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Today: Turn in Paper Environmental Problems Solutions Test #3 is next class, study guide is posted “History calls those men the greatest who have ennobled.

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Presentation on theme: "Today: Turn in Paper Environmental Problems Solutions Test #3 is next class, study guide is posted “History calls those men the greatest who have ennobled."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today: Turn in Paper Environmental Problems Solutions Test #3 is next class, study guide is posted “History calls those men the greatest who have ennobled themselves by working for the common good.” Karl Marx

2 The Story of Stuff 0:10-5:00 6:40-7:26 7:45-8:44 10:10-11:50 12:44-17:20 2 main ways Americans spend our free time _________

3 Types of pollution Air Pollution Water Pollution Land Pollution

4 Impacts of pollution Biodiversity loss (extinction of plant and animal species) Global Warming/Climate change

5 Structural Functionalist Perspective Interdependence between humans and earth Functional for society to take care of earth Going green saves $

6 Structural Functionalist Perspective Latent dysfunctions: unintended consequences of human activities

7 Symbolic Interactionist Perspective Media can impact environmental problems

8 Symbolic Interactionist Perspective Greenwashing: deceptive way companies portray themselves as “eco-friendly” even if they are not (5% of good but 95% bad) Disposable diapers are the third largest single consumer item in landfills.

9 Symbolic Interactionist Perspective Greenwashing: deceptive way companies portray themselves as “eco-friendly” even if they are not According to Women’s Voices for the Earth, The Dirt On Cleaning Products Simple Green contains the chemical ethylene glycol butyl ether or EGBE, which is on California’s list of toxic ingredients.

10 Symbolic Interactionist Perspective Greenwashing in politics: attempt to make a policy seem earth-friendly when it is not (Clear Skies Initiative) Opposed by groups such as the Sierra Club because it: -Allowed 42 million more tons of pollution emitted -Allowed 68 % more Nitrogen Oxide pollution.

11 Conflict Perspective Wealthy nations have higher rates of consumption that deplete natural resources emit pollutants generate waste

12 Conflict Perspective Planned obsolescence: manufacturing of products that are intended to become outdated in a short period of time

13 Conflict Perspective Planned obsolescence: manufacturing of products that are intended to become outdated in a short period of time

14 5.6 billion pounds of electronics-- TVs, stereos, cell phones, and computers were trashed in 2010 (Environmental Protection Agency) Millions of pounds of chemicals and heavy metals in landfills SOLUTIONS: Hope Line National Coalition Against Domestic violence Planned Obsolescence

15 Conflict Perspective Profit more important than environmental damage

16 Conflict Perspective Industries use their power to influence politicians

17 Environmental Racism and Classism Dumping of toxic wastes more frequently in areas with more minorities or low-income

18 Environmental Racism and Classism The green dots represent toxic release facilities. The orange areas of LA County are where people of color make up 80% or more of the population. The yellow areas represent places where people of color only make up 0%-40% of the population. Source:

19 Conflict Perspective Social implications: some groups suffer while others profit Example: Conflict minerals: Sexual violence in Congo fueled by militias warring over minerals Understanding Conflict Minerals Find out how to help:

20 Think about it and prepare to share How do people help and hurt the earth?

21 Ways I personally help the environment… Ways my school or job helps the environment… Ways I personally hurt the environment… Ways my school hurts the environment… Ways my job hurts the environment…

22 Consumer/corporate behavior 1.Fuel efficient transportation

23 Consumer/corporate behavior 2. Energy efficient home appliances

24 Consumer/corporate behavior 3. Natural, organic, and home-made cleaning products

25 Consumer/corporate behavior 4. Reusable products

26 Consumer/corporate behavior 5. Going paperless- online banking, mail preference lists

27 Consumer/corporate behavior 6. Farmer’s Markets, shop local Typical grocery store produce travels nearly 1,500 miles Traveling results in pollution

28 Consumer/corporate behavior 7. Native and drought tolerant landscaping

29 Consumer/corporate behavior Rain water collection

30 Consumer/corporate behavior Home gardens and composts

31 Consumer/corporate behavior 8. Purchasing products with less packaging

32 9. Green Energy Renewable and non-polluting Solar Energy Wind Power Hydrogen Power

33 10. Environmental Education

34 What is sustainability? Animated

35 Next Class: Test #3 Study guide on website Finish “I Am” video questions turn in April 20 th Extra Credit for “I Am” movie typed reflection also due April 20 th

36 10. Environmental Education Educate elementary school kids about protecting the environment Free materials for teachers Free assembly for school Songs, videos, activities Website of resources ( Environmental Defenders

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