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Challenges in promoting data and dissemination Policies the experience of Angola Challenges in promoting data and dissemination Policies the experience.

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Presentation on theme: "Challenges in promoting data and dissemination Policies the experience of Angola Challenges in promoting data and dissemination Policies the experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 Challenges in promoting data and dissemination Policies the experience of Angola Challenges in promoting data and dissemination Policies the experience of Angola Jordânia, September of 2013 INE-ANGOLA

2 Structure of the Presentation Framing of theme 1 1 Role of INE 2 2 historical context a a Shares of INE a a Challenges 3 3 a a Demand for microdata Milestones in the availability of microdata for public consumption INE-ANGOLA

3 FRAMEWORK Luck of acess to the national territory Armed Conflict Armed Conflict 2001 1992 1975 Feature Period Difficulty of promoting sustainable development and comprehensive; Development strategies for short term/ emergency plans; Little culture of using statistical. Difficulty of promoting sustainable development and comprehensive; Development strategies for short term/ emergency plans; Little culture of using statistical. Partial acess to the national territory Start Of Production Of Microdata From Household Surveys (1990 – 2005) IDR Survey IPCVD - Poverty Profile, MICS I - Report MICS, IDCP – Report IDCP Lei 15/96 of Statistical systemNational (SEN), from 27 from September 1996 Start Of Production Of Microdata From Household Surveys (1990 – 2005) IDR Survey IPCVD - Poverty Profile, MICS I - Report MICS, IDCP – Report IDCP Lei 15/96 of Statistical systemNational (SEN), from 27 from September 1996 Transition period Transition period From Conflict to peace; To one-party democracy; From Planned economy to market economy From Conflict to peace; To one-party democracy; From Planned economy to market economy INE-ANGOLA

4 Framework Gradual access to the territory Peace “April de 2002 Peace “April de 2002 2002 Feature Period Shift from a short-term view to another medium/long term; Statistics Need; Need to promote the use of statistics Shift from a short-term view to another medium/long term; Statistics Need; Need to promote the use of statistics Reform Amendment of the national statistical system national Lei 3/11 of the statistical system national, to 14 January 2011 Reform Amendment of the national statistical system national Lei 3/11 of the statistical system national, to 14 January 2011 Integrated survey/welfare of the population (IBEP) First survey of national coverage (2008-09) 5 performed surveys:QUIBB, MICS, IDR, IEA, IBEP Integrated survey/welfare of the population (IBEP) First survey of national coverage (2008-09) 5 performed surveys:QUIBB, MICS, IDR, IEA, IBEP Decision making processes increasingly grounded in official statistics Increasing demand for microdata growing Preparation of the first RPGH-2014 INE-ANGOLA

5 Frame Surveys 2000 - 2006 1995-1998 1995-1998 Surveys/Publication Period IPCVD - Poverty Profile MICS I – MICS Report IDCP – IDCP Report IPCVD - Poverty Profile MICS I – MICS Report IDCP – IDCP Report IDR I – Poverty Profile, MICS II – Tables Report Analytical Report IDR I – Poverty Profile, MICS II – Tables Report Analytical Report IBEP (IDRII, MICS III) – V.I e V II Report IEA I, II, III – for publishing IBEP (IDRII, MICS III) – V.I e V II Report IEA I, II, III – for publishing 2011 – 2014 Preparation of the first RPGH-2014 2008 - 2011 INE-ANGOLA

6 Shares of INE a) National Archive data of the National Statistical Institute b) ANDINE- using the principles and methods by International Household Survey Network ”IHSN”. Laboratory Research (Dumb computer). Data Warehouse, Milestones in the availability of microdata for public consumption... To develop a policy paper of data dissemination law 3/11 de 14th January 2 2... To anonymize and document all microdata collected by INE in the period between 1990 to 2013, to create: 3 3 According to the national development plan 2013-2017, it´s being drafted national strategy for the development of statistcs in Angola 4 4 5 5 1 1 INE-ANGOLA

7 Challenges of INE Experience and expertise (insid and outside SEN) limited 1 1 Luck of data dissemination timely 3 3 Great pressure on the human resources available due to other commitments SEM(preparation of the census of 2013, other current business, etc.) 4 4 workload (2 decades of production microdata) too high 2 2 Combined with short-term change to another mediun/long-term processes of decision making are incresingly grounded in official statistics. Consequenty, there is na increasing demand for the use of microdata INE faces challenges such as: INE-ANGOLA


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