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LAB SESSION 1 Design of Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem Debdeep Mukhopadhyay Chester Rebeiro Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Indian Institute of.

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Presentation on theme: "LAB SESSION 1 Design of Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem Debdeep Mukhopadhyay Chester Rebeiro Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Indian Institute of."— Presentation transcript:

1 LAB SESSION 1 Design of Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem Debdeep Mukhopadhyay Chester Rebeiro Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur INDIA

2 Parameters of the Design Characteristic 2 field: GF(2 233 ) Random Curve: y 2 + xy = x 3 + a.x 2 + b, where a = 1 /* Basepoint for the curve, taken from FIPS 186-2 */ Base-Point (X,Y): ◦ 233'h0fac9dfcbac8313bb2139f1bb755fef65bc391f8b36f8f8eb7371 fd558b ◦ 233'h1006a08a41903350678e58528bebf8a0beff867a7ca36716f7e 01f81052 /* The constant b for the curve, from FIPS 186-2 again */ ◦ 233'h066647ede6c332c7f8c0923bb58213b333b20e9ce428 1fe115f7d8f90ad

3 Design Hierarchy Elliptic Curve Hierarchy

4 Code Hierarchy module ecsmul(clk, nrst, key, sx, sy, done); regbank regs(clk, cwh, c0r, c1r, a0, a1, a2, a3); ec_alu alu(cwl, a0, a1, a2, a3, c0a, c1a); multiplier mul(minA, minB, mout); module squarer(a, d); module bquadblk(en, in, sel, out);

5 Module Multiplier module multiplier(a, b, d); input wire [232:0] a; input wire [232:0] b; output wire [232:0] d; wire [464:0] mout; ks233 ks(a, b, mout); (Karatsuba Multiplier) mod mod1(mout, d); (Modulo Operation) endmodule

6 Karatsuba Multiplier The multiplier operates on 233 bit inputs and gives a 465 bit outputs. The multiplier uses sub-multipliers, with operands as described in the figure. The initial multipliers are Simple Karatsuba based, however after a threshold of 16, it was realized by Generalized Karatsuba blocks.

7 Module ks233 module ks233(a, b, d); input wire [232:0] a; input wire [232:0] b; output wire [464:0] d; wire [230:0] m1; wire [232:0] m2; wire [232:0] m3; wire [116:0] ahl; wire [116:0] bhl; ks117 ksm1(a[116:0], b[116:0], m2); ks116 ksm2(a[232:117], b[232:117], m1); assign ahl[115:0] = a[232:117] ^ a[115:0]; assign ahl[116] = a[116]; assign bhl[115:0] = b[232:117] ^ b[115:0]; assign bhl[116] = b[116]; ks117 ksm3(ahl, bhl, m3);

8 Combining the Partial Results Since, n=233: ◦ d[0…116] = m2[0…116] ◦ d[117…232]=m2[117…232] ^ m2[0..115] ^ m1[0…115] ^ m3[0…115] ◦ d[233]=m2[116]^m1[116]^m3 [116] ◦ d[234…347]=m2[117…230]^ m1[117…230]^m3[117…230] ^m1[0…113] ◦ d[348] = m2[231] ^ m3[231] ^ m1[114] ◦ d[349] = m2[232] ^ m3[232] ^ m1[115] ◦ d[350…464]=m1[116…232]

9 Generalized Karatsuba A(x)=a 2 x 2 +a 1 x+a 0, B(x)=b 2 x 2 +b 1 x+b 0 D 0 =a 0 b 0, D 1 =a 1 b 1, D 2 =a 2 b 2 D 0,1 =(a 0 +a 1 )(b 0 +b 1 ), D 0,2 =(a 0 +a 2 )(b 0 +b 2 ) D 1,2 =(a 1 +a 2 )(b 1 +b 2 ) A(x)*B(x)=D 2 x 4 +(D 1,2 -D 1 -D 2 )x 3 +(D 0,2 -D 0 - D 2 )x 2 +(D 0,1 -D 0 -D 1 )x+D 0

10 The Generalized Karatsuba Codes module ks14(a, b, d) and module ks15(a, b, d) uses this idea for 14 and 15 degree polynomials. Details can be found in the verilog code.

11 Squarer module squarer(a, d) is easy in hardware for GF(2) fields.

12 Modulo Operation Multiplication and squarer will lead to overflow. ◦ Hence we need to perform a modulo operation to bring the result in the field Modulo Polynomial: x 233 +x 74 +1 Here, m=233 and n=74 (Note: n < m/2)

13 Squarer Code module squarer(a, d); input wire [232:0] a; output wire [232:0] d; assign d[0] = a[0] ^ a[196]; assign d[1] = a[117]; assign d[2] = a[1] ^ a[197]; assign d[3] = a[118]; assign d[4] = a[2] ^ a[198]; assign d[5] = a[119]; assign d[6] = a[3] ^ a[199]; assign d[7] = a[120]; assign d[8] = a[4] ^ a[200]; assign d[9] = a[121]; assign d[10] = a[5] ^ a[201]; assign d[11] = a[122]; assign d[12] = a[6] ^ a[202]; assign d[13] = a[123]; assign d[14] = a[7] ^ a[203]; assign d[15] = a[124]; assign d[16] = a[8] ^ a[204]; assign d[17] = a[125]; assign d[18] = a[9] ^ a[205]; assign d[19] = a[126]; … This code performs the squaring as well as modulo reduction. Squaring leads to under-utilized FPGA circuits.

14 Quad Itoh Tsujii Inversion

15 Quad Block module bquadblk(en, in, sel, out); input wire en; /* If 1 enable data into the quad block */ input wire [232:0] in; /* Input to quadblk */ input wire [3:0] sel; /* What power is needed */ output wire [232:0] out; /* Output from quadblk */ wire [232:0] lin; quadblk bp4blk(lin, sel, out); assign lin = (en == 1'b1) ? in : 233'b0; endmodule

16 Quad block module quadblk(a, sel, d); input wire [232:0] a; input wire [3:0] sel; output reg [232:0] d; pow4 p4_1(a, d1); pow4 p4_2(d1, d2); pow4 p4_3(d2, d3); pow4 p4_4(d3, d4); pow4 p4_5(d4, d5); pow4 p4_6(d5, d6); pow4 p4_7(d6, d7); pow4 p4_8(d7, d8); pow4 p4_9(d8, d9); pow4 p4_10(d9, d10); pow4 p4_11(d10, d11); pow4 p4_12(d11, d12); pow4 p4_13(d12, d13); pow4 p4_14(d13, d14); always @(sel or d1 or d2 or d3 or d4 or d5 or d6 or d7 or d8 or d9 or d10 or d11 or d12 or d13 or d14) case (sel) 4'd1: d <= d1; 4'd2: d <= d2; 4'd3: d <= d3; 4'd4: d <= d4; 4'd5: d <= d5; 4'd6: d <= d6; 4'd7: d <= d7; 4'd8: d <= d8; 4'd9: d <= d9; 4'd10: d <= d10; 4'd11: d <= d11; 4'd12: d <= d12; 4'd13: d <= d13; 4'd14: d <= d14; default: d<= 233'hx; endcase endmodule

17 Quad circuit module pow4(a, d); input wire [232:0] a; output wire [232:0] d; assign d[0] = a[0] ^ a[196] ^ a[98]; assign d[1] = a[138] ^ a[175]; assign d[2] = a[117] ^ a[178] ^ a[215]; assign d[3] = a[59] ^ a[218]; assign d[4] = a[1] ^ a[197] ^ a[99]; assign d[5] = a[139] ^ a[176]; assign d[6] = a[118] ^ a[179] ^ a[216]; assign d[7] = a[60] ^ a[219]; assign d[8] = a[2] ^ a[198] ^ a[100]; assign d[9] = a[140] ^ a[177]; assign d[10] = a[119] ^ a[180] ^ a[217]; assign d[11] = a[61] ^ a[220]; assign d[12] = a[3] ^ a[199] ^ a[101]; assign d[13] = a[141] ^ a[178]; assign d[14] = a[120] ^ a[181] ^ a[218]; assign d[15] = a[62] ^ a[221]; …. This code performs the quading as well as modulo reduction. Quading leads to better-utilized FPGA circuits.

18 The ALU for the ECC Processor

19 The verilog code for ALU module ec_alu(cw, a0, a1, a2, a3, c0, c1); input wire [232:0] a0, a1, a2, a3; /* the inputs to the alu */ input wire [9:0] cw; /* the control word */ output wire [232:0] c0, c1; /* the alu outputs */ /* Temporary results */ wire [232:0] a0sq, a0qu; wire [232:0] a1sq, a1qu; wire [232:0] a2sq, a2qu; wire [232:0] sa2, sa4, sa5, sa7, sa8, sa8_1; wire [232:0] sc1; wire [232:0] sd2, sd2_1; /* Multiplier inputs and output */ wire [232:0] minA, minB, mout; multiplier mul(minA, minB, mout); squarer sq1_p0(a0, a0sq); squarer sq_p1(a1, a1sq); squarer sq_p2(a2, a2sq); squarer sq2_p2(a2sq, a2qu); squarer sq2_p1(a1sq, a1qu); squarer sq2_p3(a0sq, a0qu); /* Choose the inputs to the Multiplier */ mux8 muxA(a0, a0sq, a2, sa7, sd2, a1, a1qu, 233'd0, cw[2:0], minA); mux8 muxB(a1, a1sq, sa4, sa8, sd2_1, a3, a2qu,a1qu, cw[5:3], minB); /* Choose the outputs of the ALU */ mux4 muxC(mout, sa2, a1sq, sc1, cw[7:6], c0); mux4 muxD(sa8_1, sa5, a1qu, sd2, cw[9:8], c1); assign sa2 = mout ^ a2; assign sa4 = a1sq ^ a2; assign sa5 = mout ^ a2sq ^ a0; assign sa7 = a0 ^ a2; assign sa8 = a1 ^ a3; assign sa8_1 = mout ^ a0; assign sc1 = mout ^ a3; assign sd2 = a0qu ^ a1; assign sd2_1 = a2sq ^ a3 ^ a1; endmodule

20 Next Lab Session on ECC Processor

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