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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL WATER RESOURCE STRATEGY"— Presentation transcript:

SOUTH AFRICA’S WATER SITUATION AND STRATEGIES TO BALANCE SUPPLY AND DEMAND CROCODILE (WEST) AND MARICO WMA SELF EXPLANATORY State the aim of the NWRS: to ensure the most beneficial use of the nation’s water resources, while maintaining the integrity of our rivers and the environment, and to have sufficient resources for future generations. Will give a national overview of SA water resource situation in year 2000 as well as for future scenarios. Purpose of this part is to try and answer the question whether we have enough water in the country or not, and to indicate what corrective actions can or should be taken. AT WMA MEETINGS: Will also present relevant information with respect to this Crocodile and Marico WMA, to give detail perspective in comparison with national perspective.

2 WMA 3: Crocodile (West) and Marico - Rainfall and Evaporation
A CLOSER LOOK AT THE CROCODILE WEST AND MARICO WMA: Moderate climate in the south-east, semi-arid in the west. Mean annual rainfall ranges from 400 to 800 mm. Annual evaporation ranges between mm and mm. Summer thunderstorms, high potential evaporation. Relatively low runoff, particularly in the west.

3 WMA 3: Crocodile (West) and Marico - Base Map
Note sub-areas for practical reasons and for better management. Point out river basins, connection to Limpopo at confluence of Crocodile and Marico Rivers (international river). Note extensive urban areas in south and east. Large transfers into urbanised parts of WMA (northern parts of Johannesburg as well as Pretoria). Borders on Botswana - transfers out to Gaborone (Botswana). Water management and utilisation impacts on Limpopo water availability.

4 WMA 3: Crocodile (West) and Marico - Land Use
Note: Map from generalised database. Gives broad overview, no exact on detail. PRESENTER ONLY TO HIGHLIGHT SELECTED PROMINENT CHARACTERISTICS Large urban areas, irrigation along rivers mainly downstream of dams. Little dry land cultivation, mostly natural vegetation (livestock, game). Scattered mining, many inactive.

5 WMA 3: Crocodile (West) and Marico - Sectoral Water Requirements (2000)
A CLOSER LOOK AT THE CROCODILE WEST AND MARICO WMA: Urban and irrigation requirements dominant. Most requirements in Upper Crocodile and Apies/Pienaars. (Pretoria/Johannesburg and irrigation). Small requirements to the west, Upper Molopo and Marico sub-areas.

6 Sectoral contributions to the economy (1997)
30% National Crocodile (West) and Marico WMA 20% Contribution 10% This slide shows the sectoral composition of the CROCODILE WEST AND MARICO WMA economy, relative to the NATIONAL economy. Important again to note that strong inter-dependencies exist among different economic sectors. Agriculture includes: irrigation, forestry, dry land cultivation. WMA: Crocodile West and Marico WMA contributes about 24% to the national GDP, most of all the WMAs. Local requirements about 10% of the total requirements. Strong diversified and mainly urbanised economy. Mining also important. Crocodile West and Marico WMA contributes 24% to the national GDP. Agriculture 1% of GDP, uses 34% of the water. (National agriculture is 4% of GDP and uses 60% of the water). 0% Mining Trade Other Finance Transport Agriculture Electricity Community Construction Government Manufacturing

7 WMA 3: Crocodile (West) and Marico - Water Availability (2000)
A CLOSER LOOK AT THE CROCODILE WEST AND MARICO WMA: Nearly half of available water from transfers in Close to 30 % from return flows which become available for re-use (mainly originating from transfers) Local natural resources within WMA less than 25 % Little water resources in west, where surface flows highly variable

8 WMA 3: Crocodile (West) and Marico - Water Reconciliation (2000)
A CLOSER LOOK AT THE CROCODILE WEST AND MARICO WMA: Note: Reserve quantity is included in the requirements. Total WMA about in balance. Transfers into Upper Crocodile and Apies sub-areas to meet requirements. Small surplus due to return flows downstream. Deficits in Marico due to opportunistic irrigation and allowance for the ecological component of the Reserve, which still needs to be implemented. Deficits in Upper Molopo causing mining (over-exploitation) of groundwater.

9 WMA 3: Crocodile (West) and Marico - Population scenarios
A CLOSER LOOK AT THE CROCODILE WEST AND MARICO WMA: Most people in WMA reside in urban areas Population growth expected in urban areas and in urban population Little change in rural population projected

10 WMA 3: Crocodile (West) and Marico - Water Reconciliation (future)
A CLOSER LOOK AT THE CROCODILE WEST AND MARICO WMA: Strong growth in water requirements in urban and mining areas, because of economic and population growth. Growing water availability in Crocodile catchment because of increasing transfers. Surplus results from increasing return flows downstream. Continued deficits in Marico, Upper Molopo.

11 WMA 3: Crocodile (West) and Marico Groundwater
Large dolomitic aquifers along most of the southern part of the WMA from Pretoria to Mafikeng Large quantities of water are abstracted from these aquifers, mainly for urban and irrigation use Sandy aquifers along the lower Crocodile River Over-exploitation of groundwater is experienced in the vicinity of Mafikeng Some aquifers are shared by South Africa and Botswana Self explanatory

12 WMA 3: Crocodile (West) and Marico Water quality
In the natural state: quality of surface water in the WMA generally good Large quantities of effluent discharged into the rivers have a major impact on the water quality The Jukskei River is probably the river most affected by urbanisation and industrial activity in the country Severe eutrophication problems at dams Groundwater quality generally of a very high standard high fluoride and iron concentrations in the east Where feasible, special management techniques to improve water quality to appropriate standards Self explanatory

13 WMA 3: Crocodile (West) and Marico Key issues
Already full utilisation of local water Continued strong growth in the Pretoria-Johannesburg and Platinum Belt region with accompanying increase in water requirements Optimal balance required between re-use of return flows and transfer of water Management of water quality in the Crocodile River catchment impacted by growing urbanisation and return flows Self explanatory

14 WMA 3: Crocodile (West) and Marico Key issues (2)
Current over-commitment of water resources in Upper Molopo sub-area together with provision for future growth at Mafikeng Impacts of implementation of the ecological Reserve on water balances in the Elands, Marico and Upper Molopo River catchments Quantity and quality of streamflow reaching the Limpopo River - may be relevant to the management of the Limpopo River jointly with other basin countries Self explanatory

15 to neighbouring countries Surplus return flows to be reserved
WMA 3: Crocodile (West) and Marico Water resources under control of the Minister Transfer of water between WMAs to neighbouring countries Surplus return flows to be reserved for re-use developments in other areas augmenting supplies in neighbouring WMAs Quantity and quality of water discharged to the Limpopo River Self explanatory


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