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Commonwealth of Massachusetts Statewide Strategic IT Consolidation (ITC) Initiative Standardizing Secretariat HR Change Impact Assessments through ‘Day 1’ May 27, UPDATED MAY 28, 6:00PM PER HRD FEEDBACK DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY = Red font indicates 5/28 updates as of 6pm per HRD feedback
HR Administration ‘Day 1’ Readiness Overview
Progress achieved to date with HR administration for IT Consolidation: Draft guidelines developed by the IT Administration Sub-committee SCIOs are beginning to work together with Secretariat HR Directors Next ‘big push’ of detailed activities is still required before 7/1/2009: Need to execute a similar set of activities around assessing, validating, and communicating impacts on each employee The Commonwealth met with NAGE to discuss ways to make this process as effective and efficient as possible: Proposed timeline through 7/1 Checklist of key activities Common change impact assessment tool around: Work performed Physical work location(s) Reporting relationships The Secretariats and the unions will benefit from a common process and format
HR Administration ‘Day 1’ Readiness Proposed Process and Timeline
May 26-Jun 1 Jun 1-5 Jun 8-12 Jun 15-30 Assess Key Changes and Impacts Refine and Validate Changes and Impacts Refine and Validate Changes and Impacts Communicate Key Changes and Impacts Develop high-level organization charts (for the 7/1/2009 state and, if you already have it ready, the 12/31/2009 target state, too) Evaluate change impacts at the individual employee level Generate and analyze Seniority Lists for all your IT employees (not just those people for whom there are impacts) Assemble information packets and submit to OER at HRD by 5/30 by 6/1 Mon 12noon Review, clarify, and refine information packets as needed Submit information packets to unions around close of business 6/1 Prepare communications at the individual employee level Prepare and deliver communications around impacts to Secretariat IT Steering Committees Conduct meetings each day of this week 11am-2pm to communicate impacts Meeting participants will include: Union Representatives Steve Perry of OER/HRD SCIOs Secretariat HR Directors Agency Representatives, as needed Communicate changes to individuals impacted (throughout this week) Validate that all individual employee communications are complete Conduct Secretariat Town Halls (note: as needed, these may take place in the early half of July as an alternative to the latter half of June) = Red font indicates 5/28 updates as of 6pm per HRD feedback
HR Administration ‘Day 1’ Readiness Checklist for SCIOs
Step Activity Owner Due Date Status 1 Discuss template tool and SCIO questions during next IT Consolidation Working Group Working Session SCIOs 5/26 Tu 2 Generate Seniority Lists based on the employee's current seniority as defined by the employee's respective Collective Bargaining Agreement (i.e., based on time in the agency) Secretariat HR Directors 5/29 F 3 Complete high-level 7/1 Organization Chart, and evaluate change impacts of IT Consolidation at the employee level (using the common tool) and prepare in consolidated information packet SCIOs and Secretariat HR Directors 4 Send information packet comprised of completed tool, seniority list, and org chart to Steve Perry at the Office of Employee Relations (OER) of HRD 6/1 M ~12pm 5 Create single information packet containing Org Chart, Seniority List, Impact Analysis, and send to NAGE union Steve Perry 6/1 M 6 Review and clarify information packet contents as needed NAGE, Steve Perry 6/5 F 7 Communicate overall impacts and changes to Secretariat IT Steering Committee Before 6/8 M 8 Communicate key changes to individual employee (in tandem with daily meetings held 11am – 2pm) 6/8 M – 6/12 F 9 Schedule and manage logistics for Secretariat Town Halls SCIOs (with optional support from Eileen Harrity as needed) 6/3 W – 6/22 M 10 Conduct Secretariat Town Halls (leveraging forthcoming template as needed) 6/15 M – 6/30 Tu (or 1st –half of July if needed)
HR Administration ‘Day 1’ Readiness Change Impact Assessment Tool
B C D E F Key Fields: Current Seniority Date: Seniority date based on the employee's current seniority as defined by the employee's respective Collective Bargaining Agreement (i.e., based on time in the agency); relevant details needed that are associated with the date may be added in the corresponding Comments Column Any Changes to the Following 4 Factors on July 1st? Yes / No response only - i.e., are there any changes at all in terms of the key factors considered here (i.e., reporting relationships, appointing authority, physical work location, or work performed); please select from drop-down list Factor 1: July 1st Changes to Reporting Relationships? List the name of the person whom the employee is reporting to today and on 7/1 (if no changes on 7/1, indicate "Same”) Factor 2: July 1st Changes to Appointing Authority? List the name of the person who has the authority to hire and fire the employee today and on 7/1 (if no change on 7/1, indicate “Same”) Factor 3: July 1st Changes to Physical Work Location? List the common name of the physical place at which the employee works today and on 7/1 (if no change on 7/1, indicate “Same”) Factor 4: July 1st Changes to Work Performed? Select the IT service performed today and that performed on 7/1 from drop-down list; in some instances, “Other” may refer to a combination of services or a service other than those listed in the drop-down box
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