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Published byAshlynn Dawson Modified over 9 years ago
1 COSC3306: Programming Paradigms Lecture 10: Applicative Programming Specifications Haibin Zhu, Ph.D. Computer Science Nipissing University (C) 2003
2 The Lambda Calculus Everything is a function. Everything is a function. –There are no other types---no integers, strings, lists, booleans, etc. There is no unit (). If you want these things, you must encode them using functions. Luckily, functions are powerful enough to do this. No state or side effects. No state or side effects. –It is purely functional. Thus we can think exclusively in terms of the substitution model. The order of evaluation is irrelevant. The order of evaluation is irrelevant. –The lambda calculus does not specify an evaluation order. Only unary (one-argument) functions. Only unary (one-argument) functions. –Functions of multiple arguments are encoded by currying.
3 Key properties of functional programming Lazy function evaluation, which is a mechanism that eliminates unnecessary evaluation of functions and includes two strategies: –Postponing evaluation of a function until it is needed, and –Eliminating the reevaluation of the same function more than once. First-class objects, which means that functions are treated like any other object in the language. All programs and procedures are functions, which clearly distinguishes incoming values as parameter values from outgoing values as evaluation results. Lack of variable and assignment, which eliminates the concept of variable, except as a name for a value, and assignment as an available operation.
4 Key properties (2) Lack of loop and iteration, which means that there is no loop and that loops are replaced by recursive calls. Referential transparency, which is the property of a function whereby its value depends only on the values of its parameters, not on any previous computations, the order of evaluation, or the execution path that led to the call.. Dynamic Memory Environment, which is allocation and deallocation of memory during program execution. As a consequence, a fully dynamic environment must perform some kind of automatic reclamation of unreachable storage. Automatic memory management actually falls into two categories: –Reclamation of Storage, which is the process of reclaming previously allocated but no longer used storage, sometimes called garbage collection, as we discussed in Chapter 3. –Maintaining Free Space, which is the process of maintaining the free space available for allocation, as we discussed in Chapter 3.
5 Key properties (3) Garbage Collection, which is the process of keeping track of inaccessible storage and permitting it to be reallocated. Side-effect freedom, which is the ability to call a function without producing side effects, that is, without changing the internal state of the computations. Side effects are operations that permanently change the value of a variable or other observable objects.
6 Lambda Calculus A mathematical method for expressing computation by functions and is used for studying functional programming language concepts. Lambda calculus gets its name from the Greek letter lambda,. The general form of a lambda expression, known as the lambda function, is – id1, id2, …, idn. expression where the id’s are identifiers (parameters or variables) and expression (called the body of the lambda function) is some expression that may involve the identifiers.
7 An example x. x x x. x x –is a function that maps any value of x to x x and defines a mapping from an integer number to integer numbers, yielding the square of integer numbers. This lambda expression can be applied as { x. x x }(2) –where the result of the lambda expression x x can be deduced by replacing the parameter and evaluating the resulting expression with 2.
8 Figure 12.1 A lambda expression with evaluation value © 2003 Brooks/Cole Publishing / Thomson Learning™
9 Lambda notation Lambda notation allows the definition of a function without a name. –For example, x. x x defines a lambda function that maps each x in the integer domain to x 2. Generally speaking, the value of a lambda expression such as id1, id2, …, idn. expression (a1, a2, …, an) id1, id2, …, idn. expression (a1, a2, …, an) when applied to arguments (a1, a2, …, an), is given by evaluating expression, with a1 substituted for all occurrences of id1, a2 substituted for all occurrences of id2, and an substituted for all occurrences of idn.
10 Figure 12.2 Examples of lambda funcions
11 More examples { x. ( x x)}( 3 4) { x. ( x x)}(7) ( 7 7) 14 { x. ( x x)}( 3 4) { ( 3 4)} ( 3 4)} { 7 7} 14 In the following example, we use two arguments with the abstraction to define a function, replacing f with sqr, a predefined square function, and x with 3. {{{ f. { x. (f (f x))}}sqr}3} {{ x. (sqr(sqr x))}3} (sqr(sqr 3)) (sqr 9) 81
12 Function definitions Lambda FunctionFunction Name x, y. x yPlus x, y. x yPlus x. x xSquare x. x xSquare x. x 1Successor x. x 1Successor x. x 1Predecessor x. x 1Predecessor x, y. if x y, then x else y endMax x, y. if x y, then x else y endMax x. xIdentity x. xIdentity
13 Ambiguity The lambda expression – x. y. f (g) admits three possible interpretations, illustrating the ambiguity of the lambda calculus grammar: – x. { y. {f (g)}}, – x. {{ y. f } (g)}, and –{ x. y. f } (g).
