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Ann Bucklin University of Connecticut – Avery Point, USA Shuhei Nishida University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Sigrid Schiel Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar.

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Presentation on theme: "Ann Bucklin University of Connecticut – Avery Point, USA Shuhei Nishida University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Sigrid Schiel Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ann Bucklin University of Connecticut – Avery Point, USA Shuhei Nishida University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Sigrid Schiel Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Germany Peter Wiebe Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA

2   Integrated morphological and molecular systematic analysis: CMarZ cruises include both expert taxonomists and geneticists, who work together toward accurate descriptions of zooplankton species diversity.   Global surveys: CMarZ Steering Group members are working together to achieve global sampling from ships of opportunity and dedicated cruises.   Biodiversity of the deep sea: CMarZ is providing new views of zooplankton species biodiversity in the very deepest part of the world oceans – and discovering new species in many taxonomic groups. Preliminary Synthesis Conclusions

3   310 species (529 individuals) from Sargasso Sea (2006) and eastern Atlantic (2007). [CMarZ contact: Ann Bucklin]   41 species (87 individuals) from ArcOD cruises to Arctic Ocean, 2004 – 2008 [CMarZ contacts: Ann Bucklin and Russ Hopcroft]   127 species of Cnidarians (Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa, and Cubozoa) from North Atlantic and North Pacific. [CMarZ contact: Brian Ortman and Ann Bucklin]   67 species (98 sequences for mtCOI and mt12 S rRNA) from near Sanriku, Japan; Oncaeidae copepods from the Mediterranean Sea. [CMarZ contacts: Shuhei Nishida and Ryuiji Machida]   103 species from China Sea. [CMarZ contact: Sun Song] Limacina helicina Hippopodius hippopusSalpa cylindrica Preliminary Synthesis Conclusions DNA Barcoding: Rosetta Stone for Zooplankton MtCOI DNA barcodes resolve major taxonomic groups of zooplankton. Ann Bucklin et al. (in prep) MtCOI DNA barcodes are accurate and reliable identifiers of species for most zooplankton groups.

4 Zooplankton Diversity PhylumTaxonSpecies 1 Foraminifera1 49 2 2Acantharea150 3Polycystinea (Radiolaria)350 3 Cercozoa4Phaeodarea (Radiolaria)350 4 5Aloricate Ciliata150 6Tintinnida300 5 7Hydromedusae842 8Siphonophora160 9Cubomedusae18 10Scyphomedusae161 6 Ctenophora11Ctenophora90 7 Rotifera12Rotifera50? 8 Platyhelminthes13Platyhelminthes3? 9 Nematomorpha14Nectonema5 10 Nemertea15Nemertinea99 11 Annelida16Polychaeta110 12 17Gastropoda144 18Cephalopoda370 13 19Cladocera8 20Ostracoda169 21Isopoda20 22Copepoda2000 23Mysidacea700 24Amphipoda400 25Euphausiacea86 26Decapoda50 27Insecta5 14 Chaetognatha28Chaetognatha93 15 29Appendicularia64 30Pyrosoma8 31Doliolida17 32Salpidae45 TOTALS 7,013 TOTALS (no Protista)5,664 Mollusca Arthropoda Chordata Actinopoda Ciliophora Cnidaria

5   New species descriptions (published) from CMarZ:   Estimated new species ‘discovered’ = over 100.   CMarZ Steering Group members are working on “group-by-group” analyses, including: - Handbook of the Radiolaria. Monographic publication now in press. [Demetrio Boltovskoy] - Taxonomy, phylogeography, and phylogeny of chaetognaths. [Annelies Pierrot-Bults] - Atlantic atlas for the planktonic ostracods: Published on NHM (London, UK) website. [Martin Angel] Zooplankton Diversity Russ Hopcroft & Dhugal Lyndsay Janet Bradford Grieve Martin Angel D. Boltovskoy

