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Thursday, November 29, 2012 Bell Ringer: Read the sentence carefully. Look for context clues to help you in determining the meaning of the Greek/Latin.

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday, November 29, 2012 Bell Ringer: Read the sentence carefully. Look for context clues to help you in determining the meaning of the Greek/Latin."— Presentation transcript:

1 thursday, November 29, 2012 Bell Ringer: Read the sentence carefully. Look for context clues to help you in determining the meaning of the Greek/Latin prefix or root.

2 Daily Learning Target I can defend, through analysis of the text, that Santiago follows the hero’s journey. I can demonstrate comprehension of increasingly challenging texts in order to answer literal, interpretive, and evaluative questions.

3 Review Questions: Skim back through pages 116-127 to answer the following questions
Fill in the blank. The Alchemist held up a _______________ to prove that there was life in the desert. The Alchemist says that ___________ should never keep a man from his Personal Legend. Fatima says that she will look to the __________ with hope until Santiago returns. The Alchemist says that “The Emerald Tablet is a direct passage to the __________________.” The Alchemist instructs Santiago to listen to his _______ and not his _______.

4 Independent Reading: Read to the Second Star on Page 143
1. Santiago spends the next week trying to “listen to his heart” as The Alchemist has instructed him to do. There are several pages of dialogue between Santiago and his heart in this section. What do you think the writer wants the reader to understand about this dialogue? Is Santiago literally having a conversation with his heart, or is something else going on here? 2. Once Santiago believes he understands his heart, what agreements does he ask of it, and what does he promise it in return? 3. According to The Alchemist, every search starts with Beginner’s Luck. How does every Search end? How is this belief consistent with the Phases and Steps of the Hero’s Journey model? What does this foreshadow for Santiago? 4. Though The Alchemist obviously understands the Language of the World and has special tools and powers at his disposal, he does not actually offer to help Santiago out of a challenging and dangerous situation. On the contrary, he places Santiago in the center of an apparently dangerous situation when he tells the chief and his men that Santiago is an alchemist who can turn himself into the wind. If he is supposed to be a mentor to Santiago, why does he do this?

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