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Universal Screening and the Benchmarks for Advanced Tiers We will begin shortly…while you wait, think about what percentage of your students are receiving.

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Presentation on theme: "Universal Screening and the Benchmarks for Advanced Tiers We will begin shortly…while you wait, think about what percentage of your students are receiving."— Presentation transcript:

1 Universal Screening and the Benchmarks for Advanced Tiers We will begin shortly…while you wait, think about what percentage of your students are receiving Tier 2 interventions… WELCOME!

2 Trouble with Audio? Dial 1-484-589-1011 Access Code: 361-363-958 Audio PIN: Given after you dial the access code

3 Introductions Lindy Lyles Janice Burch

4 Webinar Expectations Use hand-raising and polls when prompted Type questions and/or comments in the designated areas.

5 Let’s Take a Poll!

6 Remember… 5% 15% 80%

7 Remember… Benchmarks of Quality

8 Universal Screening


10 Universal screening offers opportunity for prevention, yet…. Schools reluctant to conduct behavioral screening: –Fear of “stigmatizing kids” –Concerns regarding efficient/effective methods of supporting identified youth

11 PBIS Systems Often Develop behavior support team Monitor Office Discipline Referrals (ODRs) and teacher referrals Use school or ODR criteria (2-5 ODR) to nominate students for Tier 2

12 Options for Universal Screening Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders (SSBD) – –$127.49 (training video included)

13 Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders (SSBD; Walker & Severson, 1992) Research in the 1980s on predictors Multiple gating procedures following mental health model Externalizing and Internalizing dimensions Evidence for efficiency, effectiveness, & cost benefits Exemplary, evidence-based practice US Office of Special Education, Council for Children with Behavior Disorders, National Diffusion Network

14 Other Options for Universal Screening Office Discipline Referrals PLUS Other Data (including counselor referrals) Behavior Assessment System for Children – Second Edition Florida PBS Website Other behavior rating scales

15 But What About… Parental Consent? Time? Cost?

16 Benchmarks for Advanced Tiers (BAT) Instructions for Completing

17 17 Benchmarks for Advanced Tiers (BAT) The BAT allows school teams to self-assess implementation status of Tier 2(secondary, targeted) and 3(tertiary, intensive) behavior support systems within their school. It is designed to answer three questions: 1. Are the foundational (organizational) elements in place for implementing Tier 2(supplementary) and Tier 3 (individual/intensive) behavior support practices? 2. Is a Tier 2 support system in place? 3. Is a Tier 3 system in place?

18 18 BAT Organization Tier 1: Implementation of School-wide PBS Tier 2-3 Foundations Commitment Student Identification Monitoring and Evaluation Tier 2: Support Systems Main Tier 2 Strategy Implementation Strategy Monitoring and Evaluation Tier 3: Intensive Support Systems Tier 3: Assessment and Plan Development

19 19 Instructions for Completing Who: The team(s) or individuals involved with Tiers 2 and 3 behavior support How: As a group or each member independently. If completed independently, the team reconvenes to review scores on each item. Team (or individuals involved with Tiers 2 and 3 behavior support) must reach consensus on the score for each item. Scoring: After reviewing the rubric for each item, select the score that most closely matches the state of affairs at the school. Rate each item as “2” fully in place, “1” partially in place, or “0” not yet started.

20 20 Additional Tips Before starting the first administration, read through the items to determine who on campus will be likely to have knowledge of the topic(s). Since the BAT covers several topic areas and usually requires input from multiple people it is best to work from a paper copy until all items have been scored.

21 21 Additional Tier 2 Interventions Items 18-31 may be repeated for other Tier 2 strategies in use at your school for evaluation purposes. However, only the scores associated with the most commonly used Tier 2 strategy will be accounted in your Benchmarks for Advanced Tiers (BAT) score.

22 22 Using the BAT Results School teams should use the BAT to build an action plan to define next steps in the implementation process. The BAT can also assess progress over time, as scores on each area can be tracked on a year-to-year basis.

23 23 Using the Data for Action Planning

24 Before the BAT!! Think about your Tier Two Interventions How are you assessing their fidelity? How are you assessing the students’ success with the intervention? What is the exit criteria for the intervention?

25 Action Steps Identify who you will share this information with Talk to your Region XIII coach about a reasonable plan for your campus Join us on January 31 st and February 1 st for the PBIS Winter Conference (Poster Session Included)

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