6   Shuhei Nishida and CMarZ / JSPS colleagues have carried out field sampling, with comprehensive taxonomic analysis, throughout SE Asia.   New species counts are growing: - 15 new species of mysids (Murano et al., 2008) - 1 new genus of copepods (Grygier & Ohtsuka, 2008) - 6 new species of calanoid copepods (Nishida et al., in prep) - 2 new species of talitrid amphipods (Othman & Azman, 2007) - 1 new species of harpactacoid copepod (Shimono et al., 2007)   Training workshops complement research collaborations: - JSPS CMarZ-Asia Workshop on Zooplankton Biodiversity, including census of jellyfishes and jellyfish fisheries in Viet Nam, coral reef dynamics. - LIPI-JSPS Workshop on Zooplankton Biodiversity in Southeast Asia, sampling from coral reefs, mangroves, sandy shores, and estuaries. Shuhei Nishida (Ocean Research Institute, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan) Distribution and Abundance: Zooplankton Species Discovery in Southeast Asia

7   A comprehensive CMarZ biodiversity survey was carried out on a meridional transit of the Atlantic Ocean in 2007 on RV Polarstern.   Deep-sea sampling was carried out to a maximum depth of 5,038 m.   65,869 specimens of 473 species have been sorted and identified on board.   2,043 specimens of 389 species were collected for barcoding. At-sea barcoding determined 122 DNA sequences for 66 species.   At-sea taxonomic training workshops were organized for students. Sigrid Schiel (Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven, Germany) MOCNESS 10m 2 (335 µm) >5000-1000m MOCNESS 1m 2 (335 µm) 1000-0m Multinet 0.5 m 2 (100µm) 1000-0m Distribution and Abundance: Zooplankton Diversity of the Eastern Atlantic Ocean Net 1 Net 2 Net 3 Net 4 Cheryl Clark Hopcroft

8 Hans M. Verheye, Marine & Coastal Management, South Africa Environmental monitoring and pelagic fish stock assessment surveys in South Africa: Zooplankton collected and analyzed from transects along SA continental shelf BENEFIT Programme: BENguela Environment Fisheries Interaction & Training: Dedicated environmental monitoring along 5 transects in fisheries key areas along the west coasts of Angola, Namibia and South Africa, using comparable sampling and analysis methodologies SARP SHBML WBEML PPEML NML 16°18°20°22°24°26°28° 36° 34° 32° 30° Cape Town Cape Columbine Doring Bay Hondeklip Bay Orange River Mouth C a p e A g u l h a s C a p e I n f a n t a M o s s e l B a y P l e t t e n b e r g B a y P o r t E l i z a b e t h P o r t A l f r e d C a p e S t. F r a n c i s 16°18°20°22°24°26°28° 36° 34° 32° 30° Cape Town Cape Columbine Doring Bay Hondeklip Bay Orange River Mouth C a p e A g u l h a s C a p e I n f a n t a M o s s e l B a y P l e t t e n b e r g B a y P o r t E l i z a b e t h P o r t A l f r e d C a p e S t. F r a n c i s 16°17°18°19°20°21°22°23°24°25°26°27°28° 38° 37° 36° 35° 34° 33° 32° 31° 30° 29° November 2002 Spawner Biomass Survey AFR171 Hondeklip Bay Doring Bay Lambert's Bay Columbine Cape Town Agulhas Mossel Bay Port Elizabeth Port Alfred AnnualSpawner Biomass Surveys (November) Annual Recruit Biomass Surveys (May/June) 16°18°20°22°24°26°28° 36° 34° 32° 30° Cape Town Cape Columbine Doring Bay Hondeklip Bay Orange River Mouth C a p e A g u l h a s C a p e I n f a n t a M o s s e l B a y P l e t t e n b e r g B a y P o r t E l i z a b e t h P o r t A l f r e d C a p e S t. F r a n c i s Cape Town Cape Columbine Doring Bay Hondeklip Bay Orange River Mouth C a p e A g u l h a s C a p e I n f a n t a M o s s e l B a y P l e t t e n b e r g B a y P o r t E l i z a b e t h P o r t A l f r e d C a p e S t. F r a n c i s 16°18°20°22°24°26°28° 36° 34° 32° 30° Cape Town Cape Columbine Doring Bay Hondeklip Bay Orange River Mouth C a p e A g u l h a s C a p e I n f a n t a M o s s e l B a y P l e t t e n b e r g B a y P o r t E l i z a b e t h P o r t A l f r e d C a p e S t. F r a n c i s Cape Town Cape Columbine Doring Bay Hondeklip Bay Orange River Mouth C a p e A g u l h a s C a p e I n f a n t a M o s s e l B a y P l e t t e n b e r g B a y P o r t E l i z a b e t h P o r t A l f r e d C a p e S t. F r a n c i s November 2002 Spawner Biomass Survey AFR171 Hondeklip Bay Doring Bay Lambert's Bay Columbine Cape Town Agulhas Mossel Bay Port Elizabeth Port Alfred AnnualSpawner Biomass Surveys (November) November 2002 Spawner Biomass Survey AFR171 Hondeklip Bay Doring Bay Lambert's Bay Columbine Cape Town Agulhas Mossel Bay Port Elizabeth Port Alfred AnnualSpawner Biomass Surveys (November) Annual Recruit Biomass Surveys (May/June) FRSAfricana Distribution and Abundance: Coastal Ecosystem Assessment in Africa CMarZ is partnering with the South African government for environmental monitoring to collect zooplankton samples from coastal waters around Africa, including the complex and variable Benguela Current coastal ecosystem.

