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The U.S. Enters World War I Chapter 14 Section 1.

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1 The U.S. Enters World War I Chapter 14 Section 1

2 Woodrow Wilson  Elected president in 1912.  Strongly opposed imperialism.  Believed that the U.S. should promote democracy in order to keep peace in the world.

3 The Outbreak of World War I  Tensions among European nations were building in 1914.  Some factors for this include: –The Alliance system –The Naval Race –The Balkan Crisis

4 The Alliance System  Germany and France had become enemies because of a prior conflict.  Germany signed alliances with Italy and Austria-Hungary to protect itself.  Russians were worried that Germany may move eastward, so they signed an alliance with France because of their common opposition of Germany & Austria-Hungary.


6 The Naval Race  In 1898, Germany began to challenge Great Britain and their dominance of the sea.  In the early 1900s both Germany and Great Britain were racing to build warships.  Because of this, tensions increased and Britain became closer with France and Russia.

7 Balkan Crisis  The Austro-Hungarian Empire had ruled the Balkans.  Because of the idea of nationalism, many nations began to push for independence.  Some who wanted this were the Serbs, Bosnians, Croats, and Slovens.

8 Franz Ferdinand  The heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary.  Was killed by a member of the “black hand,” which was group that hoped to destroy the Austrian-Hungary Empire.  How did this start World War I?

9  The Austro-Hungarian government blamed Serbia for the attack.  They asked Germany for support, then issued an ultimatum to the Serbian government.  Since the Russians supported the Serbs, the Serbs expected Russia’s support. And in turn, Russia expected France’s support.

10 1914 Timeline (DO NOT WRITE)  June 28 – Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated.  July 28 – Austria declares war on Serbia.  August 1 – Germany declares war on Russia.  August 3 – Germany declares war on France.

11 England enters war  Germany’s original plan was to invade France and knock them out of the war.  They had to pass through Belgium to get to France.  Since England had promised Belgium neutrality, England declared war on Germany.

12 Alliances  Allies –France –Russia –Great Britain –Italy –United States Central Powers Germany Austria-Hungary Bulgaria Ottoman Empire


14 Germany’s plan fails  Germany is unable to take France after the Russians attack Germany on the eastern front.

15 American Neutrality  When WWI began, President Wilson declared the U.S. to be neutral in an attempt to keep the country from being drawn into a foreign affair.

16 Americans Take Sides  U.S. citizens had many differing views on the war and which alliance to side with.  What are some reasons to side with the Central Powers? Allies?

17  The U.S. leaned toward the Allies more than the Central Powers for these reasons: –The President’s cabinet believed an Allied victory would balance world power. –Companies in the U.S. had strong ties with businesses in the Allied countries.

18 British Blockade  Shortly after the war, Britain deployed a blockade to Germany, to keep them from obtaining supplies.  Germany then decided to cut off food supplies coming from the U.S. to France and England.  They did this by using their new U- boats.  The Germans said they would attempt to sink without warning any ship they saw around Britain.


20 Lusitania  A British passenger ship  Was fired upon by the Germans, killing over 1200 civilians.  Then a French passenger ship Sussex, was torpedoed and this injured many Americans on board.  This led to the Sussex Pledge after President Wilson threatened to have the U.S. join the war.



23 The Zimmerman Telegram  A letter written by Arthur Zimmerman, the German ambassador in Mexico.  What was in this letter?

24 America Declares War  Between Feb 3 and March 21, German U- boats sank six American merchant ships without warning.  After this President Wilson went before Congress and asked for a declaration of war.  Then the U.S. officially declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917.

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