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Effective Tactics for Defending Freedom: Knowing the Enemy Shaka Mitchell Executive Vice President Tennessee Center for Policy Research American Dream.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Tactics for Defending Freedom: Knowing the Enemy Shaka Mitchell Executive Vice President Tennessee Center for Policy Research American Dream."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Tactics for Defending Freedom: Knowing the Enemy Shaka Mitchell Executive Vice President Tennessee Center for Policy Research American Dream CoalitionApril 19, 2009

2 Classifying the Enemy Questions to ask  Who is most affected by this controversy?  Where is the battle likely to be fought? Or who has the ability to remedy the situation?  What are your core strengths and weaknesses?

3 Classifying the Enemy Large Scale  Global warming, climate change, carbon capping  Income tax, death tax  Federal bailout  immigration Mid-size  Bailout initiatives  Government transparency  School choice/ education reform  2nd amendment issues  Criminalization  Occupation licensing  Grocery and/or luxury taxes Small (but deadly)  Zoning/ property taxes  Blight, eminent domain abuse  Red light cameras  Local school board decisions/ charter schools  Bond referendums

4 For immediate release… February 26, 2007 Al Gore’s Personal Energy Use is His Own “Inconvenient Truth” Gore’s home uses more than 20 times the national average.

5 Website Traffic

6 Testimony In Support of an Economic Civil Rights Act House of Representatives State Government Subcommittee of State & Local Committee April 1, 2009 by Justin Owen, Director of Legal Policy, and Shaka Mitchell, Executive Vice President

7 Lobby Days Taxi deregulation proposed 70 taxi drivers on Capitol steps Locally led, nationall supported

8 Rallies Rally with kids, families, business owners Kids acting as “street team” March directly into city council meeting Meeting lasted 3 hours

9 Choose your own liberty defense Large  TV commercials  Facebook  Twitter  Paid lobbyists  National think tanks  National marches

10 Choose your own liberty defense Mid-size  Radio ads  State newspapers  Twitter  Facebook  Meet-up groups  Google/Yahoo groups  State think tanks  National interest groups  State legislator visits  Group lobby days  Letter writing  Blogging networks  Federal lawsuits  Rallies

11 Choose your own liberty defense Small but deadly  Local newspapers  Door knocking  Posters/flyers  Townhall meetings  City council meeting testimony  County commission meeting testimony  Phone chains  Local bulletins  House parties  Litigation by letterhead  Rallies

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