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Building an Air Quality Community Infrastructure and Connecting with the GEOSS Common Infrastructure Stefan Falke, Rudolf Husar, Erin Robinson, David McCabe,

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Presentation on theme: "Building an Air Quality Community Infrastructure and Connecting with the GEOSS Common Infrastructure Stefan Falke, Rudolf Husar, Erin Robinson, David McCabe,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building an Air Quality Community Infrastructure and Connecting with the GEOSS Common Infrastructure Stefan Falke, Rudolf Husar, Erin Robinson, David McCabe, Frank Lindsay GEO-VI Air Quality Meeting November 18, 2009

2 Traditional Project Approach Data Do something with the data (add value) Generate Product Deliver Product to Customer Closed System 2

3 Making Project Contributions Reusable Sharing/Exchanging with more than the primary customer Data Do something with the data (add value) Generate Product Deliver Product to Customer Provide Website Access (manual) Provide web service access Provide access to processing/analysis/value-adding services 3

4 A joint NASA-NOAA-EPA initiative: Objective - Prototype a near-real-time MODIS trajectory forecast product using MODIS direct broadcast aerosol optical depth over CONUS. Goal - Improve accuracy of next day PM 2.5 Air Quality Index (AQI) by providing pseudo-synoptic aerosol observations and trajectory forecast during large aerosol events. Provides forecast guidance for surface air quality (PM2.5) Dust storms Smoke from forest fires Urban/industrial haze System requirements Direct broadcast receiving station for satellite data Trajectory model Regional meteorological forecast model output Algorithms to derive aerosol optical depth or related parameters Surface mass aerosol monitors System flexibility Easily adaptable to other regions of the globe Easy to modify to input other satellite data Benefit - Enable improved mitigation of health effects caused by episodes of poor air quality Infusing satellite Data into Environmental Applications (IDEA) Al-Saadi et. al., September 2005, Bulletin of American Meteorological Society 4

5 Remote Sensing Information Gateway EPA CMAQConcentrations, Met, Emissions, Deposition EPA Statically Fused Air and Deposition SurfacesO3, PM2.5 NOAA GOES Biomass Burning Emissions; PM2.5, NOx, CO, … - Subsetting -Regridding -Comparison -Export in common formats -Fast! -Atmospheric Science Researchers -Air Quality Modelers and Analyst NASA MODIS L2AOD NASA CALIPSO L1b TAB NOAA GOES AOD (GASP) (Future data) NASA CALIPSO L2Bext, AOD NASA MOPITT L2CO NASA OMI L2NO2 NOAA/NASA GOME-2NO2 Satellite: EPA AIRNow; O3, PM2.5 EPA AQS; O3, PM2.5 EPA UVNet; Irradiance Site Obs/Point Data: Modeled: RSIG System Primary Users -Air Quality Regulators and Managers -(RSIG is publicly- accessible.) Secondary Users Atmospheric Chemistry Earth Observations and Models Data Services AQ Data and Image Information Products RSIG WCS/WMS Servers Available for Other Systems 5 Slide provided by J. Syzkman

6 SOA for Data Access & Processing Mediator for 100+ AQ Datasets Includes Tools for Analysis Applied to EPA EE Analysis Supported by NSF, NASA, RPOs, EPA Design Concept IEEE Systems Journal, 2008 6 Slide provided by R. Husar

7 7 Giovanni Instances Giovanni A B D E C F C DE B A C F Area Plot Time SeriesModel Output Profile Cross-Section CorrelationsColumn Densities CALIOP CALIPSO CloudSat MODIS Terra SeaWiFS TRMM HALOE UARS TOMS EP, N7 Data Inputs MLS Aura OMI Aura AMSR-E Aqua MISR Terra MODIS Aqua AIRS Aqua MERRA Models Slide provided by G. Leptoukh

8 GEO-VI Plenary Meeting Washington, DC November 17-18, 2009 Atmospheric Composition Portal Objectives Provide access, tools, and contextual guidance to scientists and value- adding organizations in using remotely sensed atmospheric composition data, information, and services Help foster interoperability and application of atmospheric composition data, information and services worldwide Start with DLR and NASA, work with partners in CEOS and the broader AC community in advancing the AC Portal 8 GEO Task AR-09-02b DLR Giovanni Datafed Others OGC WMS OGC WCS Plan is to have a beta version of the ACP by September 2010 OPeNDAP DLR Giovanni Datafed Others DLR Giovanni Datafed Others Data Access Gateways Visualization Tools Processing/Analysis Tools Initial focus on air quality but plan is to server broader community (climate, strat. O3) GEOSS User Contributed Content Users Contextual metadata

9 Many other AQ related projects… List of US projects from the EPA Data Summit: Start of an international compilation of project descriptions: 9

10 A GEOSS Vision for Connecting Air Quality Projects 10

11 Project A combines multiple data sources to generate near-real time information for the public Project A provides web service interfaces to some of its data and information Project A 11

12 Project B analyzes surface and satellite data in support of regulatory analysis and provides web services to their analysis output and analysis tools Project B 12

13 Project C provides a web services new data from its work Project C 13

14 New Project A new project uses services from projects A, B and C to meet its objectives 14

15 Registered Community Resources Community Portals Client Applications Client Tier Business Process Tier Community Catalogues Alert Servers Workflow Management Processing Servers Access Tier GEONETCast Product Access Servers Sensor Web Servers Model Access Servers GEOSS Clearinghouse GEO Web Portals GEOSS Common Infrastructure Components & Services Standards and Interoperability Best Practices Wiki User Requirements Registries Main GEO Web Site GEO Task AR-09-01b: GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot (AIP), Phase 2 Connecting communities with the GEOSS Common Infrastructure 15

16 AQ Databases AQ Data Brokers Others AQ Web Portals Other Search Tools Users Data Providers GEOSS Common Infrastructure GEOSS Registry GEOSS Clearing- house Air Quality Community Catalog Metadata Registration Tools Air Quality Metadata Registry GEO Web Portals General search and use of GEOSS data and services AQ-specific search and use of GEOSS data and services Air Quality Community Infrastructure evolving in the GEOSS AIP AQ Web Applications 16

17 Users Data Providers GEOSS Common Infrastructure Air Quality Community Catalog General search and use of GEOSS data and services AQ-specific search and use of GEOSS data and services AIP-2 Implementations on the AIP Air Quality Community Infrastructure SEDAC DataFed Giovanni EDAC NGC ESA 100+ data web service metadata registrations AIP-2 Workspace: 17 AIP-3?

18 GEOSS Common Infrastructure GEOSS Registry GEOSS Clearing- house Example use of the GEOSS Common Infrastructure Graphical user interface to the GEOSS Clearinghouse Filtered for AQ related content uFIND Search for AQ data Return AQ metadata filtered AQ metadata available to other applications through RSS, atom, etc. 18

19 Ways to participate Community Building Share your interests and project contributions (like this meeting) Use ESIP and other air quality communities of practice to advance your project objectives (e.g., ‘built-in’ testers, users…) Help define the GEOSS GCI and/or Community of Practice Enhance the Information Infrastructure Become a ‘node’ on the air quality interoperability network Learn best practices in implementing standards for sharing your project data and tools Participate in (and shape) the GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot Use the AQ Community Information Architecture (register your services in GEOSS, find information resources useful for your project) Participate in the development of air quality information networks Collaborate on AQ Science and Research Projects Define projects that leverage expertise and capabilities across organizations Document how data, information and capabilities are shared in the project 19

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