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Jean R. Anastasia, Ph.D. Associate Professor Biology Department Suffolk County Community College.

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Presentation on theme: "Jean R. Anastasia, Ph.D. Associate Professor Biology Department Suffolk County Community College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jean R. Anastasia, Ph.D. Associate Professor Biology Department Suffolk County Community College

2  Special thanks to Pam Bergeron and Ann Marie Krause, our facilitators from the Chair Academy and Dean George Tvelia of SCCC  And to my Leadership Academy Peers especially Scott Mandia

3  Keep one hand behind your back  Use the index card and tape to work together to build the tallest free-standing structure

4  Did you notice differences in the behavior of your group members? ◦ Who started working right away? ◦ Who wanted to form a plan first? ◦ Who took charge? ◦ Who gave encouragement?  People behavior differently

5  Do unto others as you would have done onto you Platinum Rule: Do unto others as they would have you do unto them Tony Alessandra and Michael J. O'Connor


7  A:You walk up, get on the elevator, and push the “door close” button.  B:You let others in and say, “Always room for one more, we will wait for you.”  C:You wait in line for the next elevator so you don’t inconvenience anyone.  D:You estimate the number of people aboard and won’t get on if you feel the elevator is over its passenger limit.

8  A:You engage in some friendly small talk before the problem is laid out. You look for the positives in this problem and believe that you can offer great emotional support for your colleagues as well as find a win-win solution.  B:You are very patient when listening to your colleague lay out the problem. You feel loyalty to your colleague and wish to solve the problem without making any waves with anybody else.  C:You want all the details of the problem. You tell your colleague that you will consider all of the pros and cons and will get back to him when you believe you have the perfect solution.  D:You want to cut the small talk and get right down to the problem. You want facts and data. No beating around the bush. You put emotions aside and quickly solve the problem

9  A:You stop what you are doing and get the item. You also might ask if the person needs anything else.  B:You have everything filed in alphabetical order or by color code so you immediately locate the item.  C:You have a messy desk and you say, “It’s there somewhere, you look for it.”  D:You say, “Sure you can have it but I am little busy right now. Give me a few minutes and I will get back to you (this will give you time to try to find it).

10  A:Quality and accuracy are highly valued. “Tell me what you want me to do and I will give you perfect results” is your motto.  B:Freedom from controls and supervision with a wide scope of responsibilities. “Let me get the job done” is your motto. You would rather be the team leader than a team player.  C:You want to work in an environment in which people feel free to communicate openly & effectively and to collaborate well together. You like public recognition of your abilities. “Let’s have fun getting the job done” is your motto.  D:Status quo with predictable routines. You do not like change or conflict. “I know my job well and like the way things are” is your motto.

11  A:You typically do so on the spur of the moment, invite people at the last minute and are most concerned with what to cook and what entertainment to have.  B: You typically do so on the spur of the moment and invite everyone, the more the merrier.  C: You typically plan ahead of time, and spend most of your time making sure everyone is invited so you don’t offend anyone.  D: You typically plan ahead of time, and spend most of your time making lists of what food you need, what drinks to serve, what decorations to buy and what to have for entertainment.

12  A:Say "Great, we get to hang out at the bar for awhile"  B:Put your name on the list and wait patiently while you chat with your friends.  C:You would probably not go there in the first place without reservations.  D:Just drive right by and find somewhere else to eat, you are NOT WAITING!

13  A:You cook whatever anyone wants to eat, even if that means eating something you do not like.  B:You read the labels for nutritional information and you typically carefully measure everything.  C:You typically cook with the microwave and you eat out often.  D:You like to cook for groups and you have an extra place setting in case of unexpected company.

14  A:do not give you enough time to complete projects  B:closely supervise you and question your actions  C:are pessimistic and unfriendly  D:are aggressive and constantly implementing changes

15  A:If you arrive late you do not mind making everyone stand so you can take the best seat in the middle.  B:You attend with a group and you often applaud, laugh and quietly make comments to your friends during the movie.  C:You get there early enough to get decent seats and are willing to see the same movie several times if you like it or your friends want to see it.  D:You always read the review before seeing the movie and usually buy your tickets online ahead of time.

16  A:enthusiastic, persuasive, trusting, sociable  B:patient, loyal, team-person, relaxed  C:perfectionist, accurate, diplomatic, analytical  D:direct, daring, decisive, competitive






22 D Active i Task oriented People Oriented C Thoughtful S

23 by Inscape publishing A survey to determine your behavioral styles

24  Emphasis is on shaping the environment by overcoming opposition to accomplish results ◦ Task-oriented ◦ Questioning ◦ Faster paced ◦ Doer

25  Emphasis is on shaping the environment by influencing or persuading others. ◦ People-oriented ◦ Accepting ◦ Faster paced ◦ Doer

26  Emphasis is on cooperating with others within existing circumstances to carry out the task. ◦ People-oriented ◦ Accepting ◦ Slower paced ◦ Thinker

27  Emphasis is on working conscientiously within existing circumstances to ensure quality and accuracy. ◦ Task-oriented ◦ Questioning ◦ Slower paced ◦ Thinker

28 C D S I

29  Student- Student Relationships ◦ Use it as a fun ice-breaker on the first day  Use 4 corners if time is short  Have them write what topics they hope to learn on the index cards for the card-building exercise ◦ Explain the platinum rule to students ◦ Use DiSC results to form groups for labs or group projects  Faculty- Student Relationships ◦ Write their highest dimension in your grade book ◦ Keep these in mind when interacting with the student ◦ Get a feel for the overall class and use this when assigning class work


31  Brainstorm the answers to these questions for each dimension (D, i, S, C) ◦ What type of classroom environment would this person prefer? ◦ What would this person need from other people to balance their tendencies?

32  Those high in this dimension like the following: ◦ Direct answers ◦ Opportunities for individual accomplishments ◦ Varied activities ◦ Freedom from close supervision  They need group members who can ◦ Deliberate before deciding ◦ Recognize the needs of others

33  Those high in this dimension like the following: ◦ Public recognition of their accomplishments ◦ Group activities- even outside of work/school ◦ Motivating others with their positive attitude ◦ Verbalizing their ideas  They need group members who can ◦ Seek facts ◦ Keep them on task

34  Those high in this dimension like the following: ◦ Sincere appreciation of their work ◦ Predictable routines ◦ A harmonious environment with minimal conflict  They need group members who can ◦ Act quickly ◦ Put pressure on others to perform ◦ be flexible in changing situations

35  Those high in this dimension like the following: ◦ Clearly defined expectations ◦ Control over the factors that affect their performance ◦ Opportunities to demonstrate expertise and pay attention to detail  They need group members who can ◦ Encourage teamwork and initiate discussions ◦ Compromise

36  Think of a student or colleague who you have had a strained relationship with  Based on your knowledge, can you guess their top DiSC dimension?  Write down how you can change your interactions with them to improve your relationship

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