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Gender in Shakespeare’s Othello English III Quarter IV.

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1 Gender in Shakespeare’s Othello English III Quarter IV

2 3 Minute Brainstorm Think about your gender. What behaviors are expected of you because you are male/female?

3 Gender in Othello Gender and gender relations in the play are represented in two major ways: 1. Misogyny 2. Restricted gender roles for women

4 Misogyny: A Definition Miso ( to hate) + gyne ( women) ____________ Misogyny: Hatred of Women “Misogyny is a cultural attitude of hatred for females because they are female.” Sociologist, Allan G. Johnson

5 Misogyny “Misogyny is a central part of sexist prejudice and ideology, and, as such, is an important basis for the oppression of females in a male-dominated society,” sociologist, Allan G. Johnson What do you think this means? Do you agree with this quote? Why/ Why not?

6 Consequences of a Male-Dominated Society What are 2 – 3 consequences of women living in a society where they hold limited power? Women are excluded from the government Women are expected to be housewives Women are viewed as property, not independent individuals

7 Women in Government In Othello: 1600s Not one woman held a position of power There were no female representatives in the government In America: 2000’s Women are the minorities in positions of power Women comprise 50.8% of the population yet 16. 8% of Congress Out of 46 presidents, 0 have been women

8 Women as Housewives In Othello: 1600’s Women were expected to perform “housewife” duties and not hold a job Duties include: cleaning, cooking, and obedience In America: 2000’s These past expectations have lingering affects on women entering the workforce Women, on average, earn 80% of what men earn

9 Women Viewed as Property In Othello: 1600’s Wives are seen as their husband’s property, not as individuals In America: 2000’s These past expectations still have social implications. The practice of “giving the bride away” at wedding ceremonies portrays women as a possession being handed down from father to husband.

10 Extended Learning Locate an event that depicts gender disparities as they exist today. The event can be political, social, or economical. Write an extended response explaining how the event demonstrates gender disparity. Additionally, explain if you think the event can be traced back to a history of gender oppression. Why/Why not?

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