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Energy Review 2014 Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work | Video on

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1 Energy Review 2014 Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work | Video on

2  Ecology  Human Population  Evolution/Sexual Selection  Energy  Everything you do has an effect on the environment – the good news is... (It’s the economy, stupid.)  All these subjects come together as we begin to finish the “academic” part of our year

3  Fossil Fuels  150+ years of coal, 50+ years oil, natural gas  Peak Oil, (coal, natural gas)  Our lifestyle depends on cheap and plentiful fossil fuels – high energy = high quality of life. In the U.S. (5% of the world’s population) we consume 20-30% of the world’s energy  Nuclear Fuel (know: fission vs. fusion)  What are we going to do with the waste?  We want to store the waste in Yucca Mountain?  Renewables  What is the negative part of each one  solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, water

4  Electricity:  KCP&L 75% Coal 20% Nuclear 4% Oil 1% Wind How do we make electricity? -most (99%) of the time the electrons are powered by heating water, the pressurized steam of the boiling water turns a turbine (making something spin is the key to creating electricity) which turns a generator. The generator then motivates electrons to move.

5  Al Gore, Inconvenient Truth  Fracking – what is it? Pros and Cons  Reduce, Reuse, Recycle  What is peak oil?  “The Oil We Eat”  Earthship  How can you make electricity?  Energy Basics  First law of thermodynamics  Energy is the ability to do work  Work is applying a force over a distance

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