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Sean Perez Kevin Tran Matthew Coldron. ICE CUBE Avatar Physical Characteristics  Cartoon human male  Superman – like body(Muscular/built)  Made entirely.

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Presentation on theme: "Sean Perez Kevin Tran Matthew Coldron. ICE CUBE Avatar Physical Characteristics  Cartoon human male  Superman – like body(Muscular/built)  Made entirely."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sean Perez Kevin Tran Matthew Coldron

2 ICE CUBE Avatar Physical Characteristics  Cartoon human male  Superman – like body(Muscular/built)  Made entirely of ice  Body outlined with sharp edges of ice -- not just a block  Light blue body color, shiny in some areas  White eye band, similar to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles mask

3 ICE CUBE Avatar Movements  Run right and left  Side view  Jump up and down  Slide across frozen paths  Can create ice path while in air  Sh0ots icicles from palm of hand to freeze falling objects  Needs cold water to stay on his “cool”, without the cold water, his icicles don’t shoot

4 ENEMY - VOLCAN  Evil version of ICE CUBE  Cartoon human male body outlined in flames  Made entirely of fire  Shoots fire from his palms  Special ability to vanish into flames temporarily  Can jump up and down  No mask

5 Game play  Health bar and water meter  Stalagmites-> bonus item = water = health  Time limit to reach end of cave where a volcano must be frozen to save the town of Metro  Lava is turned to ice if shot by icicles from ICE CUBE  ICE CUBE dies if his water meter runs low  At death, ICE CUBE melts and Volcan goes up in flames

6 Setting - Cave  Ground is made of rocks  Stalagmites are made of water, pop up from ground  Patches of flowing lava at certain points within the cave(located at the bottom of screen)  Stalactites falling from the top of cave, if frozen break into pieces upon impact with ground

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