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TVCG 2012 Bilal Alsallakh, Wolfgang Aigner, Silvia Miksch, and M. Eduard Grïoller.

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Presentation on theme: "TVCG 2012 Bilal Alsallakh, Wolfgang Aigner, Silvia Miksch, and M. Eduard Grïoller."— Presentation transcript:

1 TVCG 2012 Bilal Alsallakh, Wolfgang Aigner, Silvia Miksch, and M. Eduard Grïoller

2  Introduction  Related work ◦ Contingency Wheel  Contingency Wheel++  User Study  Conclusion

3  Contingency table ◦ a common way to summarize categorical data as a first step of analysis ◦ an nxm matrix that records the frequency of observations ƒ ij for each combination of categories of two categorical variables  Data ◦ about 1million user ratings on 3706 movies  a 3706x21 table which counts for each movie, how many times it was rated from users of each occupation  a 604017 table which counts for each user, how many times he/she rated movies from each genre


5  the column categories are visualized as sectors of a ring chart  the table cells are depicted as dots in these sectors  the dot for cell (i,j ) is placed in sector i at a radial distance from the ring’s inner circle proportional to the strength of association r ij between row i and column j  to reduce the large number of dots ◦ by filtering out cells (i,j ) with r ij ≦T r (where T r is the association threshold) ◦ by filtering out entire rows with ƒ i + <T s (where T s is the support threshold)


7  Data mapping ◦ to visualize association values r ij  Visual mapping ◦ it difficult to accurately interpret the meaning of these dots at the beginning  Interaction ◦ dots closer to the center were often too small and overlapping


9 where cte is a constant computed from the table to ensure -1≦ r i j ≦1


11 Distributions of (a) a numerical attribute (release date) or, (b) a categorical attribute (genre) of the movies in the histograms. (c) The global distributions of release date and genre among all movies.





16 Details about selected genres.

17  a novel visual analytics methods ◦ visualize and discover patterns in large categorical data  improve Contingency Wheel  offer a multi-level overview+detail interface



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