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Good Management Effective Organisations Bjørn Bauer PlanMiljø.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Management Effective Organisations Bjørn Bauer PlanMiljø."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Management Effective Organisations Bjørn Bauer PlanMiljø


3 The Process IMPEL Workgroup with 12 participants from 11 countries Eight two-day meetings in Brussels over 18 months Organisational concept derived from management research Fact finding in 16 countries In depth discussions of all ideas, findings and chapters Adopted by IMPEL December 2003

4 Effectiveness To set the right goals and To achieve the goals, you have set, with the lowest possible resource consumption

5 e In s p e c to r t a Political, Environmental, Economical and Social Factors The way we have always done it

6 Political, Environmental, Economical and Social Factors Vision Values Management Strategy Human Resources Systems Successful Inspectorate StructureCulture

7 Strategy Managerial Style Structure Systems Personnel Culture Resources Political and Regulatory Factors Environmental Factors Social and Cultural FactorsEconomic and Technical Factors Political, Environmental, Economical and Social Factors Mission Vision Values Effective Inspection Work

8 Vision Above all technicalities we need vision If you want to build a ship do not drum up people to gather timber. Do not divide the work or give orders. Instead, evoke their longing for the blue and endless sea

9 Vision - Latvia “It is our vision that in future we will see an effective and efficient, not politicised independent environmental inspection system, highly respected in the society. State Inspectorate ensures the right of the person to live in a environment of good quality and is capable of eliminating not only the consequences of the environmental impacts but also their causes. State Inspectorate employs highly skilled personnel with appropriate salaries and state guarantees. Implementing the environmental policy plan they are capable of operative acting in any situation using the most modern equipment”.

10 Strategy Where are we now? Where do we want to go? How do we get there? How do we know when we have arrived Can we do better next time?

11 Evaluation of present state Evaluation of present state Goals Objectives Actions Mission, Vision & Values Mission, Vision & Values Political and Regulatory Priorities Political and Regulatory Priorities Strategy Cycle Stakeholders Monitoring and review of indicators and assumptions Monitoring and review of indicators and assumptions Environment

12 Human Resources The staff is the inspectorate’s most important resource. Without competent, committed and responsible staff the manager is unable to deliver environmental goals. Factors of importance for retaining staff: motivation development and progression opportunities adequate remuneration transparent carrier opportunities good working conditions social protection civil servant status for staff

13 Human Ressource Management Which competencies do we need? How do we recruit the right people? Improve qualifications? And motivate? Do people deliver their best?

14 Systems How do we decide the need? Have staff been involved in deciding? Do we have the necessary systems? And only these? Has quality of the work been assured? What about information sharing?

15 Systems Permitting, compliance assessment and enforcement Monitoring industry’s environmental performance Monitoring ambient environment Monitoring performance of the inspectorate Handling appeals and complaints Quality assurance Networking, co-ordination and exchange of good practice and information with other authorities and institutions Reporting Budgeting, calculating, resource allocation

16 Quality Assurance Quality demands can, as in Scotland, deal with:  goal oriented and prioritised efforts  harmonic approach in the country  citizens’ admittance to the Inspectorate  communication in easily understandable terms  efficient case handling (inspection, letters, decisions etc.) within reasonable time limits  fair decisions accompanied by information on appeal possibilities Tangible indicators may illustrate the quality demands:  presence of strategy, measuring on indicators  rate of staff that have completed the plan for competence development  rate of citizens that know the Inspectorate and its responsibilities  rate of stakeholders who find that their case is handled within reasonable time  rate of stakeholders who find the Inspectorate highly competent  rate of stakeholders who have received good service from the Inspectorate  case handling time for inspection cases including follow up

17 Internal Culture Co-operation or Conflict Active work with culture Open and respectful dialogue Openness about goals Handling of conflicts and critique Unity about decisions Agreements are observed Both results and process

18 Changing Culture Changing Habits Skills to do what shall be done Knowledge What shall be done and why Will The driving force to do it Habits Capability

19 Inspectorate Structure Different options considered? Clear and transparent tasks and mandates? How has management tasks been divided?

20 Structure Review outside / overall structure of regulatory cycle Review mission statement, vision and strategy Identify tasks, responsibilities and priorities Consider different possible structures Consult with Government, trade unions and maybe stakeholders Discuss with mid-level management Disseminate to staff and stakeholders

21 Effective Inspectorates start WITH YOU

22 Good Leadership Explicate and demonstrate principles and values Aim at effectiveness by formulating, revising, and focusing at goals Work at the strategical level – “Where to go” Release staff competence and responsibility by empowerment and delegation Deal with the practical implementation Secure efficiency by developing and maintaining systems that promote productivity Work at the tactical level – “How to get there” Regulate staff performance by systems and control Leaders Managers

23 Good Leadership Be trustworthy and honest Empower the staff Be proactive and take responsibility Be enthusiastic, visionary, visible and creative Be goal-oriented and effective Seek win/win solutions, create winners Be communicative Be informative Synergize Ongoing development

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