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Neoclassical art and literature. Versailles, Orangerie.

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Presentation on theme: "Neoclassical art and literature. Versailles, Orangerie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neoclassical art and literature

2 Versailles, Orangerie

3 Frenchgarden

4 Jacques-Louis David: Oath of the Horatii

5 David: The Sabine Women

6 Andrea Palladio: La Rotonda, Villa Capra

7 La rotonda

8 Palladianwindow

9 Inigo Jones: Queens House (1635)

10 Inigo Jones: Wilton House (1640s)

11 Lord Burlington: Chiswick House (1729)

12 Radcliffe Camera, Oxford (James Gibbs, 1749)

13 Jean-Baptiste Pigalle: Voltaire (1770-6)

14 Aubrey Beardsley: Belinda’s Toilette (1890s)

15 The Battle of the Beaux and the Belles

16 The Cave of Spleen

17 Henri Fuseli: The Cave of Spleen

18 The Rape of the Lock

19 Sir Joshua Reynolds: Jane, Countess of Harrington

20 ThomasGainsborough: Mr and Mrs William Hallett

21 William Hogarth: Marriage a la Mode

22 William Hogarth: The Rake’s Progress 8

23 William Hogarth: The Beggars’ Opera

24 William Hogarth: Gin Lane

25 Illustration to Tom Jones (Thwackum and Square)

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