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ANCHOR INSTITUTIONS AND COMMUNITIES : Creating Shared Value Together Netter Center 20 th Anniversary Conference Mary Kay Leonard, CEO Initiative for a.

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1 ANCHOR INSTITUTIONS AND COMMUNITIES : Creating Shared Value Together Netter Center 20 th Anniversary Conference Mary Kay Leonard, CEO Initiative for a Competitive City November 13, 2012

2 Copyright © 2011 ICIC 2  The nation is experiencing the effects of economic decline and cities in The Opportunity HOSPITALS UNIVERSITIESHOSPITALS ANCHOR INSTITUTIONS are a Major Economic Force in Urban Communities ARTS AND CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS

3  The nation is still experiencing the effects of economic decline; distressed urban communities in particular need support  Many anchor institutions are located in or adjacent to inner city neighborhoods and rely on these neighborhoods to support your reputation and operations  Significant opportunities exists for anchor institutions to create shared value with local communities The Opportunity Anchor institutions are large institutions, typically educational, medical or cultural, that are deeply rooted in their local geographies and that play an integral role in the local economy Anchor Institutions Copyright © 2012 ICIC 3

4 Copyright © 2012 ICIC 4 Anchor Institutions and their Communities: Shared Value Shared Value Anchor Competitiveness Community Vitality  Anchor institutions are inextricably linked to their surrounding communities  Anchor institutions depend on a healthy community to provide a positive environment for students, patients, visitors and employees and a strong business community to support its operations. Engaging with community allows for improved reputation, community relations, applied learning opportunities, and new service models  A healthy community depends on strong anchors to provide jobs, purchase local goods and services, improve local infrastructure, and support its education, health, and social needs  There is long-term shared value between anchors and their surrounding communities

5 Anchor Competitiveness From: Focus on Social Responsibility To: Creating Shared Value  “Moral obligation” for good citizenship  Community viability is an important driver of quality of life for students, patients, visitors, and staff which affects hiring, recruiting, and revenue  Defensive: placate the critics  Integral component of the anchor’s overall strategy  Separate from core operations  An extra cost  Improve effectiveness of purchasing, hiring, real estate development, and core product / service  Produce economic impact reports based on spending  Measure the direct impact of activities on both anchor competitiveness and community vitality Copyright © 2012 ICIC 5 Anchor Institutions and their Communities: Evolving Thinking Anchor Competitiveness

6 Copyright © 2012 ICIC 6 Source: ICIC Purchaser Employer Real Estate Developer Community Developer Core Service Provider Workforce Developer Cluster Anchor Use real estate development to anchor local economic growth Address local workforce needs Build local community capacity Direct institutional purchasing toward local businesses Stimulate growth of related businesses and institutions Tailor core products/ services to serve the community Offer employment opportunities to local residents Community Vitality Anchor Institutions and their Communities: Strategic Framework

7 Copyright © 2012 ICIC 7 Creating Shared Value in Practice: Obstacles Sources: National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), American Hospital Association (AHA),ICIC Analysis.  Few anchors recognize the multiple integrated ways they can impact their surrounding communities  Most anchors still view their involvement in the community narrowly  Few anchors know how to leverage their activities to create shared value  Collaboration is challenging; issues of trust and competition arise  Metrics, goal setting, and accountability for results are not common

8 Copyright © 2012 ICIC 8 Key Levers for Growing Local B2B Community through Purchasing Sourcing Capacity building Developing the business base Opportunistic Longer-term Streamline bidding. Open existing purchasing processes to increase access for local/diverse business By category. Focus in categories most appropriate for local/small business sourcing, including purchased services, specialty items Leverage current supply. Identify strong local supply categories, match to existing demand Tier I. Systematically leverage Tier 1 relationships Grow with “winners.” Work to develop high- performers already in the supply chain Identify and develop promising suppliers. Choose quality suppliers in strategic categories to invest in over time Current demand. Identify categories that can/should be resident locally and work to attract Future demand. Define areas of future need, and work to develop sources, including incubator and accelerator programs Employer Purchaser Real Estate Developer Intellectual Property Developer Health Cluster Anchor Health Enhancer Community Infrastructure Builder Workforce Developer Community Health and Economic Vitality

9 Copyright © 2012 ICIC 9 Creating Shared Value: Roles for Key Stakeholders Sources: National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), American Hospital Association (AHA),ICIC Analysis. ANCHOR INSTITUTIONS  Recognize multiple levers for impact on community  Build community vitality goals into core business strategy  Ensure senior level involvement in coordinating activities, setting goals and aligning incentives  Collaborate with local government, business and community leaders on shared interests FOUNDATIONS  Promote awareness of how anchor institutions can act as key partners in economic development  Convene anchors around specific goals,e.g. purchasing, community building, or workforce development  Seed collaborative efforts by anchors GOVERNMENT AND NGO  Collaborate with anchors on economic development strategies to build shared value  Work with anchors to fully value the economic and social benefit that they deliver to community  Combine public and private dollars to support anchor collaboration BUSINESS  Align with anchors as business partners to improve community  Collaborate with anchors to serve as workforce developers, real estate partners, or providers of intellectual capital  Incorporate anchor strategic framework in business strategy

10 Copyright © 2011 ICIC 10  The nation is experiencing the effects of economic decline and cities in The Opportunity

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