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Designing Effective and Innovative Courses Audio access: Call in 1-800-704-9804 Access code: 78331341 Please mute your phone by pressing *6 Alternate number:

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Presentation on theme: "Designing Effective and Innovative Courses Audio access: Call in 1-800-704-9804 Access code: 78331341 Please mute your phone by pressing *6 Alternate number:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing Effective and Innovative Courses Audio access: Call in 1-800-704-9804 Access code: 78331341 Please mute your phone by pressing *6 Alternate number: 1-404-920-6604 (not toll-free) Technical problems? Contact Monica at Program begins at 11 am, Fri. June 4 You can find the workshop program at 2010/program.html

2 Preview of the day  11:10-1:30 Poster session with feedback  1:30-1:45 Tips for making it work  1:45-2:30 Work plan, submission to goals/syllabus database  2:30 End-of-workshop wrap-up

3 Poster session  Read and offer feedback on everyone’s courses.  Leave Elluminate up; post comments to chat (optional)  Call back in at 1:30  1-800-704-9804  Access code 78331341

4  Know yourself  Are you OK with tossing out an old approach and starting completely from scratch?  Would you be more comfortable making one change at a time?  Either is fine – just know yourself! Tips for making it work

5  Know your institution and your situation  Is classroom innovation encouraged?  At your career stage, how much change/risk should you take on?  Does it makes sense to mention what you are doing to your Dean/Chair? Tips for making it work

6  Know your work style  Are you the kind of person who needs to have everything “ready to go” on Day 1?  Or are you the kind of person who does better with a good general outline on Day 1 but develops specific activities “on the fly”?  Do you have the time for what you want to do, or do you need to scale back? Tips for making it work

7  Plan for the resources you’ll need  What resources do you need?  Data, case studies, articles  Lab supplies  IT support; TAs  What’s your time line for lining up your resources? Tips for making it work

8  Don’t go it alone!  Don’t re-invent the wheel  Borrow and adapt good ideas from others  Use the Cutting Edge web site!   Course design listserv  Consider involving students in your design/re-design project. Students can:  Offer a valuable perspective  Be enthusiastic assistants for the course Tips for making it work

9  Make the expectations and course format clear from the first day  What is in the syllabus/on web site  What you say  What you do on the first day of class  Don’t hesitate to tell students often why you are doing what you are doing Tips for making it work

10  If you are trying group work for the first time  Start small, use simple, “proven” techniques  Choose ones that appeal to you and fit your personality  Start with low stakes, short activities (think-pair- share, a short gallery walk)  Avoid using edu-jargon (I would never say, “now we’re going to do a jigsaw!!”)  Use short-term groups that change often  Give individual, rather than group grades Tips for making it work

11  Be confident, not tentative or apologetic  Don’t give the impression that you are experimenting on students  Listen to your students, and be sure you know how the course is working for them  But don’t ask a question if you’re not willing to hear the answer and do something about it! Tips for making it work

12  Watch out for mid-semester meltdown  Mid-semester is when it’s hardest to avoid slipping back into what you’ve done in the past  If you slip back, it’s not a terrible crisis, but it’s easier to avoid if you know it might be coming  Use the course design listserv as a support network Tips for making it work

13  Other ideas? Concerns? Tips for making it work

14 Work plan and goals submission  Complete the work plan (linked from Participant page)  Submit your new course goals and goals statement to the Cutting Edge Goals/Syllabus Database (linked from our workshop)  Leave Elluminate up; post comments to chat (optional)  Call back in at 2:30  1-800-704-9804  Access code 78331341

15 Wrap-up  Last questions and comments?  Please fill out final workshop evaluation (linked from workshop web site)  Email Char or Barb any time!

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