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Plots from RCNP UCN Run (April 20-25, 2010). EDM Set-up Schematic H0H0 (RF) H 1 Spin Flipper RF Coil Spherical Coil Cell Valve EDM Cell Magnetized Foil.

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Presentation on theme: "Plots from RCNP UCN Run (April 20-25, 2010). EDM Set-up Schematic H0H0 (RF) H 1 Spin Flipper RF Coil Spherical Coil Cell Valve EDM Cell Magnetized Foil."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plots from RCNP UCN Run (April 20-25, 2010)

2 EDM Set-up Schematic H0H0 (RF) H 1 Spin Flipper RF Coil Spherical Coil Cell Valve EDM Cell Magnetized Foil Rotary Valve (2-way) UCN Valve UCN Detector Spin Precessor

3 UCN Storage Time in EDM Cell UCN Yield vs Delay-time (before opening cell valve)

4 Spin-Flipper Optimization (Find optimal amplitude for Spin Flipper B-field) Flipping Asymmetry vs B-field Amplitude

5 Polarization Lifetimes (T 1 ) “Flipping Asymmetry” as a function of Holding Time UCN-Yield Time Spectra (-100mG)

6 Polarization Lifetimes (T 1 ) “Flipping Asymmetry” as a function of Holding Time UCN-Yield Time Spectra (-10mG)

7 Scan for Resonant Frequency at -100 mG UCN-Yield versus RF Frequency of H 1 field “Single Shot”  pulse

8 Scan for Resonant Frequency at -100 mG UCN-Yield versus RF Frequency of H 1 field Blue: H 1 ~ 1 mG Red: H 1 ~ 10 mG “Single Shot”  pulse

9 Optimizing Amplitude (H 1 ) for RF coil UCN-Yield versus Amplitude of H 1 Field “Single Shot”  pulse

10 Ramsey Resonance Scan (-100 mG, T c =1s) Ramsey Frequency Scan (H 0 ~ -100mG, T C ~1s, H 1 ~1mG,  ~100ms)

11 Aside#1: Definition of Parameters Ramsey Frequency Scan H 0  Holding Field (vertical) H 1  Amplitude of RF Field (horizontal)   Duration of RF pulse [want  =  H 1  ] T C  Time between (  RF pulses TCTC H1H1 

12 Aside#2: “Visibility” Ramsey Frequency Scan “Visibility” ~ Ampl. Of Fringe/Ampl of Envelope (A F / A E ) Ideally (A F / A E ) ~ 1 AFAF AEAE

13 Ramsey Resonance Scan (-100 mG, T c =1s) Ramsey Frequency Scan (H 0 ~ -100mG, T C ~1s, H 1 ~1mG,  ~100ms)

14 Ramsey Resonance Scan (-100 mG, T c =5s) Ramsey Frequency Scan (H 0 ~ -100mG, T C ~5s, H 1 ~1mG,  ~100ms)

15 Ramsey Resonance Scan (-100 mG, T c =10s) Ramsey Frequency Scan (H 0 ~ -100mG, T C ~10s, H 1 ~1mG,  ~100ms)

16 Visibility Study of Ramsey Scans Ramsey Oscillation Amplitude vs T C (Precession Time)

17 Ramsey Resonance Scan (-100 mG, T c =1s) H 1 is 10 times smaller Ramsey Frequency Scan (H 0 ~ -100mG, T C ~1s, H 1 ~0.1mG,  ~1s)

18 Ramsey Resonance Scan (-100 mG, T c =1s) H 1 10 times smaller Ramsey Frequency Scan (H 0 ~ -100mG, T C ~1s, H 1 ~0.1mG,  ~1s)

19 Scan for Resonant Frequency at -50 mG UCN-Yield versus RF Frequency of H 1 field “Single Shot”  pulse

20 Scan for Resonant Frequency at -10 mG UCN-Yield versus RF Frequency of H 1 field “Single Shot”  pulse

21 Scan for Resonant Frequency at +10 mG UCN-Yield versus RF Frequency of H 1 field “Single Shot”  pulse

22 Polarization Lifetime (T 1 ) at low H 0 Fields Flipping Asymmetry vs Holding Time (at  10mG)

23 Scan for Resonant Frequency at +50 mG UCN-Yield versus RF Frequency of H 1 field “Single Shot”  pulse

24 Scan for Resonant Frequency at -20 mG UCN-Yield versus RF Frequency of H 1 field “Single Shot”  pulse

25 Flipping Asymmetry vs H 0 (Main Holding Field) Scan for Optimal H 0 (where T 1 is still reasonable) Flipping Asymmetry vs H 0 Field -20 mG still looks OK

26 (  B/  z) Trim Coil study T C vs Trim Current Ramsey Frequency Scan (Trim~0.035A, T C ~1s)

27 (  B/  z) Trim Coil study T C vs Trim Current Ramsey Frequency Scan (Trim~0.035A, T C ~10s)

28 (  B/  z) Trim Coil study T C vs Trim Current Ramsey Frequency Scan (Trim~0.035A, T C ~3s)

29 (  B/  z) Trim Coil study Trim Current comparison T C ~3s Ramsey Frequency Scan (T C ~3s) Better Results with Trim Coil OFF !!

30 Ramsey Resonance Scan (-20 mG, T c =3s) Ramsey Frequency Scan (H 0 ~ -20mG, T C ~3s, H 1 ~0.33mG,  ~300ms)

31 Ramsey Resonance Scan (-20 mG, T c =10s) Ramsey Frequency Scan (H 0 ~ -20mG, T C ~10s, H 1 ~0.1mG,  ~1s)

32 Ramsey Resonance Scan (-20 mG, T c =20s) Ramsey Frequency Scan (H 0 ~ -20mG, T C ~20s, H 1 ~0.05mG,  ~2s)

33 Optimizing Amplitude (H 1 ) for RF coil UCN-Yield versus Amplitude of H 1 Field

34 Ramsey Resonance Scan (-20 mG, T c =30s) Ramsey Frequency Scan (H 0 ~ -20mG, T C ~30s, H 1 ~0.1mG,  ~1s)

35 Ramsey Resonance Scan (-20 mG, T c =30s) Ramsey Frequency Scan (H 0 ~ -20mG, T C ~30s, H 1 ~0.1mG,  ~1s) “ZOOMED IN”

36 Ramsey Resonance Scan (-20 mG, T c =50s) Ramsey Freq. Scan (H 0 ~ -20mG, T C ~50s, H 1 ~0.1mG,  ~1s) “Zoomed In” (any fringes?) (BG subtraction?) “Zoomed Out” (baseline, amplitude?)

37 Ramsey Resonance Scan (-20 mG, T c =40s) Ramsey Freq. Scan (H 0 ~ -20mG, T C ~40s, H 1 ~0.1mG,  ~1s) “Zoomed In” (any fringes?) (BG subtraction?) “Zoomed Out” (baseline, amplitude?)

38 Polarization Lifetime (T 1 ) at H 0 ~ -20mG Flipping Asymmetry vs Holding Time These points should be decreasing, if anything. (BG subtraction needed? Also, Stats getting worse as Holding Time  UCN Storage Time)

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