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Creating and Sustaining Leadership Pathways for Yourself and Others AASA/ACSA Women’s Leadership Forum Oct. 1, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating and Sustaining Leadership Pathways for Yourself and Others AASA/ACSA Women’s Leadership Forum Oct. 1, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating and Sustaining Leadership Pathways for Yourself and Others AASA/ACSA Women’s Leadership Forum Oct. 1, 2015

2 Welcome/Introductions  Who’s here and what can you share?  Who are your presenters and what can we share?  Gloria Johnston  Peggy Lynch  Valerie Pitts

3 How can you be successful at the school and district level and help others do the same?  Build and sustain positive relationships  Ask for and take opportunities to lead and learn  Be trustworthy and honest at all times  Have a passion for educating all students  Help others learn and grow through modeling and providing feedback

4 How can you be successful at the school and district level and help others do the same?  Read everything you can find that relates to your work.  Attend conferences that are relative to your current job and future growth.  Submit presentations for conferences at the local, state and national level whenever possible.  Observe your colleagues at work and ask your colleagues to observe you and give you feedback.  Write articles/books for publication with colleagues.  Pursue advanced degrees and/or specialty certificates.

5 How can you be successful at the school and district level and help others do the same?  Leaders step up when leaders are needed  Participate in committees and task forces even if the work is not a priority for you – it is for someone and we have to be willing to support others  Take an interest in reform – be a part of it  Take risks – that means step out of your comfort zone and be willing to fail  Lean in and develop relationships  Be mindful – and have a growth mindset – do the inner work

6 How do you connect with coaches and mentors and how do you do the same for others?  Network ( develop relationships – learn about others )  Do not be too quick to judge – everyone has something to share and everyone has something to learn from others  Ask questions/ask for feedback/ask to brainstorm  Respect/praise accomplishments/ask for advice  Is there a difference between a coach and a mentor?  Anyone with something of value to share, wisdom, respect, experience can be your mentor  Figure out a way to utilize the strengths or expertise of the those you most admire –summon the courage to reach out

7 How do you connect with coaches and mentors and how do you do the same for others?  Offer to help and be helpful  No judgment  Start with and at the level of the mentee/coachee  Praise often and meaningfully  Recognize and name the successes Excellence means not just reaching your potential but pushing beyond – therefore none of us ever arrive and coaching becomes a viable and meaningful way of pushing beyond!

8 How do you network, use social media and connect with the community?  Network and Communicate by being visible  Take advantage of opportunities to meet others  Network by using a promise strategy – promise yourself you will meet and find out about at least two others  Relationship development occurs using many vehicles:  Email responsivity - answer email promptly, consistently – it helps others feel valued and special – it helps others to trust you  Say thank you, be gracious, show appreciation  Body language in new groups  Don’t judge, don’t make faces

9 How you network, use social media and connect with the community?  USE SOCIAL MEDIA professionally – whether you like it or not  Establish school and district presence in FB, Twitter, Tumbler, You Tube, Websites, etc – what others do in the district is a direct reflection of your leadership – insist on using these vehicles actively and in the present  Establish professional accounts for yourself in Twitter and LinkedIn. Do NOT use your personal Facebook to like your professional FB. Do not mix personal Tweets with professional Tweets  Establish a protocol for yourself and stick to it - integrity  Effective networking is keeping up – social media helps

10 How do you use social media to network?  Use your professional Twitter, Voxer or Blog, Google Alerts, Local News Apps, as frequently as you can  Professional Learning is un-paralleled (you will be surprised at how you find the time)  Name recognition and retweeting forms a basis for relationships that can become person to person  Create a sense of being part of a community or team  Can build team through simple connections  Can find out things about others that can help you form important future relationships  You are viewed as accessible as a leader.

11 Links   ways-to-grow-your-professional-network ways-to-grow-your-professional-network  Getting-Started-Tips Getting-Started-Tips

12 Activity  Find someone who has Twitter or Blogs  Share a link  Help them create an Account  Write something

13 How can you advance your career and be successful in job searches and interviews?  Prior To Applying  Work hard at doing your current job well  Ask for feedback on how you are doing and learn how to give effective feedback  Be a continual learner  Have great follow through - do what you say you will do  Think strategically about your career – in the short and long term  Identify and address your growth areas  Consider your future career steps including mobility, personal and family needs or situations, and timing  Keep your resume and reference letters up to date

14 How can you advance your career and be successful in job searches and interviews?  Applying for Positions  Determine whether you are the right match for the position and have the right experiences that match the job  Make sure you do your homework on the district, school, community and position  Prepare quality application materials including the cover letter, your resume, and any application forms that are required  Make sure your references know that you are applying and they may be contacted  Prepare for the interview by considering the questions that will be asked and how you might answer them  Practice interviewing with a colleague or friend – video it

15 How can you advance your career and be successful in job searches and interviews?  Interviewing  Dress professionally  Listen carefully to the questions and answer what is asked  Make eye contact with the interviewers  Do not take too long or run on with your answers  Be sure to mix in actual stories/experiences so your answers don’t sound like education jargon  Respond to questions as if you are in the role already  Above all, don’t interview if you are not willing to take the job

16 How can you be a courageous leader, present a strong image as a female and maintain longevity in your career?  Accept risk as an opportunity and be willing to challenge the status quo.  Model ethical and moral conduct and face issues head on.  Stay focused on the needs and priorities of students.  Learn to acknowledge and accept your internal feelings.  Present a strong image.

17 Closing Q and A and Sharing  How have you been courageous as a leader?  What is your biggest concern about courage?  Who do you know that is courageous and why?

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