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Sergei Shmatov, Search for Extra Dimensions.., NPD RAS, Moscow, November 23-27, 20091 Search for Extra Dimensions with CMS Detector at the LHC Sergei Shmatov Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna for CMS Collaborations Theoretical Motivations Models Considered Signals and Uncertainties Discovery limits for ED (L ED, TeV -1 ED, RS, UED) Model Discrimination Conclusions Theoretical Motivations Models Considered Signals and Uncertainties Discovery limits for ED (L ED, TeV -1 ED, RS, UED) Model Discrimination Conclusions
Sergei Shmatov, Search for Extra Dimensions.., NPD RAS, Moscow, November 23-27, 20092 Theoretical Motivations Hierarchy Problem: Gravity/EW ~ 10 19 /10 2 GeV? Why gravitational Interaction is so weak? Yukawa hierachy (explanation of mass patterns for quarks and leptons) Unification of interactions Number of Generations (why 3?) Ways to solve the “naturalness” problem: Supersymmetry assumes symmetry between fermionic and bosonic fields EW and strong interactions are unified at 10 16 GeV must be broken at low energy (? TeV) will be probably found at LHC Hierarchy is fixed (theory is stabilized), but is not solved (two energy scales still remain) … Can not yet describe Gravity, evolution of Universe … Technicolor: confinement problem of strong coupled resonance masses Compositeness: arbitrariness with a new energy scale Extra Dimensions Hierarchy Problem: Gravity/EW ~ 10 19 /10 2 GeV? Why gravitational Interaction is so weak? Yukawa hierachy (explanation of mass patterns for quarks and leptons) Unification of interactions Number of Generations (why 3?) Ways to solve the “naturalness” problem: Supersymmetry assumes symmetry between fermionic and bosonic fields EW and strong interactions are unified at 10 16 GeV must be broken at low energy (? TeV) will be probably found at LHC Hierarchy is fixed (theory is stabilized), but is not solved (two energy scales still remain) … Can not yet describe Gravity, evolution of Universe … Technicolor: confinement problem of strong coupled resonance masses Compositeness: arbitrariness with a new energy scale Extra Dimensions
Sergei Shmatov, Search for Extra Dimensions.., NPD RAS, Moscow, November 23-27, 20093 Model Considered Large flat Extra-Dimensions (ADD model) Extra dimensions are flat and could be as large as a few m SM particles restricted to 3D brane only accessible to gravity Randall-Sundrum (RS1 – two branes) Small extra spatial dimensions Curved bulk space (AdS 5 - slice) Well separated graviton mass spectrum TeV -1 Extra dimension Model Bosons could also propagate in the bulk Fermions are localized at the same (opposite) orbifold point: destructive (constructive) interference between SM gauge bosons and KK excitations Universal Extra Dimensions All SM particles propagate in Extra Dimensions often embedded in large Extra Dimensions Large flat Extra-Dimensions (ADD model) Extra dimensions are flat and could be as large as a few m SM particles restricted to 3D brane only accessible to gravity Randall-Sundrum (RS1 – two branes) Small extra spatial dimensions Curved bulk space (AdS 5 - slice) Well separated graviton mass spectrum TeV -1 Extra dimension Model Bosons could also propagate in the bulk Fermions are localized at the same (opposite) orbifold point: destructive (constructive) interference between SM gauge bosons and KK excitations Universal Extra Dimensions All SM particles propagate in Extra Dimensions often embedded in large Extra Dimensions
