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Presentation on theme: "SOURCES LIGHT."— Presentation transcript:


2 1) Natural Sources of Light

3 SUN! most important natural source of light

4 Other Stars

5 Lightning

6 Fires

7 Bioluminescence the production of light as a result of a chemical reaction in a living thing sea creatures use this in very deep water where no light is use light to see prey/scare predators/camouflage

8 angler fish long spine with a bulb used as a lure to attract prey

9 Jellyfish use light to attract fish into their tentacles


11 Flashlight fish use light to help to keep in a school


13 Fireflies use to attract mates


15 2) Artificial Sources of Light

16 Incandescent Light Production of light as a result of high temperature
bulbs contain a filament or thin wire (tungsten) that is heated up by electricity and then glows Only 5%-10% effective

17 Electric Discharge Production of light by passing an electric current through a gas E.g. halogen gases used often (e.g. neon)

18 Fluorescent Light the immediate emission of visible light as a result of the absorption of UV light E.g. detergents, highlighters, fluorescent lights Demo: rocks + UV light

19 bulb filled with a gas such as mercury vapour
When mercury vapour is exposed to electricity it emits UV light bulb is coated with a white powder called phosphor phosphor glows if exposed to UV radiation

20 Compact Fluorescent Bulbs
even though compact fluorescent lights are more efficient than incandescent light bulbs, still 80% of energy is converted into heat

21 Phosphorescent Light The process of producing light by the absorption of UV light resulting in the emission of visible light over an extended period of time Different from fluorescent because phosphorescent materials glow in the dark for some time after being energized by light

22 Chemiluminescence light produced from chemical reactions (little heat produced) ex. luminol used in forensics: glows when it reacts to iron in blood ex. glow sticks

23 How Glow Sticks Work

24 Triboluminescence Production of light from friction
rubbing crystals together quartz used in rattles by Aboriginal people for flash lights

25 Complete Worksheet before end of class.
Do pg. 476 #1-4, 6,9,10 You should have this mostly done by the end of class.

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