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 Bellringer: For each of the concepts below, write a definition and give an example: A – Anarchy B – Bossing/bullying C – Cooperation/conformity D – Democracy.

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Presentation on theme: " Bellringer: For each of the concepts below, write a definition and give an example: A – Anarchy B – Bossing/bullying C – Cooperation/conformity D – Democracy."— Presentation transcript:

1  Bellringer: For each of the concepts below, write a definition and give an example: A – Anarchy B – Bossing/bullying C – Cooperation/conformity D – Democracy How do these categories tie into Civil Disobedience and HDT’s views of men and society? At what level does Thoreau operate in his essay?

2  A – Anarchy: lowest level of behavior; “without rule” (absence of government), knowing the consequences and choosing a bad behavior  B – Bossing/bullying: violating accepted standards and the rights of others; choosing a bad behavior without thinking about the consequences  C – Cooperation/conformity: to comply/cooperate with expected standards; choosing a good action because of external influences  D – Democracy: regulation of responsible behaviors because you recognize (internalize) it is right; choosing a good action because of internal influences

3 Please put your name on your answer sheet! You have 60 minutes to complete When you are finished, turn in the test and your answer sheet on the front table Read/work silently until the bell rings NO CELL PHONES Bring your textbook next class!



6 What do these four items have in common (with regard to sentence structure)? “Veni, vidi, vici (I came, I saw, I conquered).” (Julius Caesar) "The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessing; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries." (Churchill) "But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream." (Amos) "What you see is what you get." English proverb

7  The use of successive verbal constructions in poetry or prose that correspond in grammatical structure, sound, meter, meaning, etc.  Words - an individual part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition)  Phrases - several parts of speech (the aforementioned expanded)  Clauses - parts of speech that must include a subject and a verb (one step below a sentence)  Use parallelism to emphasize ideas, contrast ideas, or connect ideas

8  anaphora - repetition at the beginning of a series of clauses. (when you have seen...)  antithesis - contrast underscored by similar phrasing. (One small step for man...)  antimetabole - Repeat in reverse. (Ask Not What Your Country can do for you...)  epiphora - repetition at the end of a series of clauses. (By the people, for the people...)  zeugma - One PoS relates to another PoS to be consistent in grammar but inconsistent in meaning. (Zeugma lost her umbrella and her mind.)

9 1. With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right. 2. To spend too much time in studies is sloth; to use them too much for ornament is affectation; to make judgment wholly by their rules is the humour of a scholar. 3. I go where I please, and I please where I go. 4. He carried a strobe light and the responsibility for the lives of his men. 5. There is no Negro problem. There is no Southern problem. There is no Northern problem. There is only an American problem. What form of parallelism is used in each of these quotes?

10 You have 10 minutes to create one example each of the five forms of parallelism about one of the following topics: 1. Something from current events 2. Your favorite novel 3. This painting (Music circa 1934 by Charles Whittle)

11 indomitable irresolute metaphorically panacea peruse prodigy rebuff resilient scapegoat spurious tractable vivacious aggregate archipelago boon buffoon chicanery contaminant corrugated deleterious disputatious emend fetter giddy heterogeneity

12 1. Create 12 original sentences using Lesson 21 vocabulary #1-12. The uniting subject to write those sentences about is “ Civil Disobedience. ” Example: Thoreau appeared to believe that as an aggregate of individuals with varying motivations, the country ’ s culture could be changed by the committed dissent of a few. An extra point for each sentence that uses one of the five forms of parallelism covered in class. 2. Bring “ Civil Disobedience ” to class.



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