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Ancient Art. Why it matters  Ancient artwork tells us what was important to ancient societies  Art was powerful…only the shamans were allowed to create.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Art. Why it matters  Ancient artwork tells us what was important to ancient societies  Art was powerful…only the shamans were allowed to create."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Art

2 Why it matters  Ancient artwork tells us what was important to ancient societies  Art was powerful…only the shamans were allowed to create art Believed you captured the power of whatever you drew (more on this later)

3 Challenges for Cave People  Hunters and Gatherers Completely dependent on environment  Feast or Famine  Followed Mega Fauna (big animals) woolly mammoth for food  No stable homes

4 Society  Women are more important for the survival of society Men go hunting (expendable)  Need to be strong and decisive  Admire animals with those traits



7 What they wanted…  To meet their needs!  Control the environment

8 Their solution  Sympathetic magic- acts/thoughts believed to impact/control unrelated events Act out a successful hunt- will experience successful hunt Small ceremony- big results  Example: Voodoo Dolls, cave art






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