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5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask 1 5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask : Engaging Your Team to Achieve Any Goal Based on the book:

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Presentation on theme: "5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask 1 5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask : Engaging Your Team to Achieve Any Goal Based on the book:"— Presentation transcript:

1 5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask 1 5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask : Engaging Your Team to Achieve Any Goal Based on the book:

2 5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask 2 Objectives This workshop will help you: Change the emphasis from a backward-focused mindset of “what went wrong” to a “Forward Focus™” that expands possibilities, solutions and achievement. Utilize a 5-step questioning process, apply the knowledge gained from the answers you receive, and build on each question to create a successful outcome. Create buy-in, establish accountability, and build trust within your team. Apply the Framework for Leadership™ to a wide range of management challenges.

3 5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask 3 Where Are You Now? What are your current leadership challenges? Problems? Areas that need to change?

4 5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask 4 5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask Video

5 5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask 5 The Framework for Leadership Step 1: Focus Forward – What is already working? Step 2: Analyze Successes – What caused this success? Step 3: Clarify the Goal – What is our objective? Step 4: Establish Benefits – What are the benefits of accomplishing this objective? Step 5: Plan and Take Action – What can we do more, better, or differently to move closer to our objective?

6 5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask 6 Step 1: Focus Forward The answer is in the room. – Oakley and Krug Step 1 Focus Forward – What is already working? Step 2 Analyze Successes – What caused this success? Step 3 Clarify the Goal – What is our objective? Step 4 Establish Benefits – What are the benefits of accomplishing this objective? Step 5 Plan and Take Action – What can we do more, better, or differently to move closer to our objective? Who will do what by when? How will we measure progress?

7 5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask 7 Asking Question 1 What are our strengths in this area? What do you like about our current process? Where do we agree? What has worked in similar situations in the past? Where are we making progress? Of everything we’ve tried, what has created some success?

8 5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask 8 Benefits of Question 1 A baseline of success is established. The group’s energy level is raised. Defensiveness is eliminated; complainers are disarmed. Self-confidence is restored. Trust is built in you as a leader. People who have been slow to contribute in the past become more active participants. Cooperation increases. Creativity is unleashed – new ideas evolve.

9 5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask 9 Step 2: Analyze Success Step 1 Focus Forward – What is already working? Step 2 Analyze Successes – What caused this success? Step 3 Clarify the Goal – What is our objective? Step 4 Establish Benefits – What are the benefits of accomplishing this objective? Step 5 Plan and Take Action – What can we do more, better, or differently to move closer to our objective? Who will do what by when? How will we measure progress?

10 5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask 10 Benefits of Question 2 People are validated for their contributions. Knowing what worked can help you replicate the result. Knowing what worked helps you transfer success to other groups and projects.

11 5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask 11 Asking Question 2 What did we do to accomplish this win? What do users like about the areas where our current process works? What did we do differently this time vs. last time to create a higher level of success? What did we do on this project last time that helped us avoid problems?

12 5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask 12 Step 3: Clarify the Goal Step 1 Focus Forward – What is already working? Step 2 Analyze Successes – What caused this success? Step 3 Clarify the Goal – What is our objective? Step 4 Establish Benefits – What are the benefits of accomplishing this objective? Step 5 Plan and Take Action – What can we do more, better, or differently to move closer to our objective? Who will do what by when? How will we measure progress?

13 5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask 13 Asking Question 3 What are we trying to accomplish? If you could describe the ideal (product/service/end result), what would it look like? How will we define success? Are we aligned on the objective? Let’s make sure… How can we communicate the objective clearly and effectively to everyone involved? What should we say?

14 5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask 14 Step 4: Establish Benefits Step 1 Focus Forward – What is already working? Step 2 Analyze Successes – What caused this success? Step 3 Clarify the Goal – What is our objective? Step 4 Establish Benefits – What are the benefits of accomplishing this objective? Step 5 Plan and Take Action – What can we do more, better, or differently to move closer to our objective? Who will do what by when? How will we measure progress?

15 5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask 15 Peeling the Benefits Onion Individual Team Organization Ownership Customer

16 5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask 16 Step 5: Plan and Take Action Step 1 Focus Forward – What is already working? Step 2 Analyze Successes – What caused this success? Step 3 Clarify the Goal – What is our objective? Step 4 Establish Benefits – What are the benefits of accomplishing this objective? Step 5 Plan and Take Action – What can we do more, better, or differently to move closer to our objective? Who will do what by when? How will we measure progress?

17 5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask 17 Getting Ready Understand the issue, and have information about it available. Be sure you have the right people in the room. Prepare the participants to lead the discussion.

18 5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask 18 The Mini-Framework Question 1: What is working? Question 5: What can we do more, better, or differently to get closer to our goal?

19 5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask 19 Workshop Summary Focus Forward – What is already working? Analyze Successes – What caused this success? Clarify the Goal – What is our objective? Establish Benefits – What are the benefits of accomplishing this objective? Plan and Take Action – What can we do more, better, or differently to move closer to our objective?

20 5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask 20 Thank you for participating!

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