Sergei Shmatov, Search for Extra Dimensions.., NPD RAS, Moscow, November 23-27, 20094 Di-lepton, di-jets and di-photon resonance states (new particles) in RS1-model (RS1-graviton) and TeV -1 extra dimension model (Z KK ) Di-leptons, di-jets continuum modifications (virtual graviton production in ADD) Single Jets/Single Photons + Missing E T (direct graviton production in ADD) Single Leptons + missing E T in W KK decays in TeV -1 extra dimension model (W KK ) Back-to-back energetic jets + Missing E T (UED) 4 jets + 4 leptons + Missing E T (mUED) Di-lepton, di-jets and di-photon resonance states (new particles) in RS1-model (RS1-graviton) and TeV -1 extra dimension model (Z KK ) Di-leptons, di-jets continuum modifications (virtual graviton production in ADD) Single Jets/Single Photons + Missing E T (direct graviton production in ADD) Single Leptons + missing E T in W KK decays in TeV -1 extra dimension model (W KK ) Back-to-back energetic jets + Missing E T (UED) 4 jets + 4 leptons + Missing E T (mUED) Experimental Signals
Sergei Shmatov, Search for Extra Dimensions.., NPD RAS, Moscow, November 23-27, 20095 Total weight 12 500 t Overall diameter 15.00 m Overall length 21.6 m Magnetic field 4 Tesla Large general-purpose particle physics detector Compact Muon Solenoid Detector subsystems are designed to measure: the energy and momentum of photons, electrons, muons, jets, missing E T up to a few TeV
Sergei Shmatov, Search for Extra Dimensions.., NPD RAS, Moscow, November 23-27, 20096 Experimental Uncertainties Energy MisCalibration performance of e/ /hadron energy reconstruction. Misalignment effect increase of the mass residuals by around 30% Drift time and drift velocities Magnetic and gravitational field effects can cause a scale shift in a mass resolution by 5-10% Pile-up mass residuals increase by around 0.1–0.2 % Background uncertainties (variations of the bg. shape) a drop of about 10-15% in the significance values Trigger and reconstruction acceptance uncertainties Energy MisCalibration performance of e/ /hadron energy reconstruction. Misalignment effect increase of the mass residuals by around 30% Drift time and drift velocities Magnetic and gravitational field effects can cause a scale shift in a mass resolution by 5-10% Pile-up mass residuals increase by around 0.1–0.2 % Background uncertainties (variations of the bg. shape) a drop of about 10-15% in the significance values Trigger and reconstruction acceptance uncertainties
Sergei Shmatov, Search for Extra Dimensions.., NPD RAS, Moscow, November 23-27, 20097 Theoretical Uncertainties QCD and EW high-order corrections (K factors) Parton Distribution Functions (PDF) Hard process scale (Q 2 ) Cut efficiency, significance estimators.. QCD and EW high-order corrections (K factors) Parton Distribution Functions (PDF) Hard process scale (Q 2 ) Cut efficiency, significance estimators..
