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DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments? 2 nd Grade Math Number.

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1 DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments? 2 nd Grade Math Number Sense 2.2 (4Q) Find the sum or difference of two whole numbers up to three digits long. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Learning Objective Name________________________ Today, we will subtract numbers. CFU What are we going to do today? What are we going to subtract? Activate (or Provide) Prior Knowledge CFU Teacher solves #1; students solve #2. Students, you already know subtraction facts. Today, we will use subtraction facts to subtract larger numbers. Today, we are going to subtract numbers. We are going to subtract numbers. 1.2. 45

2 DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments? 2 nd Grade Math Number Sense 2.2 (4Q) Find the sum or difference of two whole numbers up to three digits long. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. CFU Using your whiteboards, write the symbol for subtraction. Which problem is a subtraction problem, A or B? Explain your answer. Write the difference of the two numbers. The difference between 30 and 20 is. A. B. Concept Development Subtract (-) means to take away. The symbol 1 for subtraction is called the minus sign(-). After we subtract, the answer is called the difference. 1 letter, picture or sign that stands for something else Example: In your own words, what does subtraction mean? Subtraction means ____________________. Kevin had 30 minutes of lunch time recess. He spent 20 minutes playing tag. How many minutes does Kevin have left before the bell rings? Kevin has 10 minutes. 1 0

3 DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments? 2 nd Grade Math Number Sense 2.2 (4Q) Find the sum or difference of two whole numbers up to three digits long. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. 1.2.3. 4.5.6. CFU How did I subtract digits in the ones column? How did I subtract digits in the tens column? How did I subtract the digits in the hundreds column? How did you subtract the digits in the ones column? How did you subtract the digits in the tens column? How did you subtract the digits in the hundreds column? Skill Development/Guided Practice Step #1: Subtract the digits in the ones column. Step #2: Subtract the digits in the tens column. Step #3: Subtract the digits in the hundreds column, if needed. Step #4: Read the problem and the difference. Subtract (-) means to take away. The symbol for subtraction is called the minus sign(-). After we subtract, the answer is called the difference. Subtract numbers. 0 04 2 6 2 6 40 2 6 0 2 4

4 DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments? 2 nd Grade Math Number Sense 2.2 (4Q) Find the sum or difference of two whole numbers up to three digits long. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. 7.8. 9. Scott is 29 years old. Al is 16 years old. How much older is Scott than Al. 10. Doug brought a box of 36 cupcakes to class. He gave one to each of the 21 students in class. How many cupcakes are left? Skill Development/Guided Practice (continued) Step #1: Subtract the digits in the ones column. Step #2: Subtract the digits in the tens column. Step #3: Subtract the digits in the hundreds column, if needed. Step #4: Read the problem and the difference. CFU How did I subtract the in the ones column? How did I subtract the digits in the tens column? How did I subtract the digits in the hundreds column? How did you subtract digits in the ones column? How did you subtract the digits in the tens column? How did you subtract the digits in the hundreds column? Subtract numbers. 62 4 5 27 3 1 5 1 Subtract (-) means to take away. The symbol for subtraction is called the minus sign(-). After we subtract, the answer is called the difference. years oldercupcakes

5 DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments? 2 nd Grade Math Number Sense 2.2 (4Q) Find the sum or difference of two whole numbers up to three digits long. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. 2 nd Grade Math Number Sense 2.2 (4Q) Find the sum or difference of two whole numbers up to three digits long. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Importance CFU Does anyone else have another reason why it is important to subtract numbers? (pair-share) Why is it important to subtract numbers? You may give me one of my reasons or one of your own. Which reason means the most to you? Why? Subtract (-) means to take away. 1. Subtracting numbers will help you subtract numbers that have more digits. Doug saved $175. He buys a bike that costs $120. How much money does Doug have left? 3. Subtracting numbers will help you do well on tests. 2 make decisions about something 58,431 - 45,120 13,311 $ 5 5 2. Subtracting numbers will help you manage 2 money.

6 DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments? 2 nd Grade Math Number Sense 2.2 (4Q) Find the sum or difference of two whole numbers up to three digits long. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Closure 1.In your own words, what does subtract mean? 2.Subtract the numbers below. 3.What did you learn today about subtracting numbers? Why is that important to you? (pair-share) 1.2. 3. Seth bought a cookie for 63¢. He paid for it with 75¢. How much change did he get back Step #1: Subtract the digits in the ones column. Step #2: Subtract the digits in the tens column. Step #3: Subtract the digits in the hundreds column, if needed. Step #4: Read the problem and the difference. 4 6 2 1 5 2 1 cents

7 DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments? 2 nd Grade Math Number Sense 2.2 (4Q) Find the sum or difference of two whole numbers up to three digits long. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Subtract (-) means to take away. The symbol for subtraction is called the minus sign(-). After we subtract, the answer is called the difference. 1.2.3. 4.5.6. Independent Practice Name _____________________________ Step #1: Subtract the digits in the ones column. Step #2: Subtract the digits in the tens column. Step #3: Subtract the digits in the hundreds column, if needed. Step #4: Read the problem and the difference. 04 0 1 2 Subtract numbers. 5 2 2 1 4 5 4 2 3

