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Quartz Plates R&D Status F. Duru, S. Ayan, U. Akgun, J. Olson, Y. Onel The University Of Iowa V.Podrasky, C. Sanzeni, D.R.Winn Fairfield University L.

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Presentation on theme: "Quartz Plates R&D Status F. Duru, S. Ayan, U. Akgun, J. Olson, Y. Onel The University Of Iowa V.Podrasky, C. Sanzeni, D.R.Winn Fairfield University L."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quartz Plates R&D Status F. Duru, S. Ayan, U. Akgun, J. Olson, Y. Onel The University Of Iowa V.Podrasky, C. Sanzeni, D.R.Winn Fairfield University L. Cremaldi, E. Ellison The University of Mississippi

2 F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05 2 Quartz Plates as Radiation-Hard Detectors As a solution to the radiation damage problem of HE Scintillators, we propose to use quartz plates. Quartz plates will not be affected by high radiation, but with quartz the light is from Cerenkov radiation. The Challenge: To develop a highly efficient method for collecting Cerenkov light in quartz. With the quartz plates, we propose to collect photons in the range from 400 to 200 nm and re-radiate them as blue at ~420 nm.

3 F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05 3 What do we have so far.. Original HE Tiles along with waveshifting fibers UVT Plates from GE Polymershapes Cheaper, same refractive index as quartz, easy to machine. We purchased 2 thicknesses: 3mm – 6mm. Put keyhole shaped grooves, with different geometries. Waveshifting fiber from Saint-Gobain We use UV absorbing, blue emitting waveshifting fibers to collect Cerenkov light from plates. UV Reflecting material (Tyvek, or Mylar) to wrap the plates

4 F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05 4 What do we have so far.. Quartz Tube filled with UV absorbing waveshifting liquid. Quartz Plates from Pacific Quartz Company We have 3 (6 x 200 x 200) mm GE quartz plates, UV cutoff at about 230nm. Grooved Quartz Plates from Polymicro –6 (2 x 100 x 100) mm HIGH OH (same material as HF quartz fibers), quartz plates, arrived in Oct. `04. Grooved to hold fibers. –4 (2 x 100 x 100) mm LOW OH quartz plates arrived in Dec. `04.

5 F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05 5 Fiber Geometries on Plates HE GeometryS-ShapeY-Shape O-ShapeS&O ShapePEACE Shape

6 F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05 6 Liquid and Fiber WLS

7 F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05 7 Tyvek/Mylar Light Sealed Plates

8 F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05 8 Tests Performed At Cern - July `04 2 UVT plates: Y (3mm) and S+HE Geometries Combo 100 GeV electron beam At Fermilab - August `04 6 different geometries, 2 different thickness of UVT, GE Quartz Plate has been tested. 120 GeV proton beam at 45 & 90 degrees. We used Hamamatsu R7525 PMT (regular HF PMT) At the U of Iowa – August `04 - present Surface scans of all quartz plates with radioactive Sources Co 60 (5μCu), Cs 137 (7 mCu) At the U of Mississippi – September `04 - present GE 214/219 Fluorescence Measurements, Ti-quartz investigations. At Fermilab – Jan `05 6 High OH and 4 Low OH quartz plates from Polymicro, and 3 quartz plates from GE Quartz were tested. We compared the performances of liquid WLS versus WLS fiber.

9 F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05 9 First Test at Cern July`04 We tested UVT plates with 100 GeV electron beam at CERN We saw the first signal from quartz plates : Y-Shape, 3mm UVT, 100 GeV electron3mm S-shape + 3mm HE-geometry UVT

10 F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05 10 Test Beam at FNAL Aug`04 We tested HE Scintillator, UVT Plates (3mm and 6mm thicknesses with 4 different geometries) and GE-Quartz plate in M-Test area at FNAL, with 120 GeV Proton beam.

11 F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05 11 Test Beam at FNAL Aug`04 Absorber thickness5mm quartz plate3mm quartz plate 17.8 cm2.14 %1.32 % 22.8 cm2.15 %1.28 % 28 cm2.11 %1.26 % We got ~6% of HE Plate signal with the same size UVTs. Different geometries help, Y- Shape is the most efficient. We also simulated this Test Beam via Geant4.The simulations showed that #of Cherenkov photons produced is around %2 of the #of Scintillation photons produced. Geant4 Simulation Results !