9   Comprehensive biodiversity survey using collections during 2003- 2006. Major groups were identified into species: 20 chaetognaths (2 new species), 199 calanoid copepods, 74 larval fish, 70 decapods, 7 mysids, 10 appendicularians, 8 ostracods.   Phenomenal changes in chaetognath community: 1963, 1979 and 2005. Population density reduced to half; species diversity doubled. Biogeographical distributions characterized for the region. Distribution and Abundance: Zooplankton Diversity in the Andaman Sea, Indian Ocean Vijayalakshmi Nair, National Institute of Oceanography, Kochi, India Tropical zone Maximum diversity Indo-Pacific species Subtropical zone Cosmopolitan species Surfacing of meso and bathyplanktonic species Transitional zone Maximum faunistic contrast, overlapping of cold & warm water species Vijayalakshmi Nair, National Institute of Oceanography, Kochi, India Biogeography of chaetognaths in the Indian Ocean

10 Larry Madin, Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst., USA   Continuing analysis of samples is yielding a treasure- trove of new, rare, and/or undescribed species: - black lobate ctenophore (genus Bathocyroe) - polychaete worm with prehensile tentacles.   Blue-water SCUBA dives yielded salps, medusae, siphonophores and ctenophores.   Trawl collections captured midwater fishes, crustaceans, coronate medusae, as well as pteropods and pyrosomes. Distribution and Abundance: Zooplankton Species Discovery in the Celebes Sea

11 Monitoring Ballast Water in Argentine Ports: Project involves monitoring the ballast water of transoceanic ships. Salinity is measured and plankton samples are collected and distributed among 10 specialists in various planktonic groups for identification of both freshwater and marine zooplankton. [Demetrio Boltovskoy] Examples of Societal Impact to Date Impacts of a Marine Bioinvasion: Sampling from the Caspian Sea showed striking impacts of an alien zooplankton species. Satellite- derived chlorophyll-a concentrations was significantly correlated with biomass of the invasive predatory ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi. By consuming grazing zooplankton, M. leidyi may have caused levels of Chl a to rise to unprecedented values (9mg /m 3 ) in the southern Caspian Sea. [Ahmet Kideys] Kideys, A.E. et al. (2008) Research Letters in Ecology

12 Current Limits to Knowledge KNOWN: ~7,000 described species of marine metazoan and protozoan holo-zooplankton. UNKNOWN: There are estimated to be many times more plankton species in the world oceans than are currently described. Taxonomic groups where species discovery is particularly likely include fragile and rare groups, and cosmopolitan species whose ranges span more than one ocean basin. UNKNOWABLE: All regions of the deep-sea – and many unexplored regions and biodiversity “hotspots” – are certain to yield many new species; fragile species will require in situ collection by divers, ROVs or submersibles.

13 Developing Technology   DNA barcoding: CMarZ is sequencing a selected barcode gene – most usually the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (mtCOI) gene – for each of the 7,000 described species of zooplankton.   Zooplankton metagenomics: CMarZ is pioneering metagenomic analysis (i.e., the study of genomes recovered from environmental samples) of all metazoans collected by plankton nets.   DNA microarrays: DNA barcode database will be used to fabricate DNA “chips” with recognition sequences for known species to be used for routine sample analysis and – eventually – autonomous and remote analysis of zooplankton species diversity.

14 Visualization & Communication

15 CMarZ Steering Group Members Shown here with Japanese colleagues at the University of Tokyo, Japan Programmatic and scientific support provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research funding from NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration, US NSF Biological Oceanography, US NSF Office of Polar Programs, and many other sources. Acknowledgments

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