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Ice Sheet Extent, Paleo-Ice Streams and Glacial Retreat History of Antarctic Peninsula during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) David C. Heroy and John B.

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Presentation on theme: "Ice Sheet Extent, Paleo-Ice Streams and Glacial Retreat History of Antarctic Peninsula during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) David C. Heroy and John B."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ice Sheet Extent, Paleo-Ice Streams and Glacial Retreat History of Antarctic Peninsula during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) David C. Heroy and John B. Anderson Rice University, Houston, TX

2 (Nakada et al., 2000) Thickness of ice removed since the LGM Large ice mass in Peninsula Large disagreement between these models

3 1. What was the configuration of the ice sheet during the LGM? 2. What geologic evidence is there for paleo-ice streams? 3. What are the geologic controls of ice streams? 4. What is the nature and timing of ice sheet retreat? Scientific Questions: (BAS, 2000)

4 Previous work Maximum extent of grounded ice based on core and seismic data Mid-shelf grounding line during the LGM (Clapperton and Sugden, 1982; Kennedy and Anderson, 1989; Harden et al., 1992; Pope and Anderson 1992; Pudsey et al., 1994; Banfield and Anderson, 1995; Larter and Vanneste, 1995; Bart and Anderson, 1996; Shevenell et al., 1996; Canals et al., 2000; Domack et al, 2001) (Anderson 1999)

5 Previous work (Wellner et al., 2001)

6 Collected multibeam swath bathymetry, sediment cores (jumbo and standard piston, kasten, smith-mac), seismic (airgun and chirp), sidescan aboard the Nathaniel B. Palmer, 2002 Build on existing seismic and core data bases Carbon-14 (AMS) dating Methods

7 Data Set (multibeam, high resolution seismic, cores) PD 88-8

8 (accretionary sediments) (crystalline bedrock) Geologic controls of ice stream behavior? Anderson et al (1990) 10 km Two way travel time (seconds)

9 Results Mega-scale glacial lineations: Identified in at least 6 locations around the Peninsula Crest-to-crest distances of ~ 300-650 m Similar morphology and size to lineations found in Ross Sea, Amundsen Sea, Bellingshausen Sea Form on the prograding wedge of sedimentary deposits without exception PD 88-8

10 Indicate rapid ice flow by deformation of sediments along paleo-ice stream Thin sediment cover (1-2 m, approx) suggests these MSGL are relatively young Preliminary sediment core analysis and C-14 dating support this conclusion PD 88-8

11 Anvers Trough

12 Biscoe Trough

13 Biscoe South

14 Marguerite Trough

15 Weddell Margin (northern) Mega-scale glacial lineations

16 Weddell Margin (southern)

17 Other geomorphic features and their relation to bedrock?

18 Inner shelf geomorphic features Bedrock drumlins and grooves Crest to crest distances of 1-5 km Timing of formation is unconstrained North Anvers Trough Canals et al (2000) Boyd Strait Bedrock drumlins 0 km 10 Smith Trough Grooves

19 KC-26 12,810 14 C yr BP - 14,880 14 C yr BP - KC-26 Glacial marine Transitional glacial-marine Mottled stiff and soft diamicton These MSGL were formed during the LGM The ice pulled back before 14,880 14 C yr > 2000 yr before Palmer Deep 12,250 14 C yr (Domack et al., 2001) Age dating?

20 Minimum estimate of pullback of ice at the LGM

21 At least six, possibly eight, paleo-ice streams have been identified Ice was grounded at or near (<10 km) the shelf break around most of the Peninsula ? ?

22 Conclusions 1) Ice was grounded at or near the shelf break around most of the Peninsula. 2) At least 6, possibly 8, paleo-ice streams have been identified surrounding the Peninsula. 3) MSGL are covered with minimal (1-2 m) Holocene drape, suggesting these features relatively young. Initial core analysis and carbon-14 dating suggests these features are were formed during the LGM. 4) Preliminary carbon-14 dating suggests gradual retreat, with the initial pullback sometime before 14,880 14 C yr BP from the outer shelf, and by 12,250 14 C yr BP from the inner shelf at Palmer Deep. 5) Future work in this area will include continued dating and examination of geomorphic features.

23 Thank you


25 Anvers Trough gullies Line-sourced gullies Found in three troughs concomitant with mega-scale glacial lineations. Probably formed by ice grounded at the shelf break. Timing of their formation is unconstrained.

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