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Copenhagen Summit How countries work together to bring about environmental sustainability.

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Presentation on theme: "Copenhagen Summit How countries work together to bring about environmental sustainability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copenhagen Summit How countries work together to bring about environmental sustainability

2 Key words Non binding agreement- An agreement which isn’t law and countries cannot be made to carry it out. More like a guideline than anything strict.

3 Copenhagen Summit Copenhagen December 2009 98 world leaders met to agree on a new and binding Climate Change agreement. They wanted to tackle the issue of carbon emissions and make sure that all countries were doing their bit to reduce their carbon footprint. The new agreement was designed to take over a failing “non binding” solution called the Kyoto Protocol in 1997

4 2 of the world’s biggest polluters were there in favour of reducing their countries carbon footprint: China USA

5 What happened? TH6QE

6 The Copenhagen Accord The agreement was known as the Copenhagen accord. It stated that: A commitment "to reduce global emissions so as to hold the increase in global temperature below 2C" Developed countries must make commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and developing countries must report their plans to curb greenhouse gas emissions to the UN by 31 January 2010

7 Not everyone liked it. Cuba and Brazil refused to sign it It was a non binding agreement

8 Did it work? (use the news article to help you) Yes, the Copenhagen was a success in the goal of bringing about an agreement for environmental sustainability No, the Copenhagen was not a success in bringing about an agreement for environmental sustainability


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