14 Remove ambiguity Complicating the grammar and Using parentheses. However, it is preferable to leave the grammar as it is and add the convention that the function application has the highest precedence. Thus, by default, the interpretation of the preceding expression is the first entry in the list. Braces are used to override this precedence when necessary.
15 Free and Bound Identifiers x. x+y x. x+y –Y is a reference that is not bounded called a free identifier. x. x+y (5)=5+y x. x+y (5)=5+y x, y, z. x+y+z => { x. { y. { z. (x+y+z)}}} x, y, z. x+y+z => { x. { y. { z. (x+y+z)}}} Free identifiers may be renamed without changing the value of expressions within which they occur.
16 Figure 12.3 A lambda expression with free and bound identifiers © 2003 Brooks/Cole Publishing / Thomson Learning™
17 Reductions Alpha-conversion (α-conversion) – x. α – x. E α y. E[ x → y] ( w. ( y. z) w) α ( x. ( y. z) x) Beta-conversion(β-conversion) – x. β – x. E 1 E 2 β E 1 [x → E 2 ] ( x. x +1) 5 β 6 ( x. x +1) 5 β 5+1 6 ( g. g ( a. b. a)) (( a. b. f. f a b) p q) ( g. g ( a. b. a)) (( a. b. f. f a b) p q) β (( a. b. f. f a b) p q) ( a. b. a) β (( a. b. f. f a b) p q) ( a. b. a) β ( b. f. f p b) q) ( a. b. a) β ( b. f. f p b) q) ( a. b. a) β ( f. f p q) ( a. b. a) β ( f. f p q) ( a. b. a) β ( a. b. a) (p q) β ( b. p) (q) β p β ( a. b. a) (p q) β ( b. p) (q) β p
18 Reductions (2) Eta-conversion(η-conversion) –{ x. x η –{ x. E} x η E { x. x η η { x. (sqr 5)} x η (sqr 5) η 25 { x. x η { x. y} x η y Gamma-conversion(δ-conversion) – {function x y} δ – {function x y} δ function (x y) δ Add 5 3 δ add(5 3) 8 P407 examples
19 The Church-Rosser Theorem If a lambda expression M evaluates to a normal form A via a sequence of reduction (M *A), and another sequence of reductions takes M to a normal form B (M *B), then some common term N can be found such that A can be reduced to N (A *N and B *N). Any relation that satisfies this condition is said to have the diamond property or the confluence property.
20 Figure 12.4 The Church-Rosser theorem © 2003 Brooks/Cole Publishing / Thomson Learning™
21 Figure 12.5 Alternative evaluations of a lambda expression © 2003 Brooks/Cole Publishing / Thomson Learning™
22 Order of evaluation No two orders of evaluation of a lambda expression can give different normal forms. Normal order (call-by-name) –Reduce the left most expression at every stage. Applicative order (call-by-value) –Evaluates the function and the argument of an application first.
23 An example Normal order: –( x. x + x + x + x x. –( x. x + x + x + x) (( x. x) a) – x. x. x. x. –( x. x) a + ( x. x) a+ ( x. x) a+ ( x. x) a – x. x. x. –a + ( x. x) a+ ( x. x) a+ ( x. x) a – x. x. –a + a+ ( x. x) a+ ( x. x) a – x. –a + a+ a+ ( x. x) a – –a + a+ a+ a Applicative order –( x. x + x + x + x x. –( x. x + x + x + x) (( x. x) a) –( x. x + x + x + x –( x. x + x + x + x) (a) – –a + a+ a+ a
24 To be continued Principles of Functional Programming
25 Principles of Functional Programming A relation describes associations between objects. A relation describes associations between objects. For example, consider two set of elements, X and Y. A relation R between X and Y is defined as a set of pairs of elements such as { a1, b1 , a2 b2 , …, an, bn }, where every ai is a member of X and every bi is a member of Y. Here, X is called the source domain, and Y is called the target domain.
