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Bell Work Directions: Take the NOTES on the back table. Identify what is wrong with each of the following sentences. There may be more than one thing wrong.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work Directions: Take the NOTES on the back table. Identify what is wrong with each of the following sentences. There may be more than one thing wrong."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work Directions: Take the NOTES on the back table. Identify what is wrong with each of the following sentences. There may be more than one thing wrong with each sentence. 1. If one person were to live alone, then it would be impossible for them to pay their rent. 2. “A lifestyle of chronic deprivation and relentless low-level punishment,” (Ehrenreich 214) is what many people consider an accurate statement about minimum wage jobs in America. 3. You may think that living on minimum wage is easy, but you are wrong. 4. There are usually around 30 days and 4 weeks in an average month. 5. After taking the cellphone, cable and utilities bill into consideration, I can’t believe I have $200 left!

2 Objectives I will review my corrections on my essay I will identify and describe the origins of democracy I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of modern democracy

3 Common Mistakes in Essays Pronoun Agreement Citations need to go at end of sentence with period at the end DO NOT use 'you,’ ‘I,’ ‘we,’ or ‘us’ EVER Writing out ALL numbers under 100 DO NOT use contractions USE the Oxford comma

4 Democracy Origins Demokratia Demos = People Kratia = power/rule Athenian Leader Cleisthenes in 507 BCE “There is, first, that most splendid of virtues, equality before the law” – Herodotus Only ‘Citizens’ over the age of 18 could participate (40,000) Lasted for around 200 years

5 The Ekklesia The Assembly Governing body Any citizen could go Met 40 times per year Met in th Phynx Held 5000 men Decisions on war, foreign policy, laws public officials Used simple majority

6 The Boule Council of Five Hundred 50 men from then 10 Athenian tribes Served for 1 year Met daily Supervised government workers, navy ships, war horses Decided matters that went to the Ekklesia Chosen by lottery (prevent politicians)

7 The Dikasteria Popular Courts 500 jurors Chosen by lottery No rules for what cases could be brought to court People brought cases, argued prosecution/defense, and delivered verdicts Paid by duties, ally contributions, and taxes on metoikoi “(The courts) contributed most to the strength of democracy” – Aristotle

8 Critics of Athenian Democracy ADD INFORMATION FROM TEXT AT SCHOOL

9 Democracy Today?

10 Homework Based on today’s information, readings, and discussion, write an 11 sentence paragraph answering the question: “Is democracy the best form of government?”

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