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The Spanish Conquest Instructor Pacas. Spanish History In 1492 the kingdoms of Spain successfully drove out the last Muslim kingdom of Granada. In 1492.

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1 The Spanish Conquest Instructor Pacas

2 Spanish History In 1492 the kingdoms of Spain successfully drove out the last Muslim kingdom of Granada. In 1492 the kingdoms of Spain successfully drove out the last Muslim kingdom of Granada. The wealth of the united kingdoms transformed Spain into a superpower. The wealth of the united kingdoms transformed Spain into a superpower. The Spanish kingdoms financed an Italian, Christopher Columbus, to mount an expedition to circumnavigating the globe. The Spanish kingdoms financed an Italian, Christopher Columbus, to mount an expedition to circumnavigating the globe.

3 Cont’d Columbus noticed the commercial potential of exploiting the natives as slave labor. Columbus noticed the commercial potential of exploiting the natives as slave labor. By 1508 the natives of the Caribbean islands had almost completely been decimated through slavery and war. By 1508 the natives of the Caribbean islands had almost completely been decimated through slavery and war.

4 Cont’d Bartolomeo de Las Casas claims that between 1494 – 1508 3,000,000 natives had died. Bartolomeo de Las Casas claims that between 1494 – 1508 3,000,000 natives had died. The Catholic Church supported the Spanish colonization of the Americas. The Catholic Church supported the Spanish colonization of the Americas. This enterprise filled the coffers from native gold, silver and other precious materials, slaves, etc. This enterprise filled the coffers from native gold, silver and other precious materials, slaves, etc.

5 The Spanish Conquest of America The Spanish established the system of “Encomiendas.” The Spanish established the system of “Encomiendas.” Encomiendas- A local lord was granted land and rights to the native labor force in exchange for his protection. Encomiendas- A local lord was granted land and rights to the native labor force in exchange for his protection. It was supposed to be a reciprocal agreement but in fact it became a system of slavery. It was supposed to be a reciprocal agreement but in fact it became a system of slavery.

6 The Conquest o By the late 16th century Spanish had control of Mexico, Central and South America. o Spain had become a world super power by the late 16 th century.

7 What were some of the characteristics of Spanish colonization? What were some reasons why the Spaniards were so successful in conquering the natives? What were some reasons why the Spaniards were so successful in conquering the natives? What factors motivated Spanish colonization? What factors motivated Spanish colonization? Primogeniture Primogeniture Was Spanish colonial society exclusive or inclusive: Did Spaniards intermarry with natives and Africans or not? Was Spanish colonial society exclusive or inclusive: Did Spaniards intermarry with natives and Africans or not?

8 Cont’d What sector of Spanish society did the colonists belong to? What sector of Spanish society did the colonists belong to? The system of Encomiendas allowed Spaniards to become landowners (rise in society) i.e. nobility owing their wealth and position to the monarch. The system of Encomiendas allowed Spaniards to become landowners (rise in society) i.e. nobility owing their wealth and position to the monarch.

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