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QCD viscosity and BEC-BCS crossover in effective field theory Jiunn-Wei Chen ( 陳俊瑋 ) National Taiwan U.

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Presentation on theme: "QCD viscosity and BEC-BCS crossover in effective field theory Jiunn-Wei Chen ( 陳俊瑋 ) National Taiwan U."— Presentation transcript:

1 QCD viscosity and BEC-BCS crossover in effective field theory Jiunn-Wei Chen ( 陳俊瑋 ) National Taiwan U.

2 Effect Field Theory Make use of scale separation to integrate out the high energy scales Low energy physics reproduced

3 Light-by-light Scattering

4 QCD viscosity w/ Eiji Nakano, Yan-Han Lee, Yang-Fu Liu BEC-BCS Crossover w/ Eiji Nakano

5 QCD Viscosity Shear viscosity Frictional force

6 Shear viscosity measures how “perfect” a fluid is!

7 Kovtun, Son, and Starinets (’05) Conjecture: Shear viscosity / entropy density Motivated by AdS/CFT

8 QGP (quark gluon plasma) almost saturates the bound @ just above Tc --- a perfect fluid What happens below Tc?

9 Pion gas ChPT (chiral perturbation theory) Non-perturbative in coupling Boltzman equation

10 JWC, Nakano



13 QCD Phase Diagram

14 The Landscape JWC, Lee, Liu, Nakano

15 The Landscape

16 Cold Trapped Atoms Source: C. Regal

17 Review: Scattering Length Source: C. Regal

18 BEC-BCS Crossover Source: C. Regal Changing a at will: Technique of Feshbach Resonance

19 Epsilon Expansion (Nishida and Son) Computing in dim. Expanding in Setting

20 Why is 4d special? has a singularity at for ground state a free Bose gas

21 Effective Potential Diagrams

22 BEC-BCS Crossover in NLO Epsilon Expansion JWC+ E. Nakano (cond-mat/0610011)


24 Outlook viscosity/entropy: finite chemical potential, BEC-BCS crossover BEC-BCS crossover in epsilon exp.: NNLO


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