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The UM-Google Digitization Deal What it is, how we got there, and what it will mean for the UM.

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Presentation on theme: "The UM-Google Digitization Deal What it is, how we got there, and what it will mean for the UM."— Presentation transcript:

1 jpwilkin@umich.edu1 The UM-Google Digitization Deal What it is, how we got there, and what it will mean for the UM

2 jpwilkin@umich.edu2 Overview Michigan’s “deal” –How did we get there? –What will be digitized? –What about the legal issues? –What happens to the … (images, books)? –We get a copy? Basic implications? –Why did we do this? Some meta-matters What about “standards”? How good are these files? What will happen? When? Why would UM put the materials online? Transformative implications

3 jpwilkin@umich.edu3 Michigan’s deal How did we get there? What will be digitized? –University Library, print (bound) What about the legal issues? What happens to the … (images, books)? We get a copy? What does that mean, and what (in basic terms) will we do? Why did we do this?

4 jpwilkin@umich.edu4 Why would Google? “project’s aim is simple: help maintain the preeminence of books and libraries in our increasingly Internet-centric culture by making these information resources an integral part of the online experience. We hope to guide more users to their local libraries; to digital archives of some of the world's greatest research institutions; and to out-of-print books they might not be able to find anywhere else – all while carefully respecting authors’ and publishers' copyrights.” Google Print/Library FAQ Really???

5 jpwilkin@umich.edu5 Meta-issues Ends, not means Respect different organization imperatives Simplify, don’t complicate

6 jpwilkin@umich.edu6 About the files… Benchmarking/standards Similar process with Google What we get is package per volume, id’d by barcode, incl. 600dpi ITU G4 (bitonal) for print 300dpi JPEG2000 color/grayscale for illus. naming conventions corresponding to UM specs OCR Checksums Production notes Quality control Ongoing improvement of hardware/engineering Are the images perfect? But you want to know how they do it!


8 jpwilkin@umich.edu8 THE ANN ARBOR WORK GROUP

9 jpwilkin@umich.edu9 What will happen? When? Google began large-scale capture @UM UM has begun to receive content Samples are in Google Print Large amounts in … Q3? At UM, a year or more

10 jpwilkin@umich.edu10 Why would UM put the materials online? Michigan “audience” more specific and thus more specialized –More flexible displays –More powerful citation tools –Power searches? –Data mining? –Research? Responsibility for the “archive”

11 jpwilkin@umich.edu11 Transformative implications Broad, efficient, democratizing access Access as driver for … Exaggerating and resolving IP issues Creation of cooperative “universal” library Exacerbating paradox of “library as place” Facilitating “specialization” (ceding “generalist” role to Google) Freeing up resources for related issues (e.g., institutional repositories, scholarly communication)

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