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CASEYREASON.COM Ground Rules Be honest, authentic, and present Participate with one another Be willing to reach.

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Presentation on theme: "CASEYREASON.COM Ground Rules Be honest, authentic, and present Participate with one another Be willing to reach."— Presentation transcript:

1 CASEYREASON.COM Ground Rules Be honest, authentic, and present Participate with one another Be willing to reach

2 CASEYREASON.COM PLC Next-Level Learning Objectives 1. Lead the creation of a dynamic and authentic school culture around leadership, learning, and change. 2. Develop a clear and impactful vision for change and continuous school improvement. 3. Reduce obstacles to change by reducing team learning hindrances. 4. Ignite meaningful change by stimulating individual and team learning capacities.

3 CASEYREASON.COM SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENTEMERGING LEADERSHIP TRENDS 1. Focus on management 2. Focus on hierarchy 3. Managers establish the ONE best way 1. Focus on learning 2. Continuous change and new relationships 3. Workers in teams establish best practices

4 CASEYREASON.COM SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENTEMERGING LEADERSHIP TRENDS 4. Focus on job descriptions and policy 5. Emphasis on conformity to standard 6. Highly structured use of time 4. Focus on general job targets and deliverables 5. Emphasis on creativity 6. Breaking down time and space variables

5 CASEYREASON.COM SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENTEMERGING LEADERSHIP TRENDS 7. Work is carefully scrutinized at all levels 8. Isolation of the workers 9. Management shared information 10. Companies value materials, structure, and management 7. Dramatic reduction in the need for management 8. Required collaboration 9. Information is shared from numerous sources 10. Companies value people and access to great ideas

6 CASEYREASON.COM Leadership in Learning Organizations Leadership is a force, not a position. Great leaders inspire quality learning. Absent a leader(s) – one(s) will emerge.

7 CASEYREASON.COM Learning… Today learning happens in a variety of settings with an ever-expanding number of learning tools. Learning is personalized, collaborative, and continuous. Learning is the lifeblood of any school, and absent a learning agenda; one will emerge.

8 CASEYREASON.COM Change… In schools, significant change occurs when those who work with students learn something new and apply this new learning successfully with students. Those leading change MUST be willing to “be” the change. Leading change in an organization is continuous. Absent a change agenda; one will emerge.

9 CASEYREASON.COM Question What can you do to improve the levels of leadership, learning, and change in your school?

10 CASEYREASON.COM Vision: The Construction of a Mental Image History Context Mental Model

11 CASEYREASON.COM Emotions Sag Muting Rumination Resilience Variety Shared

12 CASEYREASON.COM Positive Emotions Calmness Courage Elation Gratitude Hope Pride Negative Emotions Anger Boredom Embarrassment Fear Grief Loneliness NoteReflectAct

13 CASEYREASON.COM Positive Emotions Calmness Courage Elation Gratitude Hope Pride Negative Emotions Anger Boredom Embarrassment Fear Grief Loneliness ChooseActReflect

14 CASEYREASON.COM The BEST emotional state for learning Relaxed alertness

15 CASEYREASON.COM Understanding Stress Stops learning in its tracks Diminishes productivity Makes us sick

16 CASEYREASON.COM Understanding Stress In our head (and body) Intensifies when shared Is impacted by multitasking

17 CASEYREASON.COM Understanding Stress At Times We Crave It New FearSurviveRush

18 CASEYREASON.COM GROUPS WHO FEEL STRESS 1. The Angry and At-Wit’s-End Group 2. The Exhausted Group 3. The Manic, Last-Minute Group 4. The Looking-at-the-Pavement- While-Driving Group

19 CASEYREASON.COM Managing Stress CHANT the positive Plan ahead Minimize multitasking Empowerment Choose to react

20 CASEYREASON.COM Managing Stress Be real Confront fear mongering Work in teams

21 CASEYREASON.COM Managing Stress Reflect Sleep on it Take action

22 CASEYREASON.COM Managing Stress Utilize healthy endorphin releases Fresh air Food Drink Social contacts Sunshine Movement

23 CASEYREASON.COM Managing Stress Engage other emotions Apply positive denial Promote safety, faith, and trust Laughter

24 CASEYREASON.COM Change, Analysis, and Reframing Strategy (CARS) ActionChallengesOpportunitiesReflection Change

25 CASEYREASON.COM BETTER QUESTIONS Empowerment Ownership Meaning

26 CASEYREASON.COM EMPOWERMENT, OWNERSHIP, AND MEANING 1. Why aren’t parents more involved? 2. Why doesn’t the community value what we do? 3. What’s wrong with our supervisor? 1. How can we make parents feel welcome? 2. How can we show the community we add value? 3. What support does our supervisor need from us?

27 CASEYREASON.COM EMPOWERMENT, OWNERSHIP, AND MEANING 4. Where’s the party? 5. What’s wrong with these students? 6. How can I get through this content in an hour? 4. What’s the next challenge? 5. How can we meet the needs of our students? 6. How can this material be presented in a way that facilitates learning?

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