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Welcome to Vote on the Code 2015 The Process Begins!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Vote on the Code 2015 The Process Begins!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Vote on the Code 2015 The Process Begins!

2 CMAHC Business Meeting and Discussion

3 Immediate Action Post-Conference  Reflect on the Conference presentations, discussion, caucus thoughts  October 23: Member comment submission period ends  Use next 2 weeks to reflect and submit member comments and potentially influence final CR wording, other members’ vote  All member comments will be posted on website in “Member Comments” listing on change request page  November 6: Voting opens for 1 month  Sunday, December 6, midnight EST: Voting closes  January 14, 2016: CMAHC delivers MAHC change recommendations to CDC, releases voting results to members  Swim Season 2016: CDC releases MAHC 2 nd Edition


5 What Are We Voting On?  All changes to MAHC code sections; CDC works from CMAHC-passed CR list sent by 1/2016  Section 3: Glossary  Section 4: Design and Construction  Section 5: Operation and Maintenance  Section 6: Policies and Management  Any suggestions for changes to  Code: Preface, User Guide  Entire Annex  CDC works from CMAHC Member-passed CR list and other CDC internal resources, references, etc. CDC can edit the Annex as needed to keep it updated with latest data

6 Voting  Members only  November 6 thru December 6  Electronic 1 vote/member (yes, no, abstain)  Can use voting database as many times as you want and save results, etc. before final submission  Consider voting only on those issues you are really knowledgeable about and abstain from others  System closes midnight Sunday 12/06/15  Votes weighted to maintain public health mission  Considerations  It is a public health decision first  Weigh science and best practice and put business aside  How would CDC view this since they have “final” vote but don’t really want to use it

7 Figure: CMAHC Member Vote Weighting Public Health/ Regulators: Federal, State, State Designee, Local Health Depts. Public Health/ Regulators: Federal, State, State Designee, Local Health Depts. Management/Staff: Consumer, Consumer Protection, Aquatic Staff, Aquatic Management Management/Staff: Consumer, Consumer Protection, Aquatic Staff, Aquatic Management Designers/Builders: Aquatic Design, Aquatic Builder, Academia Designers/Builders: Aquatic Design, Aquatic Builder, Academia Manufacturers/Suppliers: Aquatic Manufacturer, Aquatic Supplier Manufacturers/Suppliers: Aquatic Manufacturer, Aquatic Supplier Make sure you pick the correct sector designation before voting! Change if incorrect


9 Near Term Needs  What Committees are needed?  Constitution and Bylaws  Nominations  Sponsorship  Conference Organizing  Others?  What Ad Hoc Committees are needed based on presentations?  Communications  Regular member communication/updates E-mail, web, what do members want?

10 Decision Making and Discussion  Membership  Should membership be free? “Pay to Play” perceived as inappropriate for the MAHC revision process. Chose this vs. “Pay to Use” Multiple comments from members and non-members  Should organizations be members (HD, companies, universities)? If so, how would we do that (cost, voting, etc.)  Business model for the CMAHC?  Product is free, some want membership to be free Have to organize and pay for conference, consultations, etc. Where will revenue stream come from? o Some think we should not have corporate sponsors but rely on writing grants

11 Process Discussion: Fill out Evaluation  Evaluation handed out so you can give feedback on CR process and conference organization  Really need it filled out---will be sending to virtual audience  Starting from scratch slowed process  Should be more rapid next time, process and materials created  TRC review process?  OK with posting both submitter and TRC wording if disagreement?  Form new Technical Committees as used during MAHC development to best support TRC review? Better chance of avoiding “unintended consequences”  Exercise ability to reject CRs that have no scientific or best practice merit? Post to be transparent but not part of the vote?

12 Process Discussion: Fill out Evaluation  Comment process?  Open to all? Members only?  Opened when CRs posted but zero comments submitted  Comments increased when TRC reviews posted and increased in few weeks before Conference (still only 8 submitted)  Importance of keeping commenting open after the conference so we can amend after discussion and reflection Essentially like having a floor modification process  How to get more input by membership Key to positive momentum Create CR “interest area” codes so members can sort easily and find what they are interested in voting on o >160 CRs is daunting to go through Better “market/advertise” to members what is up for consideration

13 Process Discussion: Fill out Evaluation  Conference agenda/flow?  Enough interaction?  CR presentation style?  Chat room? Caucus?  Role of pre-conference member-initiated modifications to CR (either submitter or TRC wording)? How do we increase input?  New things?

14 Voting Issues  Voting  Open for all? Members only?  18/18A type votes. How do we do them? Posting both splits the vote and makes it harder to pass a CR? o Can vote no on both but can only vote yes on one so we don’t pass both when they are versions of the same CR o Vote yes or no on both and take the one with the most votes, the winner?  Fear of some that the vote could be manipulated by specific groups; that public health could overrule other groups, etc. Wanted us to look at voting analysis in multiple ways o Weighted/unweighted, by TRC recommendation, just public health  It is the first Biennial CMAHC Conference---let’s give the vote a chance as we agreed to last year

15 Decision Making and Discussion  What other items need to be discussed?


17 Near Term Needs  Work with Board to transmit CR vote to CDC  Select members and convene standing committees  Convene new Ad Hoc Committees  Continue existing Ad Hoc Committee support Chlorinator sizing, air quality  Sustainability  Work on fund raising to build sustainability  Communications  Website into responsive design, mobile friendly?  Conference  Develop our own registration capability; some confusion with NSPF process

18 Cautionary Note  How does the CMAHC ensure there is a visionary group(s) looking at where U.S. aquatics should be 10, 20, 30 years from now?  Must overcome the tendency to only react or continually tweak the MAHC without a long range goal to improve overall system Should be planning where entire system should be moving and incrementally submit CRs and research data to get us there (e.g., filtration-recirc, air handling, advance water treatment)  Need a proactive strategy so we advance MAHC vs. just finesse wording  Will never have true advances if we don’t

19 Thanks This has Been a Great Deal of Work to Get Here  Attendees  Job helpers  Board members  Sponsors  NSPF for all organizational assistance  Susan Wichmann, Jocelyn Jester  TRC Chair/Vice Chair and other TRC members

20 Thanks  NSPF and Tom Lachocki  2005: Participated in CDC workshop that developed MAHC recommendation  2006: Spark plug funding to start MAHC process  2008-2014: NSPF staff working on MAHC  NSPF early and vocal supporter of MAHC  2014: Initial Founding Sponsor of CMAHC that got CMAHC on its feet  First Awardee  Order of the MAHC Champion

21 Last Words  Complete evaluation form and return  Get informed about each CR  Join the CMAHC if you haven’t already  Reflect on discussion, think of improvements AND send them back in a member comment form  Vote!  Vote on those CRs that you are knowledgeable about!  Thanks for attending either in-person or virtually

22 Thanks to CMAHC Sponsors Founding Sponsors Gold Bronze

23 Contact Information Doug Sackett Executive Director, CMAHC E-mail: Phone: 678-221-7218

24 MAHC More Information: Search on “CDC MAHC” or visit the Healthy Swimming MAHC Website: Email: CMAHC More Information: Search on “CMAHC” or visit the CMAHC Website: Email:

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