12 F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05 12 Test Beam at FNAL Jan`05 We tested; 3 GE Quartz Plates, 6 High OH and 4 Low OH Polymicro Quartz Plates, Wavelengthshifting liquid and fiber, Tyvek and Mylar as wrapping material, with 3 different energy beams 16GeV, 66GeV and 120Gev.

13 F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05 13 Test Beam at FNAL Jan`05 Preliminary Conclusions: The Polymicro Quartz Plates give better signal than Ge-Quartz Low-OH has slight edge on High-OH With smaller plate size photon collection ability increased dramatically. Reading the signal from both ends of the fiber gives extra %30-%40. Beam was not focused enough for surface scan. But we sprayed the beam to all plates with the help of X-Y scanner to smear the geometry differences. The signal is around %20 of the HE Plate. The Plates used on Test Beam: 1 - LOHY - Low OH Y Shape 2 - LOHHE - Low OH HE Shape 3 - LOHHE2 - Low OH HE Shape 2 Fiber 4 - LOHS - Low OH S Shape 5 - HOHY - High OH Y Shape 6 - HOHS2 - High OH S Shape 2 Fiber 7 - HOHS - High OH S Shape 8 - HOHHE - High OH HE Shape 9 - UVTQ - UVT and Quartz 10 - QQ - Quartz-Quartz 11 - LWS - Liquid WS 12 - UVT-GWSF 13 - HOHPEACE - High OH PEACE Shape 14 - HE - Original HE Plate

14 F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05 14 U. of Mississippi Tests Progress on Bulk Quartz Light Enhancement -In Ti-Doped Quartz Ti++ ions absorbs in the UV and reemit in the Visible. Lifetime of fluorescence is an issue. - Highly doped quartz samples (>100ppm) are not readily available. Work in Progress. - WLS (Pterphenyl, …) may give some additional gains. Radiation hardness is an issue and tests are being scheduled. - Measurements with 1”x1x1/4” ge124 +acetylsalicylic acid give some indication of improved light yield. (next page) - Work in conjunction with Iowa and Fairfield groups.

15 F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05 15 3-pe 1”x1”x1/4” SiO2 Sr90 - 2.3 MeV  - ge124 + tyvek wrapper Quartz+WLS Quartz 2-pe 1-pe ped Tyvek + WLS ge124 Tyvek ge124 PMT Sr90 Sr90  ’s range out in quartz. Salycylic Acid (aspirin) tested. - some gain w WLS. Pterphenyl better choice. - tests pending. L.Cremaldi, HCAL Srping 05 Mtg- South Beach, FL air U. of Mississippi Tests

16 F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05 16 U. of Mississippi Tests

17 F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05 17 Future plans SLAC Test Beam, June 2005 New plates coming - Solarization plates “UV radiation <300nm degrades transmission in standard silica fibers resulting in solarization. Solarization resistant fiber maximizes UV throughput. UV – Visible (190 - 800 nm)” –100 X 100 X 2mm high OH solarization plates –100 X 100 X 2mm medium OH solarization plates Radiation tests are performed on solarization fibers in Aug-Sep ’04, at Argonne. We don’t have the results yet…

18 F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05 18 Future plans Surface scans continue at Iowa and Fairfield UV laser spot (i)Rayleigh Scattering, (ii)surface roughened spots on bottom, (iii) edge illumination Geant4 simulations continue. New quartz tubes and capillaries -20 cm long quartz tube, 1mm inner, 3mm outer radius, one end sealed, the other is open with waveshifting liquid in it. -Fairfield- core wavelength shifting liquids based on n=1.55 benzyl alcohol. - Liquid Chromatography Quartz Capillaries Core ID = 300  m, Wall thick=20  m - Flexible!

19 F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05 19 Future Plans (cont.) New tech ideas: - We located new sapphire fibers producer impurity dopants (ex: Ti) for WLS under consideration. Length 2-4m, NA 0.12 Core sizes 150, 250, 325 and 425 micrometer - ZnO(Ga) Fibers – Scintillator & WLS ZnO(Ga) rad-hard - used as phosphor 30% scint.   Decay Constant 0.6 ns; =375nm 1960’s ZnO fibers competed w/ glass fibers (GE, Corning, AT&T)

20 F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05 20 Future Plans (cont.) New tech ideas (cont): - Porous Alumina (boehmite) Cladding (high NA) 50 nm pores; 85% air, n=1.31, rad-hard Formed by proper anodization of thin Al films Can be used as cladding on quartz or plastic - Impurity Dopants for Quartz Fiber WLS; Ti.. - Methods to pull plastic WLS fibers through Quartz Plates

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