8 DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments? 2 nd Grade Math Number Sense 2.2 (4Q) Find the sum or difference of two whole numbers up to three digits long. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Independent Practice (continued) Name _____________________________ Step #1: Subtract the digits in the ones column. Step #2: Subtract the digits in the tens column. Step #3: Subtract the digits in the hundreds column, if needed. Step #4: Read the problem and the difference. 7.8. 9. Chloe received $67 for her birthday. She spent $42 on a new outfit. How much money does she have left? 10. Marie earned $85 babysitting. She spent $20 going to the movies. How much money she have left? Subtract numbers. 5 2 3 7 4 5 14 56 Subtract (-) means to take away. The symbol for subtraction is called the minus sign(-). After we subtract, the answer is called the difference. $ $

9 DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments? 2 nd Grade Math Number Sense 2.2 (4Q) Find the sum or difference of two whole numbers up to three digits long. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Periodic Review 1 Name _____________________________ Step #1: Subtract the digits in the ones column. Step #2: Subtract the digits in the tens column. Step #3: Subtract the digits in the hundreds column, if needed. Step #4: Read the problem and the difference. Subtract numbers. 1.2.3. 4.5.6. 0 20 36 2 4 2 77 11 1 3 Subtract (-) means to take away. The symbol for subtraction is called the minus sign(-). After we subtract, the answer is called the difference.

10 DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments? 2 nd Grade Math Number Sense 2.2 (4Q) Find the sum or difference of two whole numbers up to three digits long. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Step #1: Subtract the digits in the ones column. Step #2: Subtract the digits in the tens column. Step #3: Subtract the digits in the hundreds column, if needed. Step #4: Read the problem and the difference. Periodic Review 1 (continued) Name _____________________________ Subtract numbers. 7.8. 9. Marcus had a collection of 49 toy cars. He sold 17 of them at a yard sale. How many toy cars does he have left? 10. Beatrice had 38 teddy bears. She donated 26 of them to sick children. How many bears did she have left? 6 6 5 4 12 2 3 21 Subtract (-) means to take away. The symbol for subtraction is called the minus sign(-). After we subtract, the answer is called the difference. toy cars teddy bears

11 DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments? 2 nd Grade Math Number Sense 2.2 (4Q) Find the sum or difference of two whole numbers up to three digits long. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Step #1: Subtract the digits in the ones column. Step #2: Subtract the digits in the tens column. Step #3: Subtract the digits in the hundreds column, if needed. Step #4: Read the problem and the difference. Subtract numbers. Periodic Review 2 Name _____________________________ 1.2.3. 4.5.6. 01 05 9 3 7 1 05 2 6 6 2 Subtract (-) means to take away. The symbol for subtraction is called the minus sign(-). After we subtract, the answer is called the difference.

12 DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments? 2 nd Grade Math Number Sense 2.2 (4Q) Find the sum or difference of two whole numbers up to three digits long. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Subtract (-) means to take away. The symbol for subtraction is called the minus sign(-). After we subtract, the answer is called the difference. Step #1: Subtract the digits in the ones column. Step #2: Subtract the digits in the tens column. Step #3: Subtract the digits in the hundreds column, if needed. Step #4: Read the problem and the difference. Subtract numbers. Periodic Review 2 (continued) Name _____________________________ 7.8. 9. Emily baked 36 cookies for the school bake sale. Jeremy baked 68. How many more cookies did Jeremy bake than Emily? 10. Kristen read 96 pages over the weekend. Randy reads 71 pages. How many more pages does Kristen read than Randy? 15 21 5 23 52 cookies pages

13 DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments? 2 nd Grade Math Number Sense 2.2 (4Q) Find the sum or difference of two whole numbers up to three digits long. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. 1.2.3. 4.5.6. Periodic Review 3 Name _____________________________ Step #1: Subtract the digits in the ones column. Step #2: Subtract the digits in the tens column. Step #3: Subtract the digits in the hundreds column, if needed. Step #4: Read the problem and the difference. Subtract numbers. 0 2 0 5 4 63 1 2 66 Subtract (-) means to take away. The symbol for subtraction is called the minus sign(-). After we subtract, the answer is called the difference. 1 1

14 DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments? 2 nd Grade Math Number Sense 2.2 (4Q) Find the sum or difference of two whole numbers up to three digits long. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Step #1: Subtract the digits in the ones column. Step #2: Subtract the digits in the tens column. Step #3: Subtract the digits in the hundreds column, if needed. Step #4: Read the problem and the difference. Subtract numbers. Periodic Review 3 (continued) Name _____________________________ 7.8. 9. Tiffany sold 88 candy bars for a fundraiser. Jessica sold 67 candy bars. How many more candy bars did Tiffany sell? 10. Andy has 95¢ in his pocket. He buys a bag of chips for 35¢. How much money does he have left? 1 6 2 Subtract (-) means to take away. The symbol for subtraction is called the minus sign(-). After we subtract, the answer is called the difference. 60 2 1 2 06 ¢ candy bars

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