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CHAPTER 1: Byzantine and Muslim Civilizations SECTION 1: The Byzantine Empire.

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1 CHAPTER 1: Byzantine and Muslim Civilizations SECTION 1: The Byzantine Empire

2 VOCABULARY Strait: (noun) A narrow passage that links two bodies of water Schism: (noun) A split, particularly in a church or religion Icon: (noun) An image of a holy person Patriarch: (noun) Highest church official in Constantinople

3 EMPEROR CONSTANTINE 306 AD he became the Roman Emperor Stopped the persecution of Christians Converted to Christianity himself after he wins the Battle of Milvian Bridge –Christianity becomes the official religion of the empire

4 EMPEROR CONSTANTINE (Continued) 330 AD moves the capital city from Rome to Byzantium –Renames new capital Constantinople (Map Page 9) (Means city of Constantine) –People living around Constantinople still called Byzantines

5 Map of Byzantine Empire

6 THE ROMAN EMPIRE SPLITS After the death of Constantine, the Roman Emperors who followed him continued to rule from Constantinople Roman Empire splits in two –Eastern half is based in Constantinople Called The Byzantine Empire Eastern half is more powerful –Western half is based in Rome Western half is weak 476 AD Western half falls to the “Barbarians”

7 Map of Byzantine Empire

8 THE RISE OF THE CITY OF CONSTANTINOPLE City was located on the Bosporus Strait (Map Page 11) –Bosporus Strait connects Black Sea with Mediterranean Sea –Strait also is a link between Asia and Europe –This was a major crossroads of land and sea trade routes As a result many trade goods passed through the city –Byzantines taxed these goods –Results in great wealth for the empire

9 Map of Byzantine Empire

10 DEFENDING CONSTANTINOPLE The city was built with great walls to prevent a successful attack The secret weapon “ Greek Fire ” repelled any attack from the sea

11 Map of the City of Constantinople

12 Map of Byzantine Empire

13 THE EMPEROR JUSTINIAN His rule began in 527 AD Presided over the Byzantium “Golden Age” His wife, Empress Theodora, was an influential advisor Built the Hagia Sophia Cathedral

14 JUSTINIAN’S CODE The code was a system of laws Existing Roman Laws were confusing and contradicting The code was an organized collection and explanation of Byzantine laws Eventually this code became the basis of the legal system we use today

15 A RELIGIOUS DISPUTE The Catholic Church and the Pope in Rome were still very strong The Byzantine Emperor outlaws icons The Pope disagrees with this and banishes the Emperor from the church Byzantines felt the Pope was wrong to do this This argument leads to a schism in 1054 AD –This results in two Christian Churches

16 A RELIGIOUS DISPUTE (Continued) ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCH LEADER Pope in Rome Patriarch in Constantinople LANGUAGE LatinGreek ICONS ? Yes No (Until ban was lifted)

17 THE FALL OF THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE A long series of wars against Muslims and Europeans weakens the empire Poor leadership from a series of bad emperors hurts as well

18 Map of Byzantine Empire

19 THE FALL OF THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE (Continued) 70,000 Turks surround the city of Constantinople –Turks drag their ships over land and then launch them into the harbor –Turks bring cannons to blast away the city walls Defending the city were only 7,000 Byzantines

20 THE FALL OF THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE (Continued 2) Finally, in 1453 AD, after the defenders hold out for 2 months, Constantinople falls The Byzantine Empire is no more

21 THE FALL OF THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE (Continued 3) The city is renamed Istanbul and to this day continues to be the capital city of the country of Turkey

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