Sergei Shmatov, Search for Extra Dimensions.., NPD RAS, Moscow, November 23-27, 20098 ADD Model N.Arkani-Hamed, S.Dimopoulos, G.Dvali (ADD scenario), Phys.Lett. B429(1998), Nuc.Phys.B544(1999) The real World is multi-dimensional: n flat - Euclidian - extra spatial dimensions, the maximal total number of dimensions is 3(our) + 6(extra)=9 The fundamental scale is not planckian: M D ~ TeV We (all of SM forces) live on 3D brane (there is another “parallel” hidden World) Only gravitons are multi-dimensional N.Arkani-Hamed, S.Dimopoulos, G.Dvali (ADD scenario), Phys.Lett. B429(1998), Nuc.Phys.B544(1999) The real World is multi-dimensional: n flat - Euclidian - extra spatial dimensions, the maximal total number of dimensions is 3(our) + 6(extra)=9 The fundamental scale is not planckian: M D ~ TeV We (all of SM forces) live on 3D brane (there is another “parallel” hidden World) Only gravitons are multi-dimensional A “Parallel” World Our World Excess above di-lepton continuum! Graviton contributions to SM processesReal graviton production Jets + missing E T, γ + missing E T
9 ADD: model restrictions from measurements of the gravitational potential n = 1 excluded by solar system (verification of the Newton’s law up to R < 0.19 mm) from supernova SN1987 (graviton emission speeds up the supernova cooling): M D > 30 TeV (n = 2), 4 TeV (n = 3) from energy spectrum of the diffuse gamma-ray background (CDG) due to G KK γγ: M D > 110 TeV (n = 2), 5 TeV (n = 3) PRL 101:181602 (2008)PRL 97:171802 (2006)
Sergei Shmatov, Search for Extra Dimensions.., NPD RAS, Moscow, November 23-27, 200910 ADD Discovery limit Real graviton production (momojets): jets + missins E T CMS PAS EXO-09-013 CMS-PAS-EXO-08-001 14 TeV@100pb -1 Discovery reach: M D = 3.58 (2.62) TeV for = 2 (4) Discovery reach: M D = 3.1 (2.3) TeV for = 2 (4) 10 TeV@200pb -1 Real graviton production (photons + missins E T ) M D = 1 TeV for 0.1-0.2 fb -1 1.5-2 TeV for 1 fb -1 1.5-2 TeV for 1 fb -1 2- 2.5 TeV for 10 fb -1 2- 2.5 TeV for 10 fb -1 3- 3.5 TeV for 60 fb -1 3- 3.5 TeV for 60 fb -1 CMS NOTE 2006/092
Sergei Shmatov, Search for Extra Dimensions.., NPD RAS, Moscow, November 23-27, 200911 Virtual graviton production (dimuons) ADD Discovery limit @ 14 TeV 1 fb -1 : 3.9-5.5 ТеV for n=6..3 10 fb -1 : 4.8-7.2 ТеV for n=6..3 100 fb -1 : 5.7-8.3 ТеV for n=6..3 300 fb -1 : 5.9-8.8 ТеV for n=6..3 CMS PTDR 2006 Confidence limits for two muons in the final state PYTHIA + CTEQ6L, LO + K=1.30 Full (GEANT-4) simulation/reco + L1 + HLT(riger) Theoretical uncert. Misalignment, trigger and off-line reco inefficiency, acceptance due to PDF
Sergei Shmatov, Search for Extra Dimensions.., NPD RAS, Moscow, November 23-27, 200912 Virtual graviton production (diphotons) ADD Discovery limit @ 10 TeV CMS PAS EXO-09-004
Sergei Shmatov, Search for Extra Dimensions.., NPD RAS, Moscow, November 23-27, 200913 RS1 Model L.Randall, R.Sundrum (RS1 scenario), PRL83 3370 (1999) L.Randall, R.Sundrum (RS1 scenario), PRL83 3370 (1999) 5D curve space with AdS 5 slice: two 3(brane)+1(extra)+time! Signals: Narrow, high-mass resonance states in di-lepton, di-jet, di-photon events: Signals: Narrow, high-mass resonance states in di-lepton, di-jet, di-photon events: CDF: PRL 102, 091805 (2009)
Sergei Shmatov, Search for Extra Dimensions.., NPD RAS, Moscow, November 23-27, 200914 RS1 Discovery Limit @ 14 TeV two muons/electrons in the final state Bckg: Drell-Yan/ZZ/WW/ZW/ttbar PYTHIA/CTEQ6L LO + K=1.30 both for signal and DY Full (GEANT-4) and fast simulation/reco Viable L1 + HLT(riger) cuts Theoretical uncert. Misalignment, trigger and off-line reco inefficiency, pile-up Di-lepton states CMS PTDR 2006 G1μ+μ-G1μ+μ-G1μ+μ-G1μ+μ- G1e+e-G1e+e-G1e+e-G1e+e- c=0.1 100 fb -1 c=0.01 100 fb -1
