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4R Case Study Growing Green Waters (Phosphorous) Prepared by Nutrients for Life Canada Teacher Resource for 4R Case Study 2

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Presentation on theme: "4R Case Study Growing Green Waters (Phosphorous) Prepared by Nutrients for Life Canada Teacher Resource for 4R Case Study 2"— Presentation transcript:

1 4R Case Study Growing Green Waters (Phosphorous) Prepared by Nutrients for Life Canada Teacher Resource for 4R Case Study 2

2 What is Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture?

3 Let’s Review: Challenges to Feeding the World.. LocalProvincial FederalGlobal

4 Phosphorous is an Essential Nutrient Globally there are about ten different sources of fertilizer phosphorous.

5 Phosphorous is held strongly in the solid phase. A little phosphorous goes a long way. 1lb of phosphorous supports about 1000 lbs of algae! Who Remembers the Phosphorous Cycle?

6 Source: Statistics Canada in Honey, J. 2010. Crops in Manitoba. Increasing Yields & Lake Winnipeg

7 ○ Between 1990- 2000, increases in the frequency and severity of algal blooms in Lake Winnipeg were present. ○ Large algal bloom covered 10,000 km 2 of north basin in 2005. ○ Should this Lake water be green? Is this normal? So Why the Concern In Manitoba?

8 Source: Phosphorus for Life – Phosphorus and Water Quality (2014). Crops Nutrient Council. Phosphorus Sources to Lake Winnipeg What are the sources of Phosphorous inputs? 53% Upstream Jurisdictions 17% Natural (Undefined) 15% Agriculture 9% Point Sources 6% Atmospheric Deposition

9 A Solution to the Pollution - 4R Nutrient Stewardship ○ Nutrients are applied using the Right Source @ Right Rate, Right Time and Right Place with producers using Best Management Practices (BMP’s) to achieve economic, social and environmental sustainability. ○ Results are measured, evaluated and adjusted. ○ Farmer will determine which combination of BMP’s will optimize nutrient use efficiency and economic return at the farm.

10 Let’s 4R Discuss to Find Solutions Lets 4R Discuss about Phosphorous 1.Why is phosphorous a concern? 2.What are the sources of excess phosphorous? 3.Why is phosphorous making a comeback into some of the larger water bodies in Canada? 4.What can we do to reduce phosphorous 5.What are some possible solutions to solving the phosphorous challenge?

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