26 Figure 12.6 A relation expressing {,,,, } © 2003 Brooks/Cole Publishing / Thomson Learning™
27 Figure 12.7 A function expressing {,,, } © 2003 Brooks/Cole Publishing / Thomson Learning™ A relation such that there is at most one such y for every x is said to be a function that corresponds to a mapping from one element of X to one element of Y.
28 Functions A function can be defined in terms of four components: –A domain set, which is the set of objects to which the function can be applied; –A range set, which is the set containing all objects that can result from an application of the function; –A definition, which is the specification of how a range element is determined from a domain element; and –A name, which is a symbol dedicated to the function.
29 Functions (2) A function can be viewed as a set of pairs (x, y) such that y F(x) or as a subset of the Cartesian Product X Y: F { (x, y) X Y | y F(x) } where means “is equivalent to” and means “is contained in”. This is an advantage of viewing a function as a set for the study of the definition of functions in programming languages.
30 An example F(x) (x 1) Mod 10 Indicating that, the function on the set of digits (i.e., {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}) adds one to each digit in modulo fashion This function can be represented as the following set of pairs: {(0,1),(1,2),(2,3),(3,4),(4,5),(5,6),(6,7),(7,8),(8,9),(9,0)} or in set terminology as: F { (x, y) digit digit | y (x 1) Mod 10}
31 An alternative representation A function is –F ( x1, x2, …, xn, value ) where the last argument is called the function result and uniquely can be determined by the argument values of x1, x2, …, xn .
32 Six independent components of FP Set of primitives, which are predefined by the language as the basic functions and correspond to the built-in operations of imperative languages. Set of functional forms, which are functions that accept functions as parameters to create new functions. Application operation, which is the built-in mechanism for applying a function to its arguments and producing a value as the result.
33 Six independent components (2) Set of data objects, which are the allowed members of the domain and range sets. Data objects consist of some atomic type and the ability to construct some form of aggregate objects from other objects. Binding names to functions, which is a mechanism for denoting names to the new functions being defined. Dynamic storage management, which is an implicit storage allocation and a garbage collection mechanism because the functional languages do not provide facilities for directly modifying the state of the storage for a computation.
34 Orders of Functions A function whose parameters and result are all nonfunctional is called a first-order function. A function that has a functional parameter or result is called a higher order function.
35 Essential primitives Selection operations: FIRST is used to extract the first element of a sequence of elements, LAST is used to extract the last element, and TAIL is used to extract all the elements but the first element. –x1 FIRST: x1,x2, …,xn –xn LAST: x1,x2, …,xn – x2, …,xn TAIL: x1,x2, …,xn Examples –first: 3,2,4,6 3 –last: 3,2,4,6 6 –tail: 3,2,4,6 2,4,6
36 Essential primitives (2) Structuring operations: Operations are used to combine, dissect, or rearrange elements. – xn,x1, …,xn-1 ROTR: x1,x2, …,xn (ROTate Right) – x2, …,xn,x1 ROTL: x1,x2, …,xn (ROTate Left) –n LENGTH: x1,x2, …,xn (LENGTH) – x,x1,x2, …,xn CONS: x, x1,x2, …,xn – (CONstruct Sequence) For example, –rotr: 3,2,4,6 6,3,2,4 –rotl: 3,2,4,6 2,4,6,3 –length: 3,2,4,6 4 –cons: 3, 2,4,6 3,2,4,6
37 Essential primitives (3) Arithmetic operations: Ordinary arithmetic operations are applied to sequences of two elements to produce a new element; + is used for addition, for subtraction, * for multiplication, for division and, | for residue operation. In functional arithmetic operations we use the prefix form (e.g., : x,y instead of the usual Infix notation (e.g., x y). The following are some function definitions. : x,y x y : 3,2 5 : x,y x y : 8,2 4 : x,y x y : 3,2 6 : x,y x y : 6,3 3 |: x,y x (x y) y |: 9,2 1
38 Essential primitives (4) Predicate operations: Operations are used to produce results as truth values. We represent truth by T and false by F in which a predicate function yields either T or F. In addition to predicates for comparing numbers such as , , , , and , it provides predicates to inquire about sequences and atoms. For example, in the following two examples, the first returns a Boolean (T or F) from an inquiry of an atom object, whereas the second returns a Boolean (T or F) from an inquiry of a sentence. ATOM:x if x is an atom then T else F atom: a,b F NULL:x if x nil then T else F null: a,b F eq: a,b F eq: a,a T : 4,2 T
39 Essential primitives (5) Logical operations: Operations provide the combination of the truth values. The operators are AND, OR, and NOT. AND: x,y T if both are T and: T,F F and: T,T T OR: x,y T if one is T or: T,F T or: F,F F NOT: x T if x is F not: T F not: F T
40 Essential primitives (5) Identity operation: The function ID yields the same element. For example, x ID:x id:a a The most interesting features of FP languages are their functional forms because we are not used to functional forms in conventional programming languages.
