 Eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department Dr. Abhaykumar Firodiya, Managing Director of Force Motor and President of Shri Tilok Jain Dnyan Prasarak Mandal visited to Dept.

10 Eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department Dr. B.J. Apparao, Principal Jijamata College, Bhende

11 Organized state level conference on “Advances in life Sciences sponsored by University of Pune during 11th to 12th February 2010 inaugurated by Mr. Arjunrao Shirsat, hon. Chairman Social welfare Department, Z.P. Ahmednagar

12 Dr. B.J. Apparao chief guest of inaugural function, state level conference

13 Participants in state level conference

14 Resource persons delivering lecture Dr. Prin. B.J. Apparao Dr. S. G. Auti Dr. Prin. Mhaske Dr. Prin. S. L. Matkar

15 Student enrichment programme (Special lecture) Academic yearExternal expertName of the topic 2007-08Mr. Sudin Dalve Dr. B.J Apparao Plant genome Plant genetic engineering 2008-09Mr. J. N. Nehul Dr. B. K. Auti Harvest technology Weed management 2009-10Dr. A.B.Sagade Dr. B.J Apparao Genetic Engineering Plant Genome 2010-11Mr. S. R. BharatePhysiology of flowering plants 2011-12Dr. B.J ApparaoPlant genetic engineering

16 Expert lecture organized

17 Teaching methods adopted Charts and models, LCD for power point presentation Internet, Field visits, excursion tours




21 Participation in institutational social responsibility and extension activity The staff and students from the department are participated in ISR and extension activities such as environmental awareness programme, plantation, blood donation camp, Anand Mohastav

22 STUDENTS STRENGTH DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY Academic yearNo. of student F.Y. B.Sc.S.Y. B.Sc.Total 2008-0910634140 2009-1013030160 2010-1112948177 2011-1213153184 2012-1313263195 2013-1413273205


24 Dr. Barshile participated and presented paper In International symposium at Vienna, Austria

25 Future plans To prepare the digital flora of Pahtardi city, To apply for more research projects, Ex-situ conservation of some medicinal plants especially from Ahmednagar District.

26 26 Thank You

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