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Hot Work Permit  Meraux Refinery   Yes  N/A Meraux Refinery

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Presentation on theme: "Hot Work Permit  Meraux Refinery   Yes  N/A Meraux Refinery"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hot Work Permit  Meraux Refinery   Yes  N/A Meraux Refinery
Permit Number: Information to be completed by Permit Holder Company:  Meraux Refinery Contractor Name Area/Unit Permit Holder: Tools/Equipment to be used: Equipment # # Persons: Work Order #: Hand tools Lift trucks Double Insulated Electric Other: Scope of Proposed Task: Please initial that the Scope of work is clear and understood. Permit Holder: Permit issuer: Information to be completed by Permit Issuer. (Must Be Operator or Chief Operator) Previous Product in Equipment: MSDS Checked  Yes  N/A Additional PPE Required? Equipment Pre-Work Req’d Done Area Preparation LOTO Procedures Followed Y -- N Lock Box Number: Trained Fire Watch Y Valves-Closed/Tagged/Chained/Locked Orange Vest Equipment Opened/Depressurized Equipment Decontamination Signal Horn Blinded/Disconnected Water Washed Fire Extinguisher Electrically locked / tagged out N2 Purged Area “Wet Down” Field Test / Attempt to Energize-start Steamed Contained Sparks Blinds Verified & Blind-List initialed Other Sumps-Drains Covered Lighting Clean-up oil in area 120 V w/ GFCI Additional Fire Equipment Additional Standby Job Hazards Y Standard Controls PPE Req’d Access & Egress Housekeeping, Walkways, Stairs Manual Handling / Lifting Assessment & lifting equipment Standard (SSP-0011) Activities of Others Communications, Barriers, Permit Moving Parts Covers, Isolation, & Maintenance Full Face Shield Y -- N Chemical /Fuel Exposure MSDS Review, PPE Overhead Hazards Labelling, Isolation, & Barriers Goggles Vehicle Entry Procedures, Barriers, & Permit Sharp Edges Covers, PPE, & Equipment Inspections Hearing Protection Electricity Isolation, LOTO Slips, Trips & Falls Housekeeping, & PPE Fall Protection Flammable Vapors / liquid Gas Testing & Isolation Static Electricity Grounding, Rubber /Leather Gloves Fumes & Dust Respirator / Eye Protection Trapped Pressure Venting, Draining, & PPE Rubber Gloves Hot Surfaces Insulation / Barriers / PPE Vehicle Traffic Hi-Vis Clothing, Speed Limit, & Signs Non Permeable Suit Toxic Vapors / Liquids Underground Hazards CAT Testing, Labelling, & Barriers Respirator ½ face Spillage to Ground Secondary Containment Hot Liquid Procedures & PPE Respirator Full Face Spillage to Water Containment / Booms Working at Height Scaffolding & Fall Protection / Harness Supplied Air Working Over Water Life Jacket, & Safety Boat, Personal H2S monitor Mechanical Lifting Barriers / Lift Procedures Other Specific Hazards: Additional Controls and/or Special Instructions No Date Time Oxygen LEL H2S CO Benzene Other Serial # Calibrated? Meraux Qualified Person: 1 2 3 4 Signing this Work Permit signifies the job site has been inspected by the Permit Issuer and Permit Holder, the area is prepared, and each individual has agreed to comply with the conditions of this permit. The Permit is valid through the end of the current work shift (start and end times below) and may be extended into the next shift if necessary. All Signatures are Required PRIOR to Hot Work Start. Time Start Time Expires Authorized Print Name Signature Date Permit Holder Operator Chief Operator Fire Watch All Signatures are Required PRIOR to EXTENDING permit into the following shift. Time Start Time Expires Authorized Print Name Signature Date Permit Holder Operator Chief Operator Fire Watch Permit End Work Completed Work Site in Safe Condition Print Name Signature Date Time Permit Holder Yes No Yes  No Unit Operator

2 Permit Number will be pre-printed on form
The Permit Holder completes this section of the permit prior to meeting wit permit issuer. Check if Meraux personnel doing work Check and indicate Contractor Name for contractor work Person responsible for directly supervising the work. How many will be involved performing work Indicate work order numbers The Permit Holder should describe the scope of work to be completed in this area. List tools & equipment to be used. Indicate product last in vessel so proper PPE can be assessed.. << Indicate if the MSDS was checked for the previous product in the vessel – then make any relevant comments in this area. The Permit Issuer and Permit Holder work through this section to ensure that: 1 – all Equipment Pre-Work area are checked to indicate what is REQUIRED (Req’d) 2 – to ensure that all REQUIRED Pre-Work is actually DONE The permit issuer and Permit Holder also ensure area preparation is required and Done for Bottle Watch or Low Energy Work. The Permit Issuer and Permit Holder also inspect the area for Job Hazards. In this area if a Job Hazard exists the box should be checked. Standard Controls or other appropriate measures should be taken to ensure the area is safe for work. Also – potential Environmental impacts are noted below: Based on the work and hazards – specific required PPE should be Identified for the permitted work. Identify any additional or specific Hazards of explanations of certain above information. Clarify additional controls or special instructions for the work.. A Meraux employee (or designated contractor during turnaround events) who is qualified to do air testing must test the work area prior any confined space work and must take additional samples during the course of the work. A separate form for tracking confined space entry and other required will also be required. If, at the end of the shift, it is necessary to extend the permit, the on-coming Permit Holder and Issuer must review the area to ensure conditions have not changed and re sign the permit with start and end times. These names, signatures and date must be complete and the Start and End time for the permit set (above) prior to work start. When the work is complete the Permit Holder and the Unit Operator should review the work and indicate whether it is complete and the site is in Safe condition – then print and sign their name, date and time on the form.

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