41 Program-Forming Operations (PFO) CompositionConstructionInsert Apply to all Condition
42 Composition The functional form composition, denoted °, has the syntax (f °g): X f : ( g : X) takes two functions as the arguments, and produces a function equivalent to the application of the first argument to the result of the application of the second argument. For example, if we define two functions as f(x) x 5 and g(x) x 4 then one composition form of f and g can be obtained: h(x) f(g(x)), or h(x) (x 4) 5 x 9
43 An example The composition of the rotate left and construct sequence operations applied to a list of elements. ROTL°CONS: x1, x2,x3,x4 ROTL: CONS: x1, x2,x3,x4 ROTL: x1,x2,x3,x4 x2,x3,x4,x1
44 Construction The functional form construction, denoted [ ], has the syntax –[ f1, f2, …, fn ] : X f1 : X, f2 : X, …, fn : X where it takes as arguments n functions, and yields a function equivalent to applying each of the functions to the same argument and forming a sequence of the results. For example, if we have individual functions for the maximum, minimum, and average of a sequence of numbers, we define a construction as: –[Maximum, Minimum, Average] Then, for example, 5, 1, 3 is the produced result of –[Maximum, Minimum, Average]: 1,2,3,4,5
45 Insert The functional form insert, denoted , has the following syntax f : X1, X2, …, Xn f : X1, f : X2, …, Xn takes a function as an argument and yields a function equivalent to applying the argument function to successive elements of the sequence. For example, f : if x is X1 , then X1 else if x is the sequence X1, X2, …, Xn and n 2 then f: X1, f: X2, …, Xn
46 An example Thus +: 1,2,3,4,5 yields 15 as illustrated in the following. +: 1,2,3,4,5 +: 1, +: 2,3,4,5 +: 1, +: 2, +: 3,4,5 +: 1, +: 2, +: 3, +: 4,5 +: 1, +: 2, +: 3, +: 4, +: 5 +: 1, +: 2, +: 3, +: 4, 5 +: 1, +: 2, +: 3, 9 +: 1, +: 2, 12 +: 1, 14 15
47 Apply to All The functional form apply_to_all, denoted , has the syntax f: X1, X2, …, Xn f : X1, f : X2, …, f : Xn This function can be illustrated in the following way. f: if x is nil, then nil else if x is the sequence X1, X2, …, Xn then f:X1, f:X2, …, f:Xn
48 An example This form takes a function as an argument and yields a function equivalent to applying the argument function to each element of the sequence and forming a sequence of the results. For example, : 2,3 , 4,5 , 6,2 yields 5,9,8 , as illustrated in the following. : 2,3 , 4,5 , 6,2 : 2,3 , : 4,5 , : 6,2 5,9,8
49 Condition The functional form condition, denoted IF, takes three functions as arguments and, depending on the evaluation result of the first function as True or False, returns the second or third function, respectively. This function has the syntax (IF function1 function2 function3):x if function1:x T thenfunction2:xelse function3:x if function1=x thenfunction2else function3
50 Examples In the following two examples, evaluation of the head of 2,3,5 with 2 and 3 yields the tail and last element of the list, respectively. –(IF FIRST: 2,3,5 TAIL: 2,3,5 LAST: 2,3,5 ):2 – (IF 2 3,5 5):2 3,5 –(IF FIRST: 2,3,5 TAIL: 2,3,5 LAST: 2,3,5 ):3 – (IF 2 3,5 5):3 5
51 Lisp Platform
52 Summary Lambda Calculus –Properties –Ambiguity –reductions Principles of FP –Components of a function –Components of FPL –PFO
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