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1 C-SMART C-SMART - Center for SMART Cities Creating Smart Cities and Making Cities Smarter.

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1 1 C-SMART C-SMART - Center for SMART Cities Creating Smart Cities and Making Cities Smarter

2 2 C-SMART WHY SMART Cities? Great Cities were citadel of great Ancient Civilizations & in today’s world, Cities are economic growth engines. According to a study of the MIT Media Lab, “in the near future, cities will account for 90 per cent of the global population growth, 80 per cent of the wealth creation and 60 per cent of the total energy consumption.” Developing strategies for creation of SMART cities is, therefore, a global imperative.

3 3 C-SMART What is a SMART City? Citizens & Their Quality of Life is the focus of a SMART CITY – “A city well performing in a forward looking way in economy, people, governance, mobility, environment and living, built on the smart combination of endowments and activities of self-decisive, independent and aware citizens.” - Vienna University of Technology.

4 4 C-SMART An Indian SMART City Outcome Driven Approach Urbanization is inevitable and it is a key driver of India’s economic growth. Hence it is imperative that we do it right. We need to build “Greenfield Smart Cities” for specific socio-economic outcomes as well as “Retrofit our Existing Cities” to boost economic growth & well being of our citizens.

5 5 C-SMART An Indian SMART City No One Size Fits All Every city has it's unique socio-economic advantages & urban challenges – Hence each will require an individual and unique SMART intervention. Making Bangalore the “Innovation Capital of the World” vs rejuvenating Varanasi as the “Sacred Land for Hindus”, both will require SMART interventions but will need different approach, knowledge & expertise.

6 6 C-SMART Center for SMART Cities The Need The vision of a SMART City is defined uniquely by stakeholders based on their understanding and domain of expertise. Considerable knowledge, resource and best practices exist both in private sector and with the governments/municipal bodies, but putting it together in a collaborative framework with a usable form and format is a challeng e.

7 7 C-SMART C-SMART - Center for SMART Cities A Center of Excellence CSC will address these challenges by creating a Center of Excellence – “A Think & Do platform” - through collaboration and knowledge sharing among various stakeholders. Center for Smart Cities is designed to be a knowledge bank and repository of best practices for socio-economic outcome driven SMART Urban Planning and City Management.

8 8 C-SMART What Makes a Smart City ? The Building Blocks Citizen Better Quality of Life Economy-Employment-Environment Citizen Better Quality of Life Economy-Employment-Environment Physical Infrastructure Physical Infrastructure Institutional Infrastructure Institutional Infrastructure Social Infrastructure Social Infrastructure

9 9 C-SMART What Makes a Smart City The Infrastrucure SMART City Mobile City Safe City Clean City Green City Culturally Vibrant Economically Viable Ecologically Sustainable

10 10 C-SMART C-SMART - Center for Smart Cities Repository of Knowledge & Best Practices Urban Planning and City Management Safety & Security Mobility & Connectivity Ecology & Environment Waste & Energy

11 11 C-SMART Center for Smart Cities Collaboration & Knowledge sharing Center for SMART Cities Knowledge Partners Public Policy Partners Technology Partners Government Partners

12 12 C-SMART C-SMART - Center for SMART Cities THANK YOU

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