Sergei Shmatov, Search for Extra Dimensions.., NPD RAS, Moscow, November 23-27, 200915 Bckg: QCD hadronic jets L1 + HLT(riger) cuts RS1 Discovery Limit @ 14 TeV two photons in the final state Bckg: prompt di-photons, QCD hadronic jets and gamma+jet events, Drell-Yan e + e - PYTHIA/CTEQ5L LO for signal, LO + K-factors for bckg. Fast simulation/reco + a few points with full GEANT-4 MC Viable L1 + HLT(riger) cuts Theoretical uncert. Preselection inefficiency Di-photon states CMS PTDR 2006 G 1 Di-jet states 5 Discovered Mass: 0.7-0.8 TeV/c 2 CMS PTDR 2006 c=0.1
Sergei Shmatov, Search for Extra Dimensions.., NPD RAS, Moscow, November 23-27, 200916 RS1 Discovery Limit @ 10 TeV Di-photon states Dielectron states CMS PAS EXO-09-009 CMS PAS EXO-09-006
Sergei Shmatov, Search for Extra Dimensions.., NPD RAS, Moscow, November 23-27, 200917 TeV -1 Extra Dimension Model I. Antoniadis, PLB246 377 (1990) Multi-dimensional space with orbifolding (5D in the simplest case, n=1) The fundamental scale is not planckian: M D ~ TeV Gauge bosons can travel in the bulk Fermion-gauge boson couplings can be exponentially suppressed for higher KK-modes Fundamental fermions can be localized at the same (M1) or opposite (M2) points of orbifold destructive or constructive interference with SM model I. Antoniadis, PLB246 377 (1990) Multi-dimensional space with orbifolding (5D in the simplest case, n=1) The fundamental scale is not planckian: M D ~ TeV Gauge bosons can travel in the bulk Fermion-gauge boson couplings can be exponentially suppressed for higher KK-modes Fundamental fermions can be localized at the same (M1) or opposite (M2) points of orbifold destructive or constructive interference with SM model m e+e- (GeV) pp Z1/ 1 e + e -
Sergei Shmatov, Search for Extra Dimensions.., NPD RAS, Moscow, November 23-27, 200918 5 discovery limit of (M1 model) CMS PTDR 2006 Di-electron states (Z KK decays) TeV -1 ED Discovery Limits @ 14 TeV two electrons in the final state Bckg: Drell-Yan/ZZ/WW/ ZW/ttabr PYTHIA/PHOTOS with CTEQ61M LO + K=1.30 for signals, LO + K-factors for bckg. Full (GEANT-4) simulation/reco L1 + HLT(riger) cuts Theoretical uncert. Low luminosities pile-up
Sergei Shmatov, Search for Extra Dimensions.., NPD RAS, Moscow, November 23-27, 200919 Multi-dimensional space with orbifolding (5D in the simplest case, n=1) The model parameters: compactificaton radius R, cut-off scale , m h All particles can travel into the bulk KK parity conservation -> the lightest massive KK particle (LKP) is stable (dark matter candidate). mass degeneration except if radiative corrections included Multi-dimensional space with orbifolding (5D in the simplest case, n=1) The model parameters: compactificaton radius R, cut-off scale , m h All particles can travel into the bulk KK parity conservation -> the lightest massive KK particle (LKP) is stable (dark matter candidate). mass degeneration except if radiative corrections included 600 570 g1g1 Q1Q1 Z1Z1 L1L1 11 SM brane is endowed with a finite thickness in the ED Gravity-matter interactions break KK number conservation: ● 1st level KK states decay to G+SM. ● If radiative corrections -> mass degeneracy is broken and and leptons are produced. SM brane is endowed with a finite thickness in the ED Gravity-matter interactions break KK number conservation: ● 1st level KK states decay to G+SM. ● If radiative corrections -> mass degeneracy is broken and and leptons are produced. Universal Extra Dimensions Standard UED Thick brane
Sergei Shmatov, Search for Extra Dimensions.., NPD RAS, Moscow, November 23-27, 200920 UED Discovery Limit @ 14 TeV Standard UED 4 leptons in the final state + missing p T Bckg: ttbar + n jets (n = 0,1,2), 4 b-quarks, ZZ, Zbbar CompHEP for signal and PYTHIA for bckgr. with CTEQ5L Full simulation/reco + L1 + HLT(riger) cuts Theoretical and exp. uncert. 1111 l Geo accep L1,HLT 2 OSSF 4 ISO b-tag veto p T l < E T miss Z veto Q1Q1Q1Q1 q p p g1g1g1g1 Q1Q1Q1Q1 q Z1Z1Z1Z1 q L1L1L1L1 l g1g1g1g1 L1L1L1L1 l 1111 l Z1Z1Z1Z1 q CMS-CR-2006/062 CMS AN 2006/008
Sergei Shmatov, Search for Extra Dimensions.., NPD RAS, Moscow, November 23-27, 200921 Spin-1 States: Z from extended gauge models, Z KK Spin-2 States: RS1-graviton Method: unbinned likelihood ratio statistics incorporating the angles in of the decay products the Collins-Soper farme (R.Cousins et al. JHEP11 (2005) 046). The statististical technique has been applied to fully simu/reco events. Spin-1/Spin-2 Discrimination Angular distributions CMS PTDR 2006 Z’ vs RS1-graviton Z -model (m Z =1,5 TeV, 168 fb -1 ) RS1 graviton (m Z =1,5 TeV, c=0.1, 134 fb -1 )
Sergei Shmatov, Search for Extra Dimensions.., NPD RAS, Moscow, November 23-27, 200922 Conclusions CMS analyses cover a large part of different hypotheses proposed to solve a number of problems of Standard Model The discovery potential of both experiments makes it possible to investigate if extra dimensions really exist within various ED scenarios at a few TeV scale: Large Extra-Dimensions (ADD model) Randall-Sundrum (RS1) TeV-1 Extra dimension Model Universal Extra Dimensions The performance of detector systems allows to perform searches in the different channels A proper energy, momentum angular reconstruction for high-energy leptons and jets, Et measurement b-tagging An identification of prompt photons New results are expected at the start-up LHC @ 10 TeV (integrated luminosity ~ 0.1-0.2 fb -1 ) Many analyses are out of this talk: Black Holes, Bulk Scalars, Singlet Neutrino etc. CMS analyses cover a large part of different hypotheses proposed to solve a number of problems of Standard Model The discovery potential of both experiments makes it possible to investigate if extra dimensions really exist within various ED scenarios at a few TeV scale: Large Extra-Dimensions (ADD model) Randall-Sundrum (RS1) TeV-1 Extra dimension Model Universal Extra Dimensions The performance of detector systems allows to perform searches in the different channels A proper energy, momentum angular reconstruction for high-energy leptons and jets, Et measurement b-tagging An identification of prompt photons New results are expected at the start-up LHC @ 10 TeV (integrated luminosity ~ 0.1-0.2 fb -1 ) Many analyses are out of this talk: Black Holes, Bulk Scalars, Singlet Neutrino etc.
Sergei Shmatov, Search for Extra Dimensions.., NPD RAS, Moscow, November 23-27, 200923 Backup slides
Sergei Shmatov, Search for Extra Dimensions.., NPD RAS, Moscow, November 23-27, 200924 LHC Expectations @ 14 TeV ModelMass reachIntegrated Luminosity (fb -1 ) Systematic uncertainties ADD Direct G KK M D ~ 1.5-1.0 TeV, n = 3-61Theor. ADD Virtual G KK M D ~ 4.3 - 3 TeV, n = 3-6 M D ~ 5 - 4 TeV, n = 3-6 0.1 1 Theor.+Exp. RS1 di-electrons di-photons di-muons di-jets M G1 ~1.35- 3.3 TeV, c=0.01-0.1 M G1 ~1.31- 3.47 TeV, c=0.01-0.1 M G1 ~0.8- 2.3 TeV, c=0.01-0.1 M G1 ~0.7- 0.8 TeV, c=0.1 10 1 0.1 Theor.+Exp. (only stat. for di-jets) TeV -1 (Z KK (1) )M z1 < 5 TeV1Theor. UED 4 leptons R -1 ~ 600 GeV1.0Theor.+Exp. Thick braneR -1 = 1.3 TeV6 pb -1
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