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Section 2- Traders, Explorers, and Colonists

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1 Section 2- Traders, Explorers, and Colonists
Trade Between Europe and Asia The Spice Trade Europeans want Asian spices Pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves preserve food, improve flavor Spice trade controlled by Italian merchants from Genoa, Venice Sail to eastern Mediterranean ports to get Asian goods Possibility of Great Wealth Transport of goods is costly, so spices are expensive in Europe, so in 1400’s a new direct trade route to Asia is wanted

2 Leaders In Exploration
Exploring the African Coast Portugal’s Prince Henry the Navigator seeks a shortcut to Asia In early 1400’s, sends explorers down coast of Africa Explorers return with gold dust, ivory, navigational knowledge Race Around Africa Dias rounds Africa’s south tip (Cape of Good Hope) in 1488 A decade later, Vasco da Gama finds sea route to India Portugal puts trading posts on Indian Ocean coasts, rules the seas

3 Europe Enters A New Age Christopher Columbus Ferdinand Magellan
Some believe shortest way to Asia is west across Atlantic Italian Christopher Columbus, sailing for Spain, leaves in 1492, lands in the Caribbean, and thinks it’s Asia Ferdinand Magellan In 1519, Spain funds Portuguese explorer Magellan Killed in battle in Philippines after 18 months at sea, only 18 crewmen circumnavigate- sail completely around the world John Cabot England’s Henry VII wants his share of wealth Funds Italian born Giovanni Caboto, John Cabot Cabot thinks north across the Atlantic might be the shortcut to Asia Sails from England in 1497, and lands in Newfoundland, Canada, he thinks he finds Asia

4 The Outcomes Of Exploration
A Clash of Cultures Europeans founded colonies on coasts of Africa, the Americas Imperialism- one country controls government, economy of another country Religious Conversion Christian European monarchs sent missionaries to colonies to convert the conquered people to Christianity Hope the new converts will help Christianity overcome Islam The Spread of Diseases Unknowingly Europeans carry diseases to colonies, like smallpox, malaria, and measles Slavery Portuguese buy West Africans to work as slaves in Portugal In some colonies, European make native peoples work land for them

5 School Domination Pick 3 rooms to takeover Create a Name of your ship
Write them on a sheet of paper in order of importance Include a reason of why for each room Create a Name of your ship Create a Name of your country

6 1ST PERIOD Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Bamkid Mrs. King’s room Cafeteria
Mrs. Ryan’s room Annililater Auditorium Chorus room Orchestra room Black Pearl Wooden gym Lunchroom Mr. Limpert’s room Punisher Mr. Marc’s room TKJH Orchestra Mrs. Gingras room Queeniod Theatre Algic Mrs. Utz’s room

7 2nd Period Countries Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Western Cags Cafeteria
Nurses office Wooden gym Newbrio Media center Kitchen St. Peterson Auditorium Purple Slovakia Facs room Mac lab Margrathan cafeteria Polkadot

8 4th Period Country Room 1 Room